SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

I chose illumination and hope. My thinking was that Augernon warned us to hide from hinder. And despair just reminds me of hinder. There’s just something about the choice that concerns me. :sweat:


I choose Illumination and Despair. I want to know what is exactly happening and what’s coming.


I would urge everyone to reconsider choosing despair. You can still have hope when looking at an absolute worst case scenario. It keeps you willing to keep moving, and keep working. With despair, you’ve already lost. It’s the feeling that nothing you do will matter. With anything Magiq, I prefer to avoid the concept of despair. Because there’s a very real possibility that it’s more literal than you think.

We don’t know if this eye has any real world consequences. I would rather avoid adding more despair to the world, even accidentally.

Hope and Illumination.


I chose Hope and Illumination as they seem the most optimistic :slight_smile:
I’m struggling to see how we got the understanding that these were our three choices though? I’ve been reading back through the posts from today and can’t find it?


While the darkness can be scary to contemplate. It exists. And despair quite possibly embodied is coming for us and we might want to be able to see it to recognize it, so no one outside has to. But you’re right, don’t bring despair into the world lightly. I won’t fight for despair if most people don’t want to look at it, and it looks like it’s way behind in the vote.

The poor Occular probably goes home at night and says to Mrs. Occular “No one ever takes despair. Why does no one want despair?”

It’s almost like they’re asking if we want Cake or Death or something.


Can’t we have death cake? cake that tastes really good but kills you in twelve hours.


Lol sounds like life. It’s good and then it kills you lol


poltergeist voice I’m baaaaaack.

Also I chose Hope and Despair because Illumination sounded the easiest to figure out on our own. Plus I personally will always choose anything using the word “hope” or a word usually given a negative connotation just because of my background. I like giving “bad” words a new meaning. And hope comes from despair a lot of the time.
I also feel like if Hope or Despair comes in first, we should go with the other by default because we won’t get the full picture otherwise.


Correct me if I am wrong, but is the choice between the three regarding future hopes, despairs and illuminations?

"It was purported to offer the reader of the scroll the one-time opportunity to be granted a strange gift: The choice between two of three emotional states: Illumination, Hope, and Despair."

It reads to me like it’s asking which of these three things we want/wish to experience/have? It’s the “emotional states” bit that is hanging me up.


I’m personally treating it as “you choose what you want to feel, and it shows you things that will make you feel it”, if that makes sense. If you choose despair, it’ll show you things from the future that will cause you to feel despair. Likewise for hope. If you choose illumination, it could possibly show some future epiphany that causes you to feel illuminated.


What if it gives you the gift to bestow the feeling on someone else? Or is it just bestowed on the reader?


I wonder if we can choose one at a time? Like, choose Hope and from there decide between Despair and Illumination, based on the response we get? That’d be ideal. But I guess we don’t really do ideal here LOL


In theory, we definitely could do this depending on how much time we have to decide.
The only problem would be that the sample of people available to make the second choice might not represent the wish of the overall population. (Can you tell I tutor people in research methods?)


Hmmm…hope and despair.

In times of despair a person needs hope. But in the same breath despair gives one a better appreciation of/reason to even have hope in the first place. If you have both in theory you have illumination…a full picture, a greater perspective. Very curious…

I’m excited to see what happens at 759!




Goodness me! Really can’t sleep anymore can I :joy::joy: thankfully I have a day off today so will be able to see the shananigans unfold :grin::grin:
Being true to my nature though I’ve already started organising a new safe house and got a bag ready to go in case it’s not good :grin::tinfoilhat:


I can’t wait for tonight!! 7:59, will be fun.


I won’t get to see it because I will probably be sleeping. Boo :frowning:


I think we’ve got about an hour and two minutes to show time.


Can you stay up for an extra hour? It’s almost exactly an hour until then.