SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

There’s always a chance we’ve missed tons :slight_smile:. I’d wager in the past we’ve breezed past sooo many things that were staring us right in the face. And don’t forget Aether is still out there, somewhere. We’ve been through this many times. Best we can do for now is go back through what we’ve gotten so far, try to see what we may have missed, and be on the lookout for anything changing in the usual haunts (like when @Skylad found Portencia’s picture had a new piece added).


Yes we are at a bit of a standstill.

All we have to go on is that its happened before, in 1994. Now…would looking for literal evidence of storm systems in 1994 be any help?

Oh, and over in the Storm thread, I posted about Seth being the god of storms. Well, one of his commonly associated symbols is the ankh. (Although the ankh also means life/death, male/female…)
Seth’s opposing force, is Horus. Horus symbol is the wadjet, (the eye,) he lost an eye in one of his battles with Seth, and his right eye, in some legends, is the sun and his left the moon.

KS have some rooting in Egyptian theology. I’m betting on them being some sort of Seth Cult.

There is a current movement called the Sethian Liberation Movement. Which was once named the Storm. (Founded by former members of the Church of Satan)
Now that’s either a REALLY BIG COINCIDENCE…

(oh you might not want to dig too much into that one, there be crazy people abound)


Knocking Back – Deeds Done based on reading this it makes me think perhaps we should try and see if Mon’s memories can be unlocked…


Step awaaaaaaaay from the memory restoration…

And inside was a new clue about a ruined city. A clue I immediately knew the answer to because I’d been planning a trip to see The Pointe-a-Calliere Museum and the ruins of old Montreal.


Post fire ruins…


But why is it important…

There’s not a lot of images you can see online of the ruins in the actual museum. Fort Ville-Marie is mentioned on the museum website but hmm…


The compass on the bottom of the 1725 map is familiar.

As is the keyhole shaped church in the sketch beneath it.


I looked up the 360 Google virw of the area and there didnt look to be any thing significant


I feel like this is just the next step on Deidre’s path. It may not be connected to us at all.


On Portencia’s page it mentions that a person named Kendrick administered the test that fragmented her. Afterwards he was just muttering her home address over and over. It seems like he would be another likely candidate to hold a portion of Portencia’s mind in his own.
Do we know anything else about him?


Just a reminder to everyone, we may be waiting for Aether to reach out to us again via e-mail. Don’t forget to check junk folders or spam folders on a semi regular basis


Do they come from a basecamp address? I’ve got like four linked email accounts >.> (also am probably far too new for emails)


Yes, the understanding I get is that Aether is in our Basecamp systems now. This forum, YouTube, Google Hangouts. Anything that is associated with this site. And that is how he communicates with us. So I believe it would be an e-mail like what Eaves sends out with his weekly recaps. And I don’t think you should put any thought into whether you have been here long enough or not, I think Aether just sends e-mails to whoever he can, regardless if they are newer or been here for a while.


Not to do with time on board - more to do with whoever is on when Aether can reach us.


So, retracing steps a little for the sake of completism.

The list on 117-2 looks like just that, a list. I was wondering if it was an index page, but none of the incomplete entries link to any Kemetic Solutions pages, they’re just blanks They go to pages indexed with I at the top but no content.
This bugs me.


I agree 100%


Can you post links to the pages you’re referring to?


From the list on that page we know there is a “Climber” page.
The entry below on the list would make best sense as “libraries” so entering

Click and see the blankness.


Additionally, we never really hammered out any information from the missing letters and if they indicate anything of value.

I tried just entering in words using an anagram solver of the missing letters and nothing I came up with that was a real word seemed to do anything.


I think the missing letters just represent topics aether has fully connected yet to us. Probably details he wants to look into but can’t fully collate yet.

Edit. But I’ve been wrong before