The Cabinet (General On/Off Topic Thread)

Happy New Years Mountaineers,
This is going to be a big one,
Especially here in the US.
So I am writing this, my words in this moment, will stop time so we can enjoy life before shit gets weird.
We are magical, we know that now. We are diverse, made up of LGBTQ and people of all walks of life from all bloodlines of Earth. Some of us may have magical blood, some of us may just be born with it. I don’t really get how that works yet, but what I can tell you? Is that a world that we are entering is at a crossroads, go left and we as the diverse and magic community will be accepted, head right and we could burn in hell just like the Mountaineers in the 90’s. So lets learn to let go, but not forget. Lets research our history, but not live in the past. I really wish the best for all of you because I feel you have all become my family and my friends.
I love my Just friends in Ebenguard,
My clever flinterforge, my unpredictable Balimora, and my smart Thornmouth, I haven’t met a Weatherwatch but I hope to in 2017.
This sounds kinda jumbled but i’m just really tired.
With a friendly hand I welcome you to 2017.
All are Welcome,


Perfectly said, @OracleSage! Happy new year!


@OracleSage, you can always send them through the MAGIQ Guide too, which is a good primer of all of this.


Send what through?
This post…?


She means send them a link to the Magiq Guide.


Anyone on? At a party and I don’t know anyone so here’s a fun project. At a party, what would your guild be doing?
Gossmere I think would be hosting, welcoming guests.


Also what do we know about about Triplets bridge and the coin found there?
Could it have been left by Sullivan Green, who was found dead in the park. Or the Mountineers from '94? Was Sullivan an early Mountineer? Asking questions, presenting theories?


Hey you guys, I recently lost a family member, and so I think I might not be in the best place to help out with the fragments or give advice or… whatever else. Lately most of the stuff having to do with the fragments hasn’t been my area of expertise (whatever it is) so it might not be a whole lot different, just figured you all should know. Have a splendid day :slight_smile:


I am so sorry for your loss.
If there is ANYTHING I can do please do not be afraid to contact me. I wish you the best.
Come home safe and soon!


Sorry to hear about that @TheBellsAreRinging . Take good care of your loved ones and we hope to see you soon. Our thoughts will be with you.


@TheBellsAreRinging so so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you.


Just finished a rough draft of Trusted Confidant! So excited for you guys to get it.


What is that? I’m out of the loop.

Also, I wasn’t on yesterday (birthday), but it doesn’t look like I missed anything too crazy


A) HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHORDIE Pulls birthday cake out of nowhere
B) No nothing too crazy, forums been dead
C) Trusted Confidant is a Gossmere magical ability, that I’m writing a short story about



Sounds awesome! Can’t wait to read it


When Your Guild Affects Your Thoughts:

“ORACLE! You need to finish the dishes.”
“Be down in a minute Dad!”
“Now, Kim hates dishes in the sink!”

My inner voice “Just finish this chapter”
Eaves Gossmere Voice: “Go, be a helpful person”

Eaves won :sweat_smile:


I’ve had similar experiences!

Me: gets a ringing in my ears cause I listen to music too loudly
Thornmouth inner voice: “Why do our ears ring? Go, look it up!!”
Me: interweb searching “Damage to the inner ear?”
Thornmouth inner voice: “Yes, but WHY do loud noises damage the ears?”
Me: “Something about the cochlea and tiny ear hairs, interesting.”
Thornmouth inner voice: “BUT WHY does that happen??”

Me: reading through something and finds new word I didn’t know existed
Thornmouth inner voice: “Look it up, you have to know. Look up the definition.”
Inner voice me: “But I don’t have any connection on my phone!”
Thornmouth inner voice: “GRAB THAT DICTIONARY AND LOOK IT UP”

Sometimes my need for knowing things kind of becomes a pest ^-^;


constantly this kind of things is happening to me.

Ebenguard: is this the right choice, the good choice?
Me: yes?
EG: is it?
ME: yes.
EG: you’re out of balance
Me: YOU’RE out of balance (munching on junkfood and being a stressed mess)
EG: breathe, find center, and stay there.
Me: begins breathing


Hang on tight folks, I’m about to merge this off-topic chat with the other off-topic chat. Keep hands and feet inside the chat at all times.


To any of our excellent writers, I’d be very interested to see a story about a no-nonsense Thornmouth and a cheerful Gossmere setting off to accomplish some task together. I feel like that contrast would make for interesting stuff.