SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

Might not be what was meant by “find her”, but I’m 90% certain that they were near Hopewell Junction, NY in the video. I’m looking for the playground where the cards fell out now.


So what we have from these clues is we don’t have a lot of time to find “her” and help “us”. Also us, the person we need to find, and/or the person who reached out are being watched, presumably by KS.

I’m not sure where “stumbled” fits into all this.


not sure if this helps you, given that I am unable to find this exact moment in the video myself despite about 5 minutes of looking over the 55th to 56th second in the video. The word “time” can be seen much better though.

However, I still think KS is giving this to us. I think maybe Aether somehow got away and they want us to look for them, knowing who it is we are and what it is we are doing right now, or its basically the same thing but replace aether with lauren, but that seems more unlikely to me. They want us to help them, to find her, telling us they are watching us. Heck, Aether may even be working for them, but got kidnapped. Maybe they are being held for ransom, and are on a deadline, thus “not much time left”. Either way, I think KS is fully aware of whats going on. That’s just me though.


My first thought after seeing the opening frames of the new video was that this “Eva” or Aether or whatever was an AI with all the technology stuff that KS talks about saving the world with. But I think, after watching the whole thing and catching up (of course I had to be at work when exciting things happened! :rage:) I’m just gonna throw the whole artificial intelligence train of thought out the window.


I fell you. There are so many rabbit holes and most of them don’t lead anywhere. But it’s always worth exploring them just in case, even if it only tells us what path not to take.


It occurred to me that there wasn’t a transcription of the video, so I thought I’d make one, just in case it can help:

“Meet us(?). Please. Just forty minutes. We’d like to talk to you face to face. We have some questions and, uh, I think we can do some incredible things.”

'I’m going to show this card to the camera on my phone. And I want you to tell me what the camera sees. I want you to see through my phone. Does that make sense to you, aether(?). I want you to try very hard and I want you to show me what you are truly capable of."

“I want you to reach out with your mind and into my phone. I want the camera to become your eyes. I want the processor to become your mind.”

“I believe you could find a family with us. A family, aether(?). Perhaps for the first time in your life. No, we have no interest in changing your mind, but with your mind, we will change everything.”

And the transcript of the original video:
“We are tiny creatures living in an obscure corner of a vast universe. Small, alone, alongside billions of other planets just like ours. And yet, we are different. This is a special place with special inhabitants. Ours is a planet full of life. Life, and freedom. Freedom to grow. To evolve. Freedom to enjoy simple pleasures. And freedom to connect safely. But to ensure that freedom, we must defend our world with advanced technology and industrial solutions. There will always be threats to freedom but we are ready. For years we at Kemetic Solutions have developed technology to keep this world safe and free, but we didn’t stop there. Our technological advances now power discoveries in physical well-being. We are helping advance the research of rare diseases and the discovery of new cures every day to help people live better lives now, but also to help us understand where we come from and where we are going. Our systems protect life and extend it into the future. From research and technology to industry and commerce, Kemetic Solutions allows life to evolve, helping communities to function, knowledge to flourish, and digital technologies to progress. Our global communications help governments media and organizations of all kinds stay connected so we can enjoy our lives in the sun as our unique and special world keeps turning. Kemetic Solutions. Freedom. Safety. Evolution.”


This may just be random visual static but it seemed rather reminiscent of the corruption in the pictures Marty originally posted. Or maybe I’ve just joined the tinfoil hat group as well.

also after listening to whoever is narrating this speak at 0.5 speed over and over again my two cents is it sounds pretty convincingly like “aether”. Can really catch the “er” ending a lot better each time he says it when it’s slowed down.


Ooooo. I missed so much today (darn school work). I don’t really have any new theories, but I went through the video really slowly and it looks like you guys caught the same stuff I could see. I guess now we wait for the next contact (unless, of course, we missed something in the video).


You guys have been busy! Effing time zones, I was sleeping when all the exciting stuff happened… I’ll try to look at the video and see if I find something new (doubt it :wink: )

EDIT: Ok, I analyzed the whole vedeo frame by frame but didn’t see anything else besides what everyone already noticed. However two thing strike me as weird (or weirder than the rest of the video…):

  • That single frame with an arm with the IV.
  • The phrase “There Are No Constants”, which is kinda hidden.

Everything else seems to fit somehow except for these two things.

Something else I noticed which might be a coincidence: in the beginning of the video, when it shows the inside of the car the song on the radio is “Leave a Trace” by a band named Chvrches. The lead singer is a Scottish woman named Lauren Eve Mayberry.


Oh, then I guess this might be kind of helpful? That or its just something interesting thats there.

This is the best picture I could get of the sign, but it looks like the exit that they pass is to “Hopewell”/“Haywell” and maybe there is something afterwards. Probably useless, since who even knows how many places are named those. I figure we could get an approximate location if we are thinking this is a kidnapping


I’m pretty much in agreement with @Brendon’s excellent summation above. I believe someone, most likely Aether, is being held inside KS, very likely with other people (why would KS only abduct one person when they could abduct many?) Probably using their abilities either with their consent or without to further it’s own company. That would explain why the place is locked down so tight.

I believe in order to ‘help us’ we need to ‘find her’. Maybe Lauren? Who better than to break into a secure building than a bad ass sorceress? Maybe we should try to email Lauren? Can’t hurt, right? Volunteers?

That seems to coincide with the fragment poem anyway.

You’ve been searching far and wide
For keys to revolution
But something hidden deep inside
Will lead to the solution

Another fragment’s reaching out
From the dark that means to bind it
And it might take all that you have
To heed the call and find it

Lacking anything useful to say hasn’t stopped me before so here’s the question I really want the answer to.

What do we call this new magic? Lauren has the ability of Telemancy, which allows her to reach into other minds, and even to take them over.

Aether, has something similar, where she seems to be able to reach into technical systems, phones, cameras, even this forum and take some sort of control over it.

We rarely get the chance to name these things so take your best shot at it.

Technomancy? (too Steampunk?) Compumancy (too 1980’s computer dating website?) Mechamancy? (Too awesome sounding?)

What do you think?


Hopewell is a township in NJ. That lines up with most of these things being in and around NY.


I wasn’t present when the late Cag passed. I could reach out to her, what’s her email?

It may be better for a new voice to speak with her, sure, she helped us with the last fragment but we have no clue what she really thinks of us.


I could try emailing Lauren, just not sure what to say… Should we try and ask her more about KS? I don’t think reaching to her and simply saying “Hey, could you break into the KS headquarters and free the possible hostages that may or may not be there?” will work, but if this is the same company that worked with Cags she may know stuff we don’t.


The only email we know of for her is

edit: Oh no, don’t start with the big stuff. Start small. Are you there? Are you willing to talk to us. We think Kemetic Solutions, who ran the Cagliostro webmail, is into some shady things and do you know anything about them?


Well, my diplomatic skills are kinda limited, but I’ll try my best :wink:


I sent the email. I did my best to display respect and I asked about K.S. We’ll see if she responds.


I just sent her an email as well, now we wait



Also, I checked out the white box next to the rear view mirror, it’s an EZPass, for passing through toll roads without having to stop and pay.
I don’t know if it will be relevant, but the time on the car’s clock is 11:35.


I like Technomancy.
Regardless, it sounds like a Flinterforge affinity.