SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

Little more time killing: Until now we are taking the same steps as in the solved fragments:

  1. find something in an corrupted picture
  2. watching a video patiently
    …ok its a bit to early for a theory but lets watch how this goes on, if we follow the steps of the fragments, the next task would involve finding things on a map? …

FIVE MINUUTTESS woot woot :sparkle:


dont freak out but uh

does that work for you guys?


Holy heck! Yes it does! Mine just opened to that too! Good catch!


Well that’s nice and… vague. Is there anything they don’t claim to do?
Freedom and evolution, huh? Somehow sincerely doubt it.


There was a lot of beeping for a while, 4 beeps at a time, the beeps stopped after a while though. It wasn’t playing on the video, either. Odd!

Actually no, that was just the timer. Oops!! Teehee :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I don’t like this whole ‘evolution’ thing. It just seems super sketchy.

I dunno, I just strongly feel like Cags cult = Kemetic Solutions. Maybe even that non-magical successor guy is high up or runs it. Either way, we ought to be very careful dealing with these people.


I didn’t notice anything odd about the video, but man this looks like one of those cult videos!


When I get a bit of time I’ll try watching it at a much slower speed. Maybe something is hidden in a frame?


Does anyone think they could get a recording of it or download it? My laptop can’t pull up the promo. :frowning2:


This gives me a “military industrial complex” kind of vibe. Secret corporation backed by who even knows who, thinly veiled threatening terminology, carefully chosen words. High propaganda.
I may have been watching too many conspiracy theory videos lately.


Here is a Dropbox link of the video. :slight_smile:


Thanks! :+1:


The first frames of the Video show the beginning of a Mercury transit - maybe a constellation worth a closer look?


Well I think I know why they’re after Gossmere:/ Anyone else catch about how they’ve branched off into the medical world? My thought is they are using Gossmere healers.
Gossmere friends stay alert.
Everyone else stay safe.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.


Mercury is visible in the West around sunset right now, and goes into retrograde April 9.
Perhaps unrelated, but in April there will be a comet (41P/Tuttle-Giacombini-Kresák) on April 1 (no foolin’), and a total eclipse on the 21st as the sun leaves Aries and enters Taurus. Fun facts.


Wow a lot has changed in the few weeks I’ve gone lol


I watched the video a couple times at 1/8 speed and I didn’t see anything odd show up or any sign of a quick frame inserted into the video. I’ve tended to miss things like that before though so it’s definitely possible there’s something hidden in there.

In fact, given I don’t see anywhere to go from here, I’m assuming I must have missed something in there.


It may be helpful to just work with the words. See if we can find something.

Here’s everything the speaker says in the video. –

We are tiny creatures, living in an obscure corner of a vast universe.

Small, alone, alongside billions of other planets just like ours and yet, we are different.

This is a special place with special inhabitants.

Ours is a planet full of life, life and freedom. Freedom to grow, to evolve. Freedom to enjoy simply pleasures. Freedom to connect safely.

But to ensure that freedom we must defend our world with advanced technology and industrial solutions.

There will always be threats to freedom but we are ready.

For years we at kemetic solutions have developed technology to keep this world safe and free. But we didn’t stop there.

Our technological advances now power discoveries in physical well being.

We are helping advance the research of rare diseases and the discovery of new cures every day to help people live better lives now.

But also to help us understand where we come from and where we’re going.

Our systems protect life and extend it into the future.

From research in technology, to industry and commerce.

Kemetic solutions allows life to evolve.

Helping communities to fuction, knowledge to flourish, and digital technologies to progress.

Our global communications help governments, media, and organizations of all kinds stay connected.

So we can enjoy our lives in the sun, as our great and special world keeps turning.

Kemetic Solutions.

Freedom. Safety. Evolution.


All this “evolving” stuff makes it sound like they aren’t talking about the actual process. Sounds more like “we will ‘enlighten’ you” kind of stuff. Kemetic solutions sure is an odd company.