SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

So I’ve been going through the parts of the video showing people (Aether? the narrator?) riding in a car and trying to over-examine every road sign I can make out. I think the Hopewell sign mentioned earlier is a good start but other than that haven’t had much luck. Spent the last 30 minutes squinting at google earth road maps in the Hopewell Junction area to no avail. Perhaps this isn’t what the video means by “find her” but it’s all I can think of at the moment.

So far the signs I’ve found are:
-“Hopewell…” @ 0:12 (spotted by Bells first, nice catch)

-something I can’t read (route? exit?) and “44” @ 0:20 (this one is really hard to see, it’s in the first few frames immediately after the shot of someone’s feet. I don’t recognize this type of road sign)

-a US Route shield for highway 82 and a green sign I can’t make out @ 0:22 (this intersection is the one I’ve been looking the hardest for, with a bridge and intersection I thought it’d be the easiest to find but perhaps not :unamused:)

That’s all I’ve been able to find so far but will keep looking. Is this relevant at all or am I just bunnytrailing too hard??


So what do we do now?


More or less what we’ve been doing. Make sure we haven’t missed anything. Try to find a meaning to what we have found.

I keep wondering why the word ‘stumbled’ is in there. I could easily see why every other word or phrase is in there. But why ‘stumbled’?


Maybe Aether stumbled upon something?


You also have the image i was able to upload here, the one with the weird footprints on snow
This can help us a bit aswell


That would explain the word, but would lead to the next question of ‘stumbled on what?’.

Since ‘stumbled’ is surrounded by the words ‘Find her’. My only guess right now is it’s sort of a cryptic crossword clue. Stumbled could mean ‘mix up’ or ‘anagram’. ‘Find her’ anagrams to the word ‘Friend’, but there’s an annoying ‘h’ leftover.


Are any of the other phases also anagrams? If each phrase can be anagrammed and has one letter left over, Maybe put the extra letters together and see if it forms a new word?


Just catching up. Anagrams could be something worth checking out, and the Constants/Constance is a good catch. “Leave a Trace” could be relevant, but that could also just be me wanting CHVRCHES and Sirius’ alt rock stations to become clues.

Just in cases, these are the lyrics to the song (it’s also really good and I would highly recommend taking the time to listen to it):

“I gave up on time
Just like you said you would
There are tiny cracks of light underneath me
And you say I got it wrong
But I tried hard to uncover them
I have somehow got
Away with everything
Anything you ever did was strictly by design
But you got it wrong
And I’ll go anywhere but there
And you had best believe
That you cannot build what I don’t need
And I know I need to feel relief
And I know you’ll never fold
But I believe nothing that I’m told
And I know I need to feel relief
I know I need to feel released
Take care to tell it just as it was
Take care to tell on me for the cause
I know I need to feel released
Take care to bury all that you can
Take care to leave a trace of a man
I will show restraint
Just like we said we should
You think I’ll apologize for things I left behind
But you got it wrong
And I’m as sane as I ever was
You talk far too much
For someone so unkind
I will wipe the salt off of my skin
And I’ll admit that I got it wrong
And there is grey between the lines
And you had best believe
That you cannot build what I don’t need
And I know I need to feel relief
And I know you’ll never fold
But I believe nothing that I’m told
And I know I need to feel relief
I know I need to feel released
Take care to tell it just as it was
Take care to tell on me for the cause
I know I need to feel released
Take care to bury all that you can
Take care to leave a trace of a man
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I need to feel released
Take care to tell it just as it was
Take care to tell on me for the cause
I know I need to feel released
Take care to bury all that you can
Take care to leave a trace of a man
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know”


Stumbled can be made into multiple words with one letter left over: stumble(d), tumbled(s), tumbles(d), dumbest(l), and bustled(m).
Find her: friend(h), finder(h), hinder(f), refind(h).
Not much time left: the only thing I can think of is the element technetium, leaving f
Watching: thawing (c). In the south, we also use the word chawing to refer to using chewing tobacco, which would leave t.
Help us: plush(e), helps(u), pulse(h), shlep(u).

So that leaves d,s,l,m,h,f,c,t,e,u so far.
Someone might want to double check that I got everything while I work on the other two phrases.


Don’t worry, Uncle Bren. Your precious summaries are safe until after I’m done exams :smiling_imp:


Possible words:
sffcu=cuffs, scuff
sfftu=stuff, tuffs

I didn’t get anything when I tried these words after the KS URL. :confused:


So the “ts” changed to a “ce.”
Those four letters make the word “sect” and the French phrase “c’est.”
I tried both after the KS website and got nothing.

I hope we’re not supposed to go to Konstanz, Germany to find “her.”


If we use only the capital letters, we get “F F F N W TANC TANC H”, and taking out repeats leaves “F N W TAC H”
And only lower case first letters is “h s h h m t l u” or “h s m t l u.” I feel like all lower case letters, even when removing the repeats, is too long to be useful.

Relevant things to me would be “FN WATCH”, for possibly Flinterforge and Weatherwatch. Also TANC is an anagram for can’t. And “find her” can sound like “finder” when said quickly.

I can’t think of any anagrams for any of the letter combinations.

Edit: adding that “there are no constance” and “there are no constants” can both make northeast with letters left over. Northeast would also point to Flinterforge.
Again, just kinda grasping at straws out here.


if we are talking about letters and stuff than “there are no constants” could actually be saying “there are no consonants”. I dunno you seem like you have this, and I definitely don’t. Could also mean you get rid of repeating letters?


Just a quick search of “there are no constants” and “constants constellation” gave me this linked from a Reddit page here talking about how the constellations are not constant and change (albeit very slowly) over time. It’s only a pretty weak connection but sorta ties into the stars/space theme we saw in the last fragment.


If we take out the consonants, we get “ie ue ie ie ouiee ai eeaeooa eeaeooae eu” and just the consonants would be “fndhr stmbld fndhr fndhr ntmchtmlft wtchng thrrncnstnts thrrncnstnce hlps”

Also, I’ve been thinking that stumbled might not refer to stumbling upon something. It could mean literally stumbling and tripping/falling, or in the sense of a stumbling block, which would mean an obstacle.
So maybe someone (Aether?) was looking for “her”, figuratively or literally stumbled on/over something, which got them captured. Now they’re running out of time and being watched over by a malevolent force and needs help. The constants to Constance thing could be indicative of their fading physical and/or mental state.


I’m about to try something, but it probably will not work.

What if no constants means no repeating letters and no Constance means none of the letters in that word?

We would get “fidhr umbl wg p”

Edit: That did nothing.


I’m stuck friends. Maybe it actually has nothing to do with words and anagrams and we’ve (honestly mainly me because I just really want this to be a word puzzle since I like doing them) been looking at it all wrong.


What else do we have besides the internal promo that might hide stuff?


Don’t worry too much. You never know til you try and you tried the hell out if that. I suppose it’s not an anagram. That’s something we know now.

All I can guess is we missed something else im tge video or more may be coming.