SOLVED: Fragment Twelve: Spell Creation

Rhymes always work.


Iā€™d sort ofā€¦mime, while reciting. So during the shroud section, make as if hiding something in my hands. Visualisation is a powerful thing.


The Ore of the earth is black like coal
The Tides conceal what lies beneath
The Wilds surround and swallow you whole
The Light untouching around you wreathes
The Aether now your sound has stole
And The Thoughts of you all minds must sheath
Now carry out the task you were bidden
By the Six you are now hidden.


I like it. Anything else that needs to be done that I could help with?


Do we need any materials?


I have no idea.


What we need mostly are direction and creativity at this point. takes out his soapbox

There are a ton of good ideas in this thread. Lots of them are starters on much bigger ideas though and need to be expanded.

We need to create a big spell here. In the past weā€™ve affected one person, and cast basically defensive magics. This is a whole other level. Weā€™re talking hundreds of people possibly being told to do something quite possibly against their basic nature. And this isnā€™t just ā€˜oh well Augernon didnā€™t remember anything, shucksā€™. People could quite possibly have very, very bad things happen to them if we fail. We need to step up our game here.

Not to mention the timing of this. The Storm is coming. When the storm gets here we can be a bunch of people wandering directionless who just barely managed to squeak out a win, or we could be veritable badasses of magiq. When the Storm gets here, I want it to take one look at us and think ā€œDo I really have to mess with these people? Theyā€™re scary.ā€

Iā€™ll be honest. This is a huge task and Iā€™m not sure how weā€™re going to do it. Weā€™ve all seen some pretty weird stuff in the past several months. Weā€™ve made some good friends, and weā€™ve seen good people fade away. There are people counting us, and we need to do our best.

Letā€™s start small. First off, this verse is fā€™n gold in my opinion and we should keep it.

The Ore of the earth is black like coal
The Tides conceal what lies beneath
The Wilds surround and swallow you whole
The Light untouching around you wreathes
The Aether now your sound has stole
And The Thoughts of you all minds must sheath
Now carry out the task you were bidden
By the Six you are now hidden.

Nice teamwork creating it and refining it.

Our biggest gap is we need a focus for this. A theme if you will. So hereā€™s the first big question. What are we aiming for in this spell? Like I said, this is big, affecting lots of people. We have 3 major things in our favor.

  1. They wonā€™t be expecting this.
  2. Whistler can ensure almost everyone of them is looking at the same thing at the same time.
  3. Most of these poor bastards have already been influenced by magiq that Iā€™m guessing KS isnā€™t hiring people with iron willpowers, or if they had they wore that down by now.

So hereā€™s some options that I pulled from this thread, and some I made up. How do we want to approach this? Or perhaps some combination of options.

  1. Distraction - Keep everyone focused and staring at the monitors for as long as we can, not looking at anything else.

  2. Mind manipulation - Explain to everyone that for the next 10 minutes, they will not think of, notice, or pay any attention to certain people that we protect. Then let them go about their business and hope Marty doesnā€™t bump into any of them.

  3. Evacuation - Explain to everyone that they need to leave the building, and not ask any questions. Also, they need to bring all the prisoners with them, and leave them in the care of the ā€˜visiting experts in the matterā€™ (Marty and Whistler).

  4. Physical paralysis - We actually just think of a way to stun lock them rendering them unable to move.

  5. Anything else your brilliant minds can think of.

So, which option would you like? I can make a poll if we think itā€™s a good idea. We need to place the cornerstone of this spell soon.

After this we need to discuss possible rituals, any physical links we want, etc.


I think mind manipulation would be very easy to weave into this spell. That, coupled with distraction, could make getting Marty and Whistler in and out in ten minutes very easy, particularly if we provide a physical focus for them that will mark them for the spell as being the thing unseen, or unnoticed.


What about a sleep spell? Like hypnosis


You mentioned physical paralyzation. Wouldnā€™t it be easier to create barriers around them? While they wouldnā€™t be restrained themselves, they would still be prevented from doing anything. It would probably be easier to conjure a barrier than magically incapacitate 50+ people.


Would now be a good time to bring back the subliminal messages in a video?? That we can give to Whistler to upload into the system?? Also might be able to distract them from finding Aether for a while and help him escape while the try to find the source of the video


Iā€™m just suggesting sleep because then they wouldnā€™t remember a thing, as with paralysis they would see everything and @Marty.60 wouldnā€™t have as much leverage.


I think, like @Deyavi said, options 1&2 will probably work best and fits the vibe of the incantation weā€™ve already come up with.


I think distraction and thought manipulation have been agreed upon throughout this thread.
Iā€™m not sure how much power it would take to hypnotize, stun, or put someone to sleep, but Iā€™m guessing it would be a heck of a lot. So maybe we should think carefully on that one because if only a few people are able to actively participate, it could take a lot out of them and leave Whistler and Marty in serious danger.
Whatever the spell is, we (except more like yā€™all since I wonā€™t be available at the time of the casting) have to be able to hold it long enough for them to get in, ensure safety and get the prisoners, notice as much stuff as possible worth reporting back, get out, and get away from the compound. Thatā€™s a lot when you think about it. So again, anything too wild (ex: summoning a unicorn to put everyone at KS to sleep and then fly our team to safety) could get really dangerous due to the amount of power it would take.

Iā€™m going to step back for now since I wonā€™t actually be here for the casting, but feel free to page me if things need to be organized or summarized.


@Ricardo Sleepā€™s an interesting idea. We can call that a lighter version of physical paralysis. Definitely worth considering.

@Mordiscas Creating physical barriers. Man, that sounds tough to me. (Not that any of this is easy) Iā€™d rather go for the path of least resistance there. Just fast talking someone into doing something for a while is pretty basic even without magic. Creating physical things out of nothing had got to be harder. Worth keeping in mind though.

@Skylad Subliminal messages are fine to add in, but theyā€™re fairly lightweight and generally only take a hold with repetition. We need something thatā€™s going to grab their attention the second they look at it and not let go. If you know how to create subminals thought thereā€™s no reason we canā€™t add those into whatever visual medium we create. The more tools we have the merrier.

@hannah I want a flying, anesthesiologist unicorn nowā€¦ But yeah, probably alot of power.

Also, am I starting to get the weird feeling that noone is going to be around Wednesday at 5pm?

Edit: Thereā€™s no reason why we couldnā€™t do the spell the night before if we prepare for that. Donā€™t assume anyone wonā€™t absolutely make it if thatā€™s the issue.


One thought I had since weā€™re trying to leave no trace and be invisible, in my opinion itā€™d be best to have Aether on a usb drive. If the phone gets plugged in I have a fear that an IP address may get logged, and then they can try to find the person with the phone.


If we cast the spell the night before on the sigil or whatever we create for thisā€¦ The protection should hold, and it may minimize the danger of fatigue and sickness for the casting group since weā€™d be casting on a single object or image rather than a groupā€¦ making Marty and Whistler the ā€œagentsā€ of the spell, if you will.

Also, Iā€™ll definitely be around whatever time we choose for casting.


I feel distraction, well more along the lines of blinding, couples most beautifully and effectively with the lines made by Mr. Fern, and modififed by Waystrider.

We should weave it into a secondary casting. So two spells being casted simultaneously to achieve our desired affects.

We currently have a spell that will shroud Marty and Whister as they extract the targets. We need something thatā€™ll help pull any prying, possibly magiqal, eyes away from the two of them.

So a new verse, that helps bring in the last two things weā€™ve seen common in spell casting. Ritual and creation.

For the ritual aspect, I was thinking we go with the idea put forth by Octavius. Itā€™s simplistic and can use hit two birds with one stone, since it could knock out both the ritual and creation aspects. Iā€™m speaking of the blindfold idea.

Six casters, whomever they may be, will each create a blindfold representive of their guild/element. They will say the distraction phrase and don the blindfold, effectivly rending the KS employees incapable of seeing Marty, Whistler, and the targets.

This will couple with the primary spell, doubling the protection placed on the team.

So I think we should have twelve casters. The first six in charge of the first spell, hereby refered to as Fern and Wayā€™s Concealment, and then a second set of six, who cast the secondary spell to extend that protection by blinding the KS employees.

It will prevent bad spellsickness to spread out the tasks and it will mean if one set of casters runs out of energy the other spell will be able to compensate until we can make sure the down spell is up again.

So weā€™ll be casting two spells as one giant spell, which I want to call The Mountainā€™s Shroud.


I second all of that


I third it :slight_smile: and Iā€™ll be around on Wednesday, count me in