SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

It looks like she deliberately left the point off the roof, which is unusual.


Iā€™ve been thinking that maybe someone found this drawing and ripped it up. Now that weā€™re getting the pieces of it (from Aether or whoever), there might be small pieces missing because itā€™s really difficult to tape back together a drawing after itā€™s been ripped. If Iā€™m right (letā€™s be real Iā€™m probs not), that could explain the missing edge pieces and the random triangle of the house.
Destroying a childā€™s art is one of the easiest ways to scare them and break down their sense of self, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if KS did just that.


Definitely not a bad line of thinking, given what we know.

My only alternative thoughts are that itā€™s a symbol representing Portenciaā€™s memory, a manifestation of her broken consciousness.

Which doesnā€™t preclude your theory being correct at all.


Holy cr :thornmouth: p, I picked the worst time to head out for a banquet! Thatā€™s a lot of info to take in, but it looks like weā€™re making big strides in the right direction. Great job, guys!


Pfffft, you say that like you werenā€™t the one who found where Aether had stashed the Eye in the first place. You the real MVP.


Wow @Mr.Fern you are definitely in charge of all the photoshop stuff from now on :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


The heck did I miss?!? Sheesh, saving the world with magiq stops for no man, as it turns out.


So whats the significance of the mountain picture behind the closed eye?


Possibly the mountaineers, the eye is close to home


Interesting thing about the drawing. If you turn the contrast down some of the letters are filled in , the faces, the window and the top of the trees


What are you using to get that? Iā€™m not getting that in my photo editor.


I did some doodling, the white lines are my assumption of the missing shapes and the rest is obvious. Theres enough space there for another person. Assuming one of these is Portencia, who are the others?


Teddy mentions Portenciaā€™s fathers. Maybe sheā€™s got short parents?


Itā€™s curious that we havenā€™t seen a door on the house yet. When I was a kid I always used to put one right in the middle of the wall. Anyone else?


Any chance you could take a screen cap of what you mean?


ya that is weird, I did that to, maybe itā€™s the backside of the house, and @Endri she might of just drawn them in similar height, the blue figure is obviously the mom though because she appears to be wearing a dress while the other two wear red shorts indicating that she had a brother, Portencia is the one in purple, that figure has a more girlish hair cut similar the mother in blue.


I say brother because of his clearly shorter hair style


ā€œWhistlerā€ wrote back just now. I said to get some sleep and check in when heā€™s up.

Just got home. Need to write down everything and then sleep, if I can.
My headā€™s pounding but I remember being there. Itā€™s still like a dream, but easier to remember now. And getting easier. I couldnā€™t write anything down because they automatically check for tech going in and manually check for everything going out.

But theyā€™e done something to us. I watched people on the ride back to the city kind of zombie out as we got further away. Someone on the shuttle, in medical research, mentioned Kendrick was in a medically-induced coma after an accident. But she was talking like he was in the building not in a hospital. When it was just the two of us I asked her about him, and she couldnā€™t remember who I was talking about. There are cameras everywhere, even on the shuttles, and I freaked, they might see me not forgetting so I had to play along, which honestly it wasnā€™t hard to pretend to be a vegetable after an almost 24 hour shift.

They had us (security and systems) working through the night. They said there was some kind of attempted attack and we had to sift through days of logs to try and find the source and prevent them from getting in with a series of updates. Theyā€™ve always talked about how ironclad the facility is, but people seemed worried. Fallon himself oversaw the shoring up which isnā€™t usual. We report to him but up a chain of four people. He pulled me away and asked how I was at one pointā€¦ I didnā€™t know how to act. How do I normally act when Iā€™ve been brainwashed? I tried to not beā€¦ anything. Said I was fine. He wanted reassurance that no one had gotten in and no one could in the future. He said he wanted me to join on a project later in the week, once we ā€œmade sure the walls were up.ā€ I saw some people on the server level that I didnā€™t recognize, they were walking up and down the aisles, not really doing anything. It was weird.

The other weird thingā€¦ I was taking the elevator down to the servers yesterday morning. There were a bunch of people all waiting for the elevators. But there was a bank of elevators behind us too, and no one was using them. It was like they couldnā€™t even see them. I had to pretend I couldnā€™t either.

And then I remembered using them. The chair is down there. In a whole other sublevel area of the building. Thatā€™s the only way to get in. I remember them pulling the girl out of it when I reported to Fallon one day. They brought this guy in, a teenager. They put him in the chair and I had to monitor the buildingā€™s network and firewall to make sure no one was trying to send information out. I donā€™t remember what they were doing to him, or if I even saw, but Fallon was there. So were the people from the server floor, the weird ones. I donā€™t remember when that wasā€¦

They just let me watch this human experiment, this kid, and didnā€™t care what I saw, what I thought, because they knew they could just wipe me clean again like a chalkboard.

How are we going to stop them? What do I need to do?


Well, the ā€œmomā€™sā€ feet look like the pants on the other two. Could just be a kidā€™s weird drawing. Teddy said she had two dads, never mentioned a mom.


It sounds like Whistlerā€™s definitely against KS. We need to focus on keeping him from being detected until we need an inside man.