SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

I think it should coincide as closely with Marty going as possible. We can do “Story Teatime” while he is meeting Augie, I think that would work? Maybe?

@Revenir - My hope is nothing happens to Marty. He has kind of been an innocent bystander, and I hope we aren’t putting him in harms way…


I’m concerned too. But one way to look at it is that Augie had a lot taken from him against his will. This may be our chance to give some piece of it back to him. That’s kinda cool.


Man… leave for an hour and all hell breaks loose. But this is an awesome development! I won’t be able to help in the tea department, but all participants have my good thoughts.


That’s very true. I would definitely love it if we could help him in some way. I just hope it’s worth whatever the consequences are.


The login isn’t working for me. From what I gather, this is tea based spellcasting and we might royally wreck someone.

Can I get more details please? ;-;


What is going to happen if we give him back memories that he doesn’t want?


So, an almost Granny Weatherwax esque teatime memory spell. Depending on times, I’ll drink to that.


Check it out!


Consolatory Teatime for Misplaced Memory* – A Summoning Ritual v1.03
[Multiple Practioners/Food & Beverage/Memory/Unperfected/Heresay/Herbs]

Note: the original text of this spell involved two persons, the one who had lost the memory, and the one who would summon the memory. As with most spells now, it may take more people to conjure the memory on this side of the veil.

  • Several people must brew a cup of tea simultaneously. Any tea of one’s choosing is appropriate as long as it’s herbed in some way.

  • One of the practitioners must be in the physical presence of the person with the misplaced memory.
    Sit with someone, have a warming cup of tea, and tell them something, a story, an anecdote about your day. Think calm and tranquil thoughts, allowing memories to swim in and out of consciousness.
    The act of sharing teatime around a “table” of any sort is helpful in summoning the lost memory, especially if the memory is particularly lost. In the mundane age, a conference call or video call might suffice.
    When you’re finished, speak the summoning phrase:
    “Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.”
    The original ritual depicted the misplaced memory being summoned physically inside a spheroid shape, though it may have been an artistic elaboration. Modern practitioners have claimed seeing glimpses of memories in their tea but no such claims have been substantiated.
    This ritual may bring a sense of comfort but has yet to be perfected as an actual spell here in the mundane.

  • Pieced together from numerous sources. As with all materials in The Athenaeum, you view and perform them at your own risk. There is no such thing as magic without consequence.


Also, we have a new area to explore. What is the athenaeum? And what other bits of magiq might it hold for us? The menu seems to suggest taht further documents might be “mad accessible” to us by whoever (or scary thought _what_ever) controls it.


It would be better if we could be there. :disappointed_relieved: Healing arts can provide some small protection from mental breaks, but only have a limited amount of effectiveness afterwards. Marty going alone makes me nervous. If Augie does suffer a break, it could be the very person we are counting on who endangers Marty.


Have you tried typing it out by hand? I copy-pasted and it didn’t work, but typing it in manually did. That said, this is what you’re missing:


Thanks everyone! I think I’ll drink with you all when I can, and if I miss it, I’ll drink one in spirit.


Lots happened while I was gone today. How exciting. So do we wait for Marty to get to Augie before doing the spell?


I don’t believe we have any other choice.


oooh yay! When we figure out when we are doing this I can join in, timezones permitting


That’s true. At the very least, he has survived a long time without being endangered, so I trust him to be safe. I think maybe KS doesn’t see him as a threat, or maybe doesn’t even know he exists, or else he would’ve been taken care of already. As dark as that is to think of… :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:


I checked in with Marty through his account. He hasn’t replied but if we can get a general time when he’ll be there to see Augernon I’ll get Bash to set up another Hangout on the Basecamp Youtube channel.


We always have a choice. This is just the best one we know of ;p


Or the consequence of performing this magiq falls on him… my other other worry