SOLVED: Fragment Seven: Yule

Using that geoplanner with 48S 286579 4210063 - gives the regular coords of 38.01315°N 102.56891°E which is in China. When I click on What’s Here it calls the place Wuwei, Gansu, China. I’ll keep checking other numbers we have come up with.

EDIT: As far as I can tell, the above one is the only one that works for me. Some of the other ones are “out of range” on the axis’. Also, they can sometimes change the letter to something different, but the one above gives me the S. The street the marker is near is called Jinse Avenue (in case we need to use streets still for some reason).


Nice Job @Kelsey! I didn’t know utm was a thing.


The Book bolded Gansu so that must be our answer. I had no idea UTM was a thing either. Luckily the one on the Crimson Hall layout came up when I googled it (or else we may have been stuck for a long time lol). Learning new things all the time


Great job guys!!! Since a) Gansu is not a magimythical animal b) it does not work at BoB, I assume there is going to be more coming… maybe something more with the RSVP list and the room layout?

Perhaps we are going to be looking for some sort of chinese dragon this time :stuck_out_tongue:


Uhm… Well I have more of a question. I was lurking for more than 6 hours last night, poured over all of your research. Maybe we need DG for this… It’s just a thought but further up, Lauren is talking about a her in one of her emails. A her in Sullivan Greens journals… It only makes sense to me that maybe it’s more than time to bring her into the fold. Especially given the fact that Cole is now close to her. I believe we have been going at this the wrong way


Hey Layla - welcome to the party. If you have any questions let us know.

I think a lot of us share the same sentiments as you and think that Deirdre should be brought in to the fold. We actually are unable to contact Deirdre as we only have her blog and for some reason she cannot read any of our comments except for Cole’s. @Robert wrote an open letter to Cole and Cole seemed very resistant to the idea of telling Deirdre. We could keep pestering him and see if he will tell her about us, but that could upset him and push him away. As I said, I’m definitely for telling Deirdre as all of this could really help her but we need Cole’s help so he would have to agree on this point.


Well that’s somewhat infuriating. Can’t we just knock him about the head until he comes to his senses? Does he understand that by keeping this from her he will only strain their relationship? Also, I’ve recruited my boyfriend to help. Smartest person I know. Anyway, about the numbers. Please if you could fill me in in the simplest way possible I would be appreciative.


I think Cole knows. As usual we’ve put him in a very tough position, but from talking to him I think he’ll do what’s best in the end.

And just as a test I sent Deidre another response on the blog but as with all the others it seems to have hit a wall.


Alright so, brief recap. Lauren uploaded a bunch of documents in the Yule folder of the Cagliostro index. Within that index there was one image called Yule6 which we figured was the next fragment.

We figured out that the word STUDY printed in red was referring to “A Study in Scarlet.” From there, we agreed on this version and started with the first clue in the text - ‘Find the soonest word within the story that begins with the 48th S’

Counting from the start of the story, we found that 48 S-words later we ended up on the word “streets.”

Now we had a starting point. From there we knew we had to do something with the underlined and struck out words in the Yule6 image - 48 S By To To To To A A A A A He He Was Problem. We eventually realized that starting at “streets” we should count the words to each of the words given above, skipping over the non-bolded ones/the ones that were struck out in the Yule6 image.

By restarting at streets each time we found:
by: 28 words after streets
4th to: 65 words after streets
5th a: 79 words after streets
2nd he: 42 words after streets
was: 100 words after streets
problem: 63 words after streets

Giving us: 28 65 79 42 100 63

Putting the 48S back at the start then gave us this set of numbers: 48S 286579 4210063

In this Crimson Hall layout that Lauren posted, we saw that there was a set of weird numbers in the corner. In Googling those, we found them to be UTM or the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system which looked similar to the set of numbers we had figured out.

Using, we were able to input our UTM numbers - 48S 286579 4210063 – which spit out a location in Gansu, China.

The Book then confirmed that Gansu was indeed the location we were looking for.

Hopefully I’m not missing anything.


I say we start scouring Gansu via Google maps. Unless that’s already been or being done. And there’s been nothing out of the book since? I really don’t believe we are going to get very far without help from somewhere. But where?


I personally have no idea what we are looking for yet, Sullivan called Gansu “the first location” so I think we will be finding other places across the world to unlock this fragment. What I believe will come next is that Lauren will post more images in the index from The Monarch Papers Volume 3 as we unlock each location and the journal reveals more of its secrets.


Do you mean to tell me that we are now back to the sit around and wait for something to happen stage?


Lol a bit. Usually within a day or two of solving one part we are given the next. If not today, I think we should get the next part tomorrow. Don’t quote me on that though.


Well then… I guess we wait.


So, looking for mythology centred around Gansu (similar to what we needed to do with Vanuatu), I came across this:

Gansu Flying Horse, Han Dynasty bronze.

Literally meaning, “horse of heaven” or “heavenly horses”, mythically Tianma was a fabled winged horse or a fabled type of winged horse with composite attributes, such as dragonesque features; and, sometimes the Tianma was linked to certain astral or stellar phenomena, or constellations.

(Horse in Chinese mythology - Wikipedia)

None of tianma, tenma nor pegasus work with BoB, but this is a potential lead.


Will do more research, maybe there’s something in the myth itself.


Ugh, I wish I could give you all the biggest hugs!! Just know I am sending you virtual hugs from my computer to yours. I am a little disappointed with myself, I have dealt with UTM coordinates with work (mind you it was when I was a summer student a few years ago) but still. A little disappointed that I didn’t take the time to look into the other coordinate systems beyond longitude and latitude. But oh well, good work everyone nonetheless!!


who gives us the next clue?


Most likely given how things are going Laureen will find something new in her journal based on what we’ve discovered. Or Deirdre will find something. Or the Book itself will.

Or it’s already out there and we just haven’t noticed . :slight_smile: Hard to say, but my bet is on Laureen turning up something new.


which one of us do they contact and how?