The Book of Briars: First Magimystic Assessment

But those roman numerals seem weird


I’ve just left a comment for Diedre, asking her about Ackerly Green Publishing. One because I’m curious, two because we haven’t tried leaving any comments for her since the third fragment, and we still don’t know if she can read them or not.
If she can, I don’t think it’s a good idea to just throw that story at her straight out of the gate, it might freak her out. I think we should establish a dialogue with her first, not just interrogate her.
I like Diedre, I don’t want her to hate us, or worse, think that we had something to do with King Rabbit attacking her. She seems happy and peaceful right now. I don’t want to ruin that for her. If anything, we should (eventually) offer her our help, gently let her know that we have some idea of what’s going on, and that we’re on her side.
Remember, this isn’t Brandon. She still doesn’t know that magic is real. She doesn’t really know much at all. If we aren’t careful, she’ll just think we’re a bunch of crazy people with questionable motives. As far as she knows we’re just strangers on the internet.


I turned the key! (Though the lock was already unlocked.) I missed SO much, was traveling with frustratingly spotty internet. Great work mountaineers! Back home and can’t wait to do more sleuthing/solving!


I am with @Endri on this one. All new fragments are generally accompanied by an e-mail from the Book of Briars. So I am not going to delve too much into it until I get some sort of word from the BoB.

However, I agree that the Roman Numerals are interesting, and we should probably keep track of it, in case we need to use it with the Roman Numerals from the Corrupted Pages (before my time, so I don’t know too much about them). And I have a sneaky suspicion it isn’t the last time we see Roman Numerals on documents provided to us through other sources.


Thanks for the well wishes! This morning I did the assessment and passed! (took a couple tries). Curious about the Roman Numerals as well. Anyway, glad to be back.


Do you all know about how long it takes the clue for the next fragment to get sent out? I entered all this just a few days after that happened for the fourth fragment, so I have no clue about this stuff!


I’d guess a matter of days, but hard to say since we just hit a major milestone. I believe fragments 2 and 3 were actually announced at the same time (although LT was giving clues for fragment 3 before the announcement.)

All I can really tell you is probably eventually and it will likely be unexpected and interesting.


Usually it is within a few days. The book will send out an email to everyone with a clue that gets the ball rolling. However, this is the first “lock” we’ve opened so it might be a bit longer, but I expect to get something by the end of the week.


i look away for a second and suddenly more comes. time to get digging


Has any one counted the words on the new page yet? there is a slight possibility that the words relate to the numerals .


I thought about that as well. The PDF from the new page only contains two pages, and the numbers we have (from the Roman Numerals) are:182, 192, 221, 267, 299, 314. If we do page:paragraph:word – it won’t work. If we do line:word:letter it mostly works but I just got gibberish. There are probably more combinations of book code that could be tried.


And remember, there are Roman Numerals in one of the Corrupted Pages so it’s quite possible that these won’t show their relevance until much later on.


Yeah, tried that. nothing useful


Ugh I’m so impatient D: I want to get back to getting the rest of the fragments! I look forward to a whole year of puzzle solving with all of you :slight_smile:


I wonder if the numbers from the Roman numerals might be some kind of coded message. I think I remember hearing about a similar number string code in the overwatch sombra thing recently.


Look at little Herman! So adorable!


So many changes have been made to the forum! Glad to see everything in tip top shape! Good work… uh… whoever designed it?


have we had anymore ideas as to what may come?
any more information or points in the right direction?


Not really. I’ve been checking my email daily for something from the book but I haven’t gotten a thing. Guess we must be diligent until something comes, unless we’ve missed it already… :smiley:


Just wanted to pop in to let you know I miss you all!