The Currently Reading Super Topic

This was my logic for diving into Ghosts of Greenglass House this week, the weather was just too perfect to not devour that book! I loved it. Kate Milford’s books always feel like a warm hug in a mug of hot chocolate.


I’m just finishing up The Survivors by Jane Harper (a murder mystery set in Tasmania) and will be picking up The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (a look into race issues and how a person’s past shapes them, though I bet it’s more complicated than that).


I LOVED The Vanishing Half. Excited to hear what you think!


Just finished Queen of Nothing by Holly Black! I liked it, although it took the MC a lot longer than me to figure out the final puzzle. AG has got me trained well.
I think I’ve reached a point where a lot of YA novels just aren’t my thing anymore–I’m trying to get into Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know but it’s a bit tough. I’m no longer a Youth OTL I’ve managed to find a lot of my reading list on my online library, so we’ll see!


The Girl In the Tower is not a mug of hot chocolate.
It’s a tale set in - I think 15th century? - Russian winter. The entire trilogy is named Winternight. And the MC is spending the first part of the book with a consistent cold.
I rather empathize with that. And I have to admire her. I would never be able to survive traveling on my own in a deep northern winter, sleeping in the forest night after night, no modern amenities to help keep me warm.


Just finished The Overstory…I definitely enjoyed it - the language is really something, and the way the story weaves together is really cool. There is some potentially upsetting content, though. I hadn’t really read many reviews before reading it, so I don’t know if that’s commonly warned about. It’s never anything really graphic, but I also don’t want to get too specific so as to avoid spoilers…so if The Overstory was on anyone’s list and you’re worried about that, feel free to PM me and I can tell you a bit more.


I got the unabridged The Count of Monte Cristo for my birthday, so that’s up next on my TBR after I finish The Graveyard Book


Started reading The Night Ocean by Paul La Farge (the cover drew me in, and it was only $3), but it might be my first DNF of the year…

The jacket copy made it sound like it was a book about a woman trying to figure out what happened to her husband, who was researching HP Lovecraft and his contemporaries, but I’m about halfway through and so far it’s pretty much just been a fictionalized biography of Lovecraft and his friend Robert Barlow. I’m like…okay but when does the real story start??


I’ve spent my book budget for the month on books 2 and 3 from The Invisible Library series. Really enjoyed both andtrying not to be grumpy about waiting to buy the others.

About to start a beta read book for one of the ladies in my village, currently named The Outlaw’s Daughter.


The first book I read this year was actually on New Year’s day at a friend’s house and I totally failed to share it! The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger. At only 33 pages, I’m calling is a graphic story as comic is negligent and novel is ambitious.

Holy Herman, anyone following this thread needs to read it asap. I do want to add a trigger warning, which is also a spoiler [spoiler]depression, self-harm, suicide[/spoiler]


So still reading Girl In the Tower.
I got hit like a bunch of bricks by this paragraph:

“There is no such thing as magic. … Things are or they are not. If you want something, it means you do not have it, it means that you do not believe it is there, which means it will never be there. The fire is or is not. That which you call magic is simply not allowing the world to be other than as you will it.”


Hey all,

I’m new, so just starting “The Monarch Papers” today, but I usually read three or four books at once. I’m currently reading “The Lost Book of the Grail” by Caitlin and John Matthews, “Liber Kthonia” by Jeff Cullen, and doing a (Very SLOOOOW) re-read of “House of Leaves”.

I always joke(?) that my most likely cause of death will be book avalanche. So much to read, so little time. :confused:


Oh I definitely feel the book avalanche fear. What little closet space I had to begin with is so full of stacks of books they’re beginning to stack out into my room. I also actually got a black eye as a child when a closet shelf collapsed and I got buried under a pile of books that had been on the shelf.


I am constitutionally incapable of reading only one book at a time; you’re in good company. Welcome!


Yikes! I joke, but I don’t know that I’ve ever had a book injury that wasn’t a papercut or a back ache from carrying too many around in a bookbag as a kid.


That’s no problem at all, Sword! I’ve only recently started reading multiple books at once (some for work, some for fun, and I usually have an audiobook or two that I’m working on) and it isn’t as bad for my enjoyment as I thought it would be. I definitely didn’t choose to start reading like this, but I understand the appeal (and your fear of book avalanches - my bookshelves are packed and not on the stablest footing on my thick carpet :sweat_smile:).


I usually try, unsuccessfully, to keep it to one non-fiction and one fiction book at a time unless I’m studying a certain topic, but that is more of a guideline than a rule, ya know? :slight_smile:

I won’t even lie, one of the main reasons I loved my house at first sight was the library with built-in shelves.


Props for Liber Khthonia! I read House of Leaves and was … less moved than I thought I should be. But I’ve since spoken to someone with an interpretation that might make it worth a re-read.


I’m only about thirty pages into Liber Khthonia, but enjoying it so far. It seems like it will make a good companion to “The Hekataeon” though.

HoL is one of those books that I respect, but I know it is an absolute slog to get through. There are phrases and passages in it that are lyrically gorgeous, and then you get to a fifty page dissertation on echoes. This re-read is interesting though because there have been more than a few synchronicities and interesting dreams tied into it.


HoL is my favorite book ever! Lex, when you hear all the interesting theories and interpretations, that just makes it so much better. I hope a second read-through hits more positively =]