SOLVED: Fragment Twelve: Spell Creation

Hahahah have you seen my photoshop skills :joy::joy: my video editing is just about on par :sleepy: but if we all submit our spells someone should hopefully be able to find a stock video and just slip them in


I would be happy to contribute, I just need to know how


Is there a way I can contribute to this also?


Yes, absolutely. Youā€™re 1000% needed.


I hadnā€™t considered this perspective, but I think youā€™re completely right, here. I think it might possibly be better (especially since some have voiced concerns about the amount of power needed for widespread spell casting) to focus on MWA and the rescuees since that would only be six people we would need to focus on. This might give us more power/person to create an effective spell.


Iā€™m in. May I suggest, however many elements this spell has, they need a common thread (the repeated verse in the tea ritual). Something multiple casters could do which was the same to unify the points. And oh boy do we need to ground and centre this one.


Iā€™m with @MissEvans on this. There needs to be something that people can all join in with, even for those who may not have time to be as creative as others. A line for each guild to speak, or repeated by all?


I Maybe each guild should focus on one aspect of the effect we need so maybe the Thornmouths could create spells that will attract the attention of the workers, Ebenguard could immobilise them ect ect the more pictures, text and whatever we can get the better


At least one linking feature, because the eye said we were strong together. Letā€™s use it.


So what needs to be done, and how can I help.


Perhaps something to do with each guilds element for a repeating phrase? Like ā€œThe Wilds surround and shroud deep forests all aroundā€ or ā€œThe Ore of the earth is black like coal unseen you are by all your foesā€.


Weā€™ll definitely need everyone to participate when we get the spell nailed down. Until then just keep brainstorming and tossing around ideas for a spell that would help.


So it sounds like each guild is going to do a part. Why not have each guild make the part, then meet back up with the idea and see how it works?


If itā€™s video editing you need, I just may be your guy. What do we need in general?


The Ore of the earth is black like coal
The Tides conceal what lies beneath
The Wilds surround and swallow you whole
The Light untouching around you wreathes
The Aether now your sound has stole
And The Thoughts of you from all minds have slidden
Now carry on and say these words:
By The Six I am now hidden.

Or something like that for a linking/repeating phrase? Itā€™s just a first draft.


I like that


My Gossmere magiq/music sensibilities are kicking in: Maybe to amplify the power/complexity of the enchantment, one representative from each guild could say the entire first 6 lines in round form, overlapping one another but offset by one line. After a predetermined number of rounds, all 6 say the last two lines simultaneously.

This will probably require some practice.


OR!!! Have 6 grounding casters say the first 6 lines in round form, then have someone on the ground at KS (ahem @Marty.60) say the final lines to invoke the power built by the 6 casters.

This is probably less practical.


Why did my full-time internship in a building with no wifi have to start during fragment 12 of all times???

I probably will not be able to be around if there is a live spell casting. :sob: But Iā€™ll do my best to help in other ways.
I love the idea of the 6 line round, as long as there are no unexplainable technical difficulties this time. Considering the safeguard, Iā€™m hoping that wonā€™t be a problem.

Also please be careful all spellcasters. Spell sickness is a thing, and that was rather minor compared to some of the other side effects weā€™ve heard of.


This could be an absolutely terrible idea, so please feel free to disregard.
For those (myself included) who arenā€™t creatively inclined and/or are crunched for free time, what if we helped more with organizational things? So like making sure each part is covered and helping to notice trends and general consensus so that ideas donā€™t get buried in the threads.

Also the phrase ā€œdistraction sigilsā€ makes me think of random images of peopleā€™s pets. Iā€™m not saying we should bombard KS with pictures of animals, but Iā€™m also not saying thatā€™s the worst idea Iā€™ve ever had.