SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

If we focus on the belief that the drawing of the house is the jungian archetype of her self, could it be possible that KS is trying to use Aether as a method to get into her “house” then? Since they seemed quite determined to open that door.


So we have “The past is just a moment.” with a tree and at least two people in a building that looks like a house. Child psych is not my forte (mainly because I don’t work well with kids), but there’s a lot off with the drawing. It’s too early to suggest some things without the whole photo, but kids 99.99% of the time put hair on everyone they draw. Even adults who are losing their hair will have hair in kids’ drawings. The lack of a sun is also off to me, but that could be in part we don’t have yet.
I’d also be interested in seeing what other colors are used.
Basically what we have so far suggests that Portencia/whoever else drew this spent a lot of time with a completely bald person and may not have seen the outdoors very often.


It may have her home address that Kendrick kept repeating over and over again… Then we could visit it and see where it began


If the Book of Briars has existed forever there has to be a time where another group before the '94 has tried to open it, And do we know how it got closed? Or did it close by itself?


A malevolence as yet unseen = The storm
Means to gather power= What KS calls adepts
By breaking the poor mountaineer = Climber
And crushing the young flower = Portencia
It’s time to dive deeper still = The memories we got from augie?
A mystery to test your will = What is will in the greek model of the mind?
A fractured mind, a vicious byte = The fractured mind is clearly the drawing of the house, but we are still missing parts, where are they? As for the byte, perhaps Aether, but that doesn’t feel right
Another fragment’s taken flight = Flight seems important, but I’m not how it fits

Just some observations that I thought might help us focus our efforts.


It was implied in Augie’s conversation. He seemed to mention the '94 group as not the original seekers.
This cycle may have occurred and been suppressed endless times before now. 22 years isn’t a massive interval between groups.


Do we know how the book closed? Or how many keys they got? And it seems that KS might be getting keys or fragments to open it?


I’m not sure it’s ever actually been opened. Augie says the storm came for them at fragment 12, which would only be the 4th part of the third key - that leaves one full key necessary before the book was open. It sounds like the storm has come many a time before the book could actually be opened.


Maybe the storm is the first fragment of the last key :tinfoilhat:


Tin Hat situated firmly on my head I offer this possibly ridiculous idea, what if we have to restore Monica’s memory?


Well casting it on Augie caused him to go into mouth foaming fits. Now I prefer to think that was the ‘something’ that was trying to shut him up, and not our direct doing. But that could be a bit dangerous.

Still, there’s no reason we couldn’t give Deidre the spell and offer to help her if she wanted to try it as long as we’re upfront with how the first time went. Let her decide.


Sounds like a solid plan to me.


You’re completely right. It’s a dangerous route to go down, and who knows how Augie is actually fairing at the moment. But it’s a solid shot. With how sudden it came on Monica, it definitely sounds like the work of some kind of Magiq. Plus, we might be better off catching it early on as opposed to trying to release her mind from years and years of imprisonment like with Augie.

I say let’s go your route, Robert. Offer Deidre our plan and set up what protections we can for Monica before we do the casting, assuming DG wants to go through with it.


Guys, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the memory charm only meant to be temporary? That was my understanding, that it’s not meant to be a permanent fix. If so, I don’t think that’s a good idea, unless Dierdre really needed some vital piece of information from Mon, I don’t know that messing with a mind under the hold of powerful magiqs is a good thing.
We may very well find a way to reverse all this mind-sweeping eventually (that is why we’re here after all.) But right now, sad as this situation is, I’m afraid that dabbling might do more harm than good.
Also, they seem to know when someone’s memory is restored, and rush back in to wipe it again. That was not pleasant for Augie. I don’t want them doing that to Mon, too.


Sad as Monica’s story is right now, I don’t think doing that to her is necessary or fair on anyone.
Do we want her involved just before the storm comes? I don’t think the next few months will be fun for any of us.


But if Monica’s memory has been swept there is a good chance that it was for a reason. Because of something that those who work against us don’t want us to know or to have. And right now it may be our only lead to finding more fragments of Portencia’s mind which seems to be the only way to progress. And if we can’t find all the fragments we’ll never open the book and set all this to right.

I do worry for Monica and I don’t want to see her come to harm like Augernon, but balance must be restored.


We will find the fragments @Mr.Fern, we always do. But not by putting innocent people in harms way unnecessarily. I want to open the book too, we all do, and I don’t pretend that people won’t get hurt, that many haven’t already. But if we start playing with people’s minds like that, well, we’re no better than KS.


Nobody could have put it better.


So then what is our next step? It seems like in the past all the clues we needed were in front of everyone, it just was a matter of deciphering what was there. Is there a chance we’ve missed something that could give us another lead?


Well I did a search of “the past is just a moment” at least I’m assuming the first word is “the” from the picture. And I came up with a place called Riley’s Farm and a song called “Upon This Dawning” by Son’s of Venice. And this link Nothing seems relevamy but I rather like the lyrics to the song.