The Currently Reading Super Topic

Ok…ok. So I’m really enjoying Way of Kings thus far.

But how is it, I ask you, that none of the reviews, reflections, and articles of praise I’ve read about this series over the last year so much as allude to the fact that Roshar is full of giant crustaceans!?! This world is so weird!!!

I was not prepared for a 30 foot crawdad of nightmares. I really was not.


Enjoying Michael Pollan waxing poetic about gardening while I pretend we didn’t just get 4 inches of snow in the middle of April.


Well, I know what my Dad’s getting for his birthday this year! That book sounds awesome.


I just finished Dark Age by Pierce Brown, which was 751 pages of neat-constant despair and horror. I think I’m now going to read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy because I need something with some humor.


I just finished All Dressed in White (Under Suspicion #3) a couple nights ago. Read it 15 chapters at a time (give or take) while using my little pedaling thing to get miles for the day.

3 more books in the series to go!


As happy as my toddler & wife were to make a couple of snowmen this morning, I did not exactly appreciate Mother Nature’s little joke this morning.

And it’s predicted to be 65* tomorrow!!!


Ugh yes that sums Dark Age up perfectly. Every time it started to feel like things might have a chance to look up, something else went down and spiraled in a different but equally horrific direction. I did the same thing with Good Omens as my feel-good read afterwards since it’s lighter and funny and has a happy ending.


Webtoon decided to recommend Lavender Jack the other day, and I love it.

Basically early 1900s steampunk feel, featuring gay Batman with an appearance by elderly lesbian Sherlock Holmes/Hercule Poirot. It is absolutely wonderful, and I didn’t realize that the second “season” was still ongoing until I hit the “do you want to use coins to see the next bit” notice.


Last night I started reading The Bear and the Nightingale. The first couple chapters already sucked me in, I can’t wait to get deeper imto it!


I just finished Crazy Rich Asians…and I feel very mixed about it. The dialogue mostly felt unnatural, a lot of the side characters just felt like copies of each other with no distinct voice, and important history/cultural background needed to understand some of the tension was dropped into the text with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. But I enjoyed reading the end so much I want to give the next book a shot.

And now I’ve just started Ruthless Gods (the sequel to The Wicked Saints), which was one of my most anticipated books for this year so I’m very excited.


I never ended up seeing the movie because I wanted to read the book first, but after finishing it would you recommend reading or watching first??

Just finished Megan Whalen Turner’s The Thief and it was so fun. It’s the first of 4 so I think I might try and get the second ebook out from the library!


I’m re-reading the last few chapters of Wicked Saints again because I honestly forgot a lot of things! I’m excited to pick up Ruthless Gods when finals are over and I have the time!


I’m a couple chapters in and was thinking of either reading an in-depth summary or just re-reading the last couple chapters because there’s definitely some details I don’t quite remember.


I watched it before I read it (well…I read half of it at the beach many years ago, didn’t finish it, and forgot about it until the movie came out, watched the movie, and then came back to the book). So the movie had some changes from the book, and I think it made the story tighter and the characters more defined and three-dimensional. The book also switches between a LOT of different perspectives, and is also longer than it looks (the paperback is ~530 pages). I think I liked the character choices in the movie more, so coming back to the book was a bit jarring, so maybe give the book a try first if you’re willing to DNF a book and jump right to the movie if you’re anti-DNFing just in case?

I think the thing that was getting me was the knowing that the book had sequels, but not hearing anything about those sequels being made into movies? The first book/movie doesn’t necessarily end of a cliff-hanger, but there are doors left open for more story. If that makes sense…


Hmm, yeah I’m not big on DNFing and 500+ is a lot…might just go ahead and watch!! Thanks!


I would definitely recommend book first


Somehow I’m already halfway through and I love it so much!!


Update I’ve finished Ruthless Gods and that’s it I’m gone I’m deceased bring me back when the last book comes out in like a year or whatever. I love this series so much. I don’t want to say too much since it’s on at least one person’s TBR but if you haven’t read Wicked Saints you GOTTA (though I’ll accept waiting a year so you don’t have to wait for the third book to come out).

I’ve started All Systems Red (the first book in the Murderbot series). My library near campus didn’t have any physical copies (and I don’t have an ereader) so I had been planning on getting it from my home library when I went back for a break but gestures vaguely at everything who knows when that will be…but the new book just came out and my dad has been insisting that I read these books for months and with the open-ended delay on getting access to paper copies, he surprised me and mailed me his old ereader that he doesn’t use anymore, preloaded with the series. The first couple are novella-length, so I’m already maybe a quarter through the first one. No spoilers, but socially awkward robot who just wants to watch movies and ignore its email is a strong mood right now.


I’m re-reading Eragon right now and I’m so enchanted all over again. The only issue is that I know most of the bigger plot points, so I get to this point in the book and I know the worst part (in my own humble opinion) is coming up and I will be so so sad when it does. Who knows, I might even shed a tear or two in my emotionally vulnerable state.


Currently reading: Autobiography in Red by Anne Carson
A fragmented prose style reimagining of the myth of Geryon and the tenth labor of Hercules. So far I am really enjoying the classic epic meets contemporary style. Carson’s voice is really unique and I love the way she uses the fragments to weave a bigger picture. I recommend this book for anyone interested in Greek mythology or poetic epics!