SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

I’d like to hope that he made it in.


It looks like Aether did indeed make it in.

I knew my paranoid habit of typing in semi-logical URL’s would come in handy one day. :wink:


But what is it saying? It sounds almost like a transcript of another video/audio log, similar to the one that we got. I can definitely hear Teddy’s voice in those words!


My guess is Aether is making things he finds that could be relevant to us available through their website. It makes sense. It’d probably be much easier for Aether to make things visible there as opposed to trying to transmit data to us. Yeah, that could very well be Teddy’s log entries.


"Reminds me of [ ] "

Could the [BLANK] they are talking about be the Mountanier they have or someone else? Also, if we could find her name maybe there is a different page in their website with some more info.


Great find @Robert. I wonder what the context of this is? It does sound like a transcript @Keegan, almost a journal. One thing I’ve noticed… we haven’t gotten a message from @The_Book_of_Briars letting us know we’re on the trail of a new fragment (if this is a fragment.) I’m going to spend time scrubbing the video again. Maybe that’s where the context for this page is? :graspingatstrawsemoji:


We should really have an emoji for that and for a tin foil hat :P


OMG of course THIS is what @Bash immediately drops everything for… :tinfoilhat:



ahahahahah, that’s just the perfect emoji for us!


If there were ever an emoji to describe our group, this would be it! :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat:


I’ve stepped through most areas of the interference frame by frame, and I don’t see anything in there that points to a context. I certainly can’t claim I did an exhaustive search though. There’s a lot of interference and I didn’t try our color filter tricks we had to do on Marty’s pictures on every frame of the video.


Hey, one of the new guys, this is just a theory that my head keeps going back to when I read that transcript or whatever the KS site is that Aether left for us.

• What if at the end, when it says the person in questions hope that they do better by whoever he is talking about, what if the girl he is talking about is one of the the people that were taken with Aether. What if one of girls are dead or died from the experiments or I don’t know

• Also maybe KS took someone again. Maybe that’s what the site is talking about.


I also think I found some things in the video Aether in the static but I’m just going to explain what I think it is

• the first is a kind of face, it looks like it’s wearing a mask wearing a black hood
• the second seems to be a person with its back towards the camera, rubbing its neck
• the last image seems to be that same image in the second with a kind of silhouette going to hit something.


I can sorta see what you are talking about. The next step would be to figure out if aether is trying yo send a message to us. Hopefully it points us yo a next step in the path. If we are my lucky it’s a word or phrase we can use to find aether in the site.



hi. I’m kinda new to this and I’m a bit scared bcos I believe in this sort of stuff. Anyways, as I’ve watched the video (the first part where there is a distortion) I can’t seem to shake my vision that there is boy sitting near a table and a man on his right standing… Looks like the man standing on the right side is interrogating the boy…


With some of the stills being from fragment 4, i was typing random URLs in and found this:


Great find @Littlbat!


I had a thought, what if we take the distortions with similar colors and put it together cause when I watched the video, I saw a face. Maybe we can see whose face it is, if there is one


So what I’m getting from this is that Teddy (and I’m NOT saying he’s a good guy), is less interested in gaining power and more interested in the adepts themselves. Likely why he’s the one who deals with them directly. Why he’s interested in them worries me, but he does seem to have genuine concern for them, and feels he’s failing them. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a way to get through to him. He may be a weak link for KS. It’s a long shot, but…


That’s exactly what I got from that @Leigha! It seems to me that though he’ll do whatever’s necessary, he’s not necessarily doing it for himself, but rather for his “greater good.” There might actually be the possibility of trying to sway his opinion to our side, if we have the right plan.

Also, it seems like these clues that were getting are pointing is closer and closer to what exactly is beyond this door/veil…