SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

That line creeps me out.

Good thing they allow us to evolve or we’d still be confused by that whole ‘creating fire’ thing.


That line really makes me think of the whole classic “corporation that seems super-nice at first but just really wants to control the world from the shadows” type deal. Anyone else?


you mean like most corporations with a…dark…past?
hello Umbrella Corp! and quite a few other organizations! how’ve you been?


If there’s anything I learned from Teragon, it’s that sometimes the big shady corporations really are trying to save the world. I’m withholding judgement for now, but I will say they’re not making a great case for themselves so far.


This sounds like Neolution (Orphan Black) teamed up with Black Mirror.

The only thing I can think of right now would be the importance of carbon. You have organic compounds with carbon, zinc-carbon batteries that fuel cars and all sorts of other things, and smartphones are really bad for the environment. Research was being done at one point to make them out of carbon to avoid using such expensive metals and cut down on bloodmining.
This is probably way off but idk. Everything always happens when I’m in class or right before a major project/exam.


I just watched the video, and wow that is one hell of a corporation. Seems like one of those cults that at the same time are teamed up with the Illuminati or the Templars (Assassin’s creed anyone?).

Anyway, maybe we have to break the video into smaller pieces so we can identify if there are any odd parts, what do you guys say?


I think breaking it down is a good place to start. How should we do it? I don’t have any video editing software unless you count iMovie.


We could just each take a 30 second chunk and watch it at the slowest speed a few times. I can do 0 to 0:30 to start. Anyone is welcome to pick a time!


I can take 0:30 to 1:00.

I do think we should keep an eye on the 9th, I wonder if the retrograde will have any affect on the website, like @Leigha mentioned.


So I’ve gone through the video in the same vein as King Rabbit, but I’m not seeing anything. I do have a question, though.

Does anyone know what this thing is?

Also, I did notice a few numbers on the computer chip: IC3400 and T400 (At least I think it’s a T). Probably nothing, but I thought I’d note them anyways.


Maybe try overlaying that onto the images and maybe something will line up with the pixels?


What I find most intriguing is the consistent allusions to “freedom”. They way the speaker says it doesn’t feel like our sense of “Freedom”. It almost feels darker, more sinister. These people don’t believe in true freedom. The freedom they aim for is freedom for their ideas. They want the world to grow and evolve in their way.

Then the fact that they seem to have contacts within major governments and media gives me agita. If this is the company that is opposition to our goals, we are in for a fight. They have global communications. Their reach could be anywhere. They could have someone right in our midst and we would have no idea.

Whatever this Kemetic Solutions Organization is, it’s not good for us.


There may be some importance re: the position of the sun in this image:

Though it doesn’t appear to be sitting at the exact point, I would say it is at Flinterforge. This may not be relevant at all, just throwing it out there as food for thought.


I also find it interesting the lens flare on that is hexagonal. You can get hexagonal lens flair with a camera that has a simpler aperture with few blades so it’s not quite round, but this clearly isn’t taken with a camera and is a graphic.

But aside from being interesting, I’m not sure there’s significance in the shape of the flair. I just find myself looking for hexagons lately in these things.

As for the position of the sun, totally worth noting.


Actually, it’s interesting that that’s the Flinterforge position. Oracle mentioned they’re probably using Gossmere healers. I wonder if they’re also using Flinterforge inventors to make whatever technology they’re using?


Saying how it went with gossmere, this may very well be true! Flinterforge was ore right? just things to keep in mind


Yes, Flinterforge was Ore (I used my whiskey stone for the spell). And I think, @Robert, you’re on to something with the hexagonal lens flare. If for nothing else to remind us of the six Guilds? I don’t know, but it seems a pretty intentional visual flourish.


Wow, you guys really cracked that in the day I was gone haha. Incredible that it was hidden in the .gif!

Where do we stand now then?


We found this video hidden in the Kemetic Solutions page, which we are now trying to find what it could possible mean.

EDIT: BTW, does any of you think the number on the address bar (8464o46s) might mean something? I though maybe 46s might refer to the 46th second of the video, but didn’t find anything useful there…


Yeah, I’ve pondered that address a lot. It seems almost too regular with only 8’s, 4’s and 6’s in it for numbers.

I played around with ideas that maybe those represented 8 = North, 4 = West, 6 = East (Like on a keyboard number pad) and tried to make some sense out of it as directions but nothing seemed useful.