Can someone fill me in?
The clues are lining up with Gossmere related items.
With the hexagram in the distortion being a symbol of Aether, an alchemical element associated with Gossmere.
Then there’s the fact that Gossmere lies to the N.W. of the rather new compass.
Anything I missed?
<3 Yeah, getting a bit nervous myself!
And we know Kemetic solutions is definitely of interest because of the butterflies coming out of its logo. I’m trying to slow motion the video to see if there’s something we overlooked.
I’m looking into the origin of the word “Kemetic” to see if I can find any possible ties to Gossmere, I have some theories so far… Nothing solid enough to share yet.
I think we know already that its based on an Egyptian form of religion… which made me think of Gods…
Didn’t the Cagliostro (I’m sure I am spelling that wrong, sorry) summon a god using the Translation?
I’m also seeing some stuff related to meteorites
Now that would suit the fragments theme more… what have you found?
I might be far fetching, but what about this?
It says that the icon original name is Sephedet
EDIT: Also found this " the Seal of Solomonz original name is called a Sephedet and represents the union of Ausar and Aset, Kemet’s first family and Heru’s victory over his fatherz murderer"
what about how the kemetic solutions logo? it looks like it could very well be some kind of other language? like cuneiform or something? or its just stylized like that.
Perhapes the Gossmere where the first ones who mummified ancient egyptians?
I also thought we could do something with that. The shape of the K is too weird and it has a star behind it aswell
Hmmm, just got caught up on everything. Great job finding the website. I’m going to keep looking through the pictures, I feel like there may be more hidden - especially in the first picture, as we have yet to find anything (right?)
Here’s a still of their landing page logo - I feel like the way the K is made out of two separate lines must signify something.
The Yellow (if it’s orange I apologize, blame me being colorblind) line kinda looks like one of the constellations from last fragment. It could be related, or not…
If we’re thinking that this Key might be space or constellation themed, then I’d say you could be right…
The k could be VI (6) but I don’t see how that relates to anything.
In case it helps, here’s the Translation spell:
Mythelismus crack the bone
When trembling flesh sings tender tone
For Kemetide brings waves of thunder
Lightning to rip hearts asunder
By Orid’s eye begins our rending
Brave, and bold, our bodies bending
Now Ra-el bleeds horned souls start breaching
With tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching
And so unburied, unbound, blind
We bring forth the beasts combined.
I tried adding the gods to the end of the url, but didn’t get anything.
focus there?
It’s certainly a possibility. Kemetide mentions thunder so maybe it’s a thunder related constellation? Wasn’t there something with Zeus in the last fragment? Wonder if that might be related.