SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

Random things I thought about while bored today:

  • The butterflies on the KS homepage have rounder wings than the one on the book. Butterflies also fit with the theme of evolution, change, metamorphosis, etc.

  • The only thing I’ve been able to find about the word “kemetic” is related to Egyptian religion.

  • Solving the last fragment gave us a constellation similar to Gemini. Not seeing much of a space theme going on here though.

Also I could lose power tonight from this weather and I will be very much annoyed if anagrams come into play during that time.


Stay safe out there if the weather is bad!!


I know this image! This can be found in the Intel AI Pursuit ARG opening Video. It’s in the last roughly three seconds. No idea where they would have gotten the image. Hm…I don’t think it helps that much in this context, but if it’s a common video clipping that can be traced to multiple videos, then we should be able to whittle it out as not vital to solving this fragment.

P.S.- I just joined today :grin:! I want to help as much as I can


It’s likely stock footage, the kind corporations use to make internal training and promo videos. It is quite interesting that Intel and KS would both be using the same image though.
Oh and welcome to the Mountaineers! :grin:


But if it isn’t stock footage… maybe I need to go rummaging through my pile of discarded tin foil hats to dig up that AI theory I had… :robot::robot: something still makes me doubt it though. Still quiet on the western front in terms of getting any email contact from Lauren? The ominous “not much time left” line has me getting more worried by the hour :sweat:


I keep thinking about how “solution” is a very math and science type word. I feel like we would have picked up on something as obvious as an equation in the video, so maybe we just have to look a bit deeper.

Edit: “lead to the solution” could also be referring to us finding out about KS in general.
And all that you have might mean that each guild plays a part? Or maybe even a certain amount of people have to try to figure this out before we get the next part/solve it?


dons tinfoil hat

I am among you now. May this count towards the threshold of crazy people required to unlock the sectets of Kemetic Solutions.


I wouldn’t stress too much about Lauren. At the very least, we know she’s out there somewhere. But we don’t know if she’s checking her email or how often, so it could take some time.


I imagine she’s on the run or saving her power… I can’t imagine the Cag’s Cult just letting her go!


We gotta be missing something, either from the video or the KS webpage… I have looked at it frame by frame and didn’t see anything else, but who knows what more is hidding there.
So now what do we do?


When we’ve done everything we can, then we just wait. (And yes, like many of you, I hate waiting).

If @Aether could have told us the whole story on day one I’d think he/she would have. It seems there limits on what they can send and when. Maybe we don’t have the complete picture yet.

Personally I just spent part of the morning looking for any famous astronomers named ‘Constance’. Found a couple but I doubt they’re related to any of this. Unfortunately there’s a lot of people named Constance in this world.


There is a famous Greek Astologer named Constance Stellas. She does the pseudoscientific zodiac sign predictions. I don’t see how she could be related though, besides name and occupation. She even lives in new york.


Going over all the images again and this caught my eye. The “t” in stumbled is larger than the other letters (I reversed the image to see it more clearly). It could be just the font but the stalk of the letter is even taller than the “l.”

There doesn’t seem to be any consistency with the capitalization of other words that I can tell.

Also, constants and Constance… Constance is a name, so I’ve been going back through the forums to see if there are any mentions in any previous fragments to a Constance (maybe one of the attendees a the Translation?). But it seems most likely that Constance is the “her” we’re supposed to find. So, are we looking for her physical presence, her presence online, what?


Random thought: do you think there might be something hidden on Deeds Instagram? Before her post yesterday the images from her instagram page did not appear on her blog, and now they do. Do you think it might have been the book preventing us from seing them before, and somehow now they got “unlocked”?


There certainly could be. Mostly I just think her site was fixed when she started using it again and noticed her instagram link was borked.


Probably, I’m just grasping at straws here :grin:


I’m my spare time I’m building a scale model of Monticello out of all the straws I’ve grasped around here. I feel ya.


There very well may be a connection to her Instagram/blog and this. Last night I was thinking about Deidre being stuck in Istanbul and how Constance is kind of sort of like Constantinople and how There are no Constance is somewhat like there is no longer any Constantinople because it’s now Istanbul where Deidre is stuck and therefore must be a clue to all of this. But then I found myself trying to remove my own fillings because “they” may be listening and thought it best to call it a night.

In all seriousness, we’ve found clues in both her Instagram and Blog so it’s certainly worthwhile to search them for anything.


You know, that’s a very good point. ‘There are no constants’. And she’s in (the former) Constantinople. I never saw that before.

In the past we’ve gotten clues from multiple sources at the same time, like Lauren and Deeds journal giving us simultaneous details about a single fragment that we had to use together. Maybe her journal has info we need.

Edit: Removed my bad attitude :slight_smile:


So I guess we just play the waiting game.