SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

I would advise being careful with what you email Lauren, at least for now. Reason being, if the late Cag’s email was hosted by K.S., that probably means Lauren’s email is too. That means it’s quite possible K.S. could be monitoring whatever communication you have.

I think reaching out to Lauren is a good idea, but if she is interested in helping us, we should be careful about ensuring our mode of communication is secure.


Yeah, proceeding with caution might be for the best in this case, since we are not entirely sure that KS knows of our existence! Anyway nice catch @Nahemah, the book appears to have highlighted the lead singer’s name


It was actually me who highlighted it


Oh okay then, anyway I’m going through the video right now, I’ll let you know what I find.

EDIT: the only thing i saw that i didn’t see posted here was this pic, I don’t know if it’s relevant or not.
Also my theory here is that since KS only thinks about the future and how great technology is, they are probably finding people with “gifts” (because they might not know it’s magiq) and trying to use them for their purposes.


Been parsing all this out myself and figured I’d add to the conversation. You guys have done impressive digging and come up with some solid theories. For me, the outstanding questions are-

The big one… Who is the “her” we’re supposed find that can help us and “Aether.” I know some of you figure Lauren Ellsworth for the “her” but things like this rarely end up so circular. My money is on somebody we haven’t met yet.

How do we find her? Is there information still buried in the altered video we haven’t found yet?

Why isn’t there, according to Aether, much time left? Makes me think if we don’t figure this out bad things are gonna happen to him or “them” since the message said “Help us.”

Who is the “us” in “Help us”?

How is Aether reaching out? I don’t mean what kind of magic is he, I mean how is he managing to do this under KS’ nose? And why only now and then, the photos, the video… What if I hadn’t taken those photos? Was Aether looking for us specifically, or anybody who could help?

Where is all this coming from?

We know The Book of Briars is at least aware of Aether and KS because they sent the frag 10 email after you all found information in the glitches. But The Book couldn’t have planned on Aether being taken by this company, right? Is this an unintended detour it’s sending us on? What would have happened if we’d never found Aether, if we’d never looked into KS? (This might just be navel-gazing… I can save this for my next sleepless night. The questions I have about The Book, what it is, and who’s behind it could fill a whole other book.)

I don’t know if I’m adding to the discussion or distracting you but figured I’d go back to journalistic research techniques 101 and see what we can make of this whole thing.


I think I know who Aether is!
In the poem they talk about the funeral with all the animals and stuff…
She could be the Unowl, who I imagine is a talented Gossmere.


Or are we passed the Gossmere/Kemetic theory?


So am I going through the video this time and making note of all the phrases that appear, and I noticed something interesting. @Mike found this one, but at the 1:21 mark, this phrase shows up saying “There Are No Constants” (Picture #1). And then at the 1:22 mark, a different phrase pops up saying “There Are No Constance” (Picture #2).

Picture #1

Picture #2

More or less the same phrase, just altered slightly. I just think that is a little peculiar. I am going to keep investigating, and will post if I find anything more


That’s an extremely interesting catch!

Edit: Hopefully we’re not looking for Constance DeSalvo from Hopewell Junction, NY because she passed away in 2013. (I search for the weirdest things for you people.)


I don’t like thinking about this, but, seeing as how they were at a playground, could they have kidnapped a child? Could we be looking for a little girl? (possibly named Constance?)

Here’s what I’m thinking. They reached out to Aether to view their phone camera telepathically, and either this is what they showed Aether (doubtful, since they’re trying to recruit her/him), or Aether “accidentally” caught this kidnapping and was able to transmit the images to us.


So that would mean the messages are from Aether right?


Asking her to find Constance (her daughter?)


(edit) Could Aether be the one in the hospital, with the IV? (Would explain why we could only see an arm). The KS promo is loaded with medical imagery. Maybe Aether is in one of their “facilities”.


SUMMARY TIME! (Kelsey, I swear if you take this summary from me, I am going to lose it ;))

So I have gone through the video a couple times now at .5 speed (Makes it WAY creepier. Avoid it at all costs. 0/10 would recommend)

But anyway, I wanted to get a summary of each of the phrases that pop up, and the time stamp of when it happens. Keep in mind, this is a rough estimate, and could probably go +/- 1 second on each timestamp. But here we go:

  1. “Find her” - 0:20
  2. “stumbled” - 0:22
  3. “Find her” - 0:48
  4. “Find her” - 0:49
  5. “Not much time left” - 0:56 (Are we sure this is what it says?)
  6. “Watching” - 1:18
  7. “There Are No Constants” - 1:21
  8. “There Are No Constance” - 1:22
  9. “Help us” - 2:14

EDIT: I looked into the two "Find Her"s so close together, maybe there was a “There Are No Constants” situation going on, but from what I can see, it is the same phrase. Pops up in the lower right corner, then the upper left 1 second later. Just seems like an odd sequence, if you ask me


Not that it’s super important, but while you’re at it if we could preserve the case of the words it might be useful later.

For example ‘There Are No Constants (and Constance)’ are all capitalized.

‘stumbled’ is lower case.

Might not be significant.

Also the word ‘Watching’ is at 1:18, I believe.

Lastly, yes I think it says ‘Not much time left’


Good thinking, I will make some edits


Help us also appears twice, but again the same phrase. At 2:13 and 2:14


I am only seeing the one “Help us”. Does it change location or is it in the same place?


Stays in the same place, the second one happens reeeally fast though, I suggest slowing the video down if you can’t see it
Actually… I think I just made a false memory. I think it only is once. Now though I can’t even seem to see it happening at all. If I actually do find it I’ll edit this again and say there definitely is too but I feel like I’m losing it


I added links for easy access to the images. Also I couldn’t find an image of the 0:20 message, so I’m adding it here: