SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson

Could this be the forgotten forest?

EDIT: nevermind just saw this on the spreadsheet


Maximilian’s execution could be the salon in Paris. I believe that’s where it was first unofficially displayed. Hausmann’s sanctuary could be bois de boulogne it was like a park/relaxation park like place created by Hausmann some might think of that as a sanctuary.


Holy moly, Bat Man! Y’all have been busy!

Once again, my lack of 3D and visual puzzle skills has come back to bite me in the ass. If anyone needs reassuring, there are a lot of cities listed as options on the assessment that just aren’t it based off all the research we’ve done so far. So that’s progress at least.


I scrolled through every post in this thread and tried to get as many educated guesses based off maps documented as I could.

Galifanx: Paris
Gladitor: Mexico City, Paris (also Rome based off linguistics)
Durkonos: Montreal, Mexico City, Quebec, Rome (also Athens based off linguistics)
Aorthora: Paris, Mexico City, St. Petersburg

I’ll update this with more information as needed.


I think moskva’s curve refers to the guy who found the planet, Grigory Nikolayevich Neujmin. And if that’s the case it probably refers to the observatories he made his discoveries at. Only one ties to any of our locations and that would be Pulkovo observatory in/near st Petersburg. Gregory was also a director there. So Moskva’s curve could be Pulkovo Observatory.


Pulkovo observatory had to be one as it came up in one of my searches but I can’t remember which one it was linked to! If I find out i’ll update this.

Update: I figured out what I was searching for and it turns out that I was searching for observatories in the cities that made the short list. I only got two real hits Pulkovo observatory and Paris Observatory. I was searching for observatories as I this assessment is about constellations which are made up stars. The best way to observe them is with an observatory. I know its a massive stretch.


Polkovo doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch considering our vast array of possibilities…

I also think Sadovaya Muthusian could be Vospitatelnui Dom in St. Petersburg or Vospitalelnyy pr-d in Moscow. This is cuz Malthus the creater of Malthusian ideologies caused a big hoopla with his thoeries and criticisms of foundling hospitals, or hospitals for essentially orphaned/abandoned children. I think its on Sadovaya.


Razumovsky Palace could also be for continuous pedagogical. That’s the palace of the person deemed as the original founder of pedagogical stuff and even served as the grounds of university about it. There’s a statue of the guy out front too.


I’ve been looking at Montreal again (finally), and it turns out that the spot I suggested for The Royal Hoop isn’t where I thought it was; the area I pointed out was just a neighborhood called Mount Royal, the actual mountain where the (much bigger) park is is further east. Very forested area, and I don’t think the potential hoop in question (if it was ever particularly circular) was actually built/paved/what-have-you.


Moved over to St. Petersburg, I never knew my inability to read Russian would be such a detriment to my life.

Is anyone familiar with the UNIX operating system? Trying to find landmarks/buildings/centers around other clues we have more or less pinpointed and have one that could somewhat be Continuous Pedagogical, as there is a Unix Education Center. The Unix is an operating system which uses a multi-tasking… and that’s were my limited Computer Science knowledge tuned out. It is a bit of a stretch but anything is fair game at this point I would say.


I can read Russian if that helps, but the Unix has been a bane of my existence for the past 3 years.


So, I was thinking about Player’s Frigate adn thought about just looking at famous frigates. Well, I may have found something…,_1703)

If you read on a little, there’s a replicur of her that was commissioned in 1994 at the harbour in St. Petersburg.


Could Unix be perceived as “continuous”? The way I read it is that there a bunch of smaller insert smart word in relation to Computer Programming running at the same time (i.e. multitasking) which could be perceived as continuous, at least in my head


Thread is the word you’re looking for usually. There’s nothing much more continous about unix than other operating systems. It’s a bit more stable and servers can often run for years without a reboot, but I’m not sure that’s what the clue refers to.

I think someone mentioned this before, but my money for this was on the Institute of Continous Pedagogical Education at Herzen University, in Saint Petersburg.

My constallations still look like bad Rorschach tests though… So what do I know.


This would make A LOT more sense than what I was looking at :see_no_evil:


So we have:
Old Quebec and Notre Dame des Victories in Quebec City,
the Bersismis-1 generating system in Quebec province,
Parc-Nature du-Bois-du-Saraguay in Montreal,
Champ de Mars, Place de la Concorde, Boulevard des Capucines, Théatre National de l’Opéra Comique, Place des Victoires, and Paris-Sorbonne University in Paris,
With Ostia Antica - Vieux Haven outside of Rome, Tempio della Concordia and Colosseum as Harmony’s Discourse, and Scala Sancta in Rome,
Rumyantsev Mansion, Rumyantsevskiy obelisk, Sadovaya, and the Field of Mars in St. Petersburg,
And lastly Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow. Are these the area’s the we have it mostly narrowed down to now?


Missing Mexico City.

I also don’t think Rome is a finalist. Other cities have better leads I feel. (Standard disclaimer of ‘I only pretend to know what I’m talking about’.)

I’m just going to throw this out there. Based on everything we’ve seen, the majority of the corroborating evidence and a health dose of wishing I think (STRESS THE “I THINK” part) the 4 cities are within these:

Quebec or Montreal
Mexico City
St. Petersburg or Moscow

Almost all the clues have some overlap in these areas, and there are enough candidates in each city to cover the points needed to make constellations.


That’s what I’ve narrowed it down to as well, @Robert. You guys have done amazing work. Now we just need to dig in and see what fits.


Okay, I am going to summarize all the major (maybe some minor things) we have talked about in the last month or so. So here goes:

We have thrown around a lot of different locations in the past month: Paris, Athens, Crete, St. Petersburg, Quebec, Moscow, Montreal. I believe those are the major locations we have listed. I believe we can narrow this down further. From that list, and the clues that we have defined as definite possibilities, I believe our list consists of 4 locations and they are: Paris, St. Petersburg, Montreal, and Mexico City. I will get into my reasoning for a second. Paris was almost a given from the beginning, with clues such as “Haussman’s Sanctuary” and “Sallefavart”. This same logic applies to St. Petersburg (“Continuous Pedagogical” and “Rumyantsev”) and Mexico City "Maximillion’s Execution, “Obregon’s Requiem”. That leaves the last location which was pretty quickly narrowed down to the province of Quebec using Bersemis-1. Now the Fletcher Dawson site has explicitly told us the artifacts are hidden in cities, and the clever deduction that Hydro-Quebec’s (the company that owns Bersemis-1) headquarters is located in Montreal. Couple that with “Vieux Haven” and “Harmony’s Discourse” we have a strong case for those being our four cities.

So now you are probably saying “Well that is fine and dandy Brendon, but we don’t have all the clues locked in yet”, and you are right, we don’t. But we don’t need every clue to get the general shape of each constellation. The assessment itself says to use our wit. And we are likely going to have to do this, because I just don’t know if finding the exact answer to every clue is feasible. So below, I am going to list each and every clue into the four cities listed above using logic that has been used before by other mounties, or by logic I have also been using. So here goes that:



  • Sallefavart (Opera Comique)
  • Haussman’s Sanctuary
  • Capucines
  • Wallonia’s Second
  • Victoire

St. Petersburg

  • Rumyantsev (Rumyantsev Mansion)
  • Savoya Malthusian
  • Continuous Pedagogical (Herzen University)
  • Cristossangre (Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood/ Perhaps this is in Mexico City with the language?)
  • Moskva’s Curve
  • Zeus’ Meadow (Field of Mars?)


  • Bersimis-1 (Hydro-Quebec)
  • Vieux Haven (Old Port of Montreal)
  • Harmony’s Discord (Concordia University)
  • Wallonia’s Second (Fits here or Paris)
  • Victoire (Fits here or Paris)

Mexico City

  • Obregon’s Requiem (Parque de la Bombilla/Monument to the Revolution??)
  • Maximillian’s Execution
  • Legorreta’s Interior (Camino Real Polanco?)
  • Argonauta (Teatro Maria Tereza Montoya)
  • Player’s Frigate (La Frigata Park)

With some super unknown’s being: The Royal Hoop, The Swallow, and The Forgotten Forest

The italicized ones are the ones that I am not sure if they are in that city or not. But eventually we need to start narrowing our searches down, that was what mine and @Kelsey’s focus has been the past few days. Feel free to expand, rip apart, discuss or whatever with this. I really just wanted a summary of all the places we had talked about and discussed in one central location. Any big finds, I can edit this post. I still like the Google document, this is just a little more concise.


I started working on plotting all the Legoretta buildings in Mexico City I could find that are pre-1998, got through '60s and '70s so far. Inturbide Palace stuck out as something that could be promising (though there are still two decades to get through).

I also found that though Maximilian was executed elsewhere, his palace was in Mexico City.