Second Magimystic Assessment is here!

Its really different from the first one (which I think is still up??) because it was all super straight forward. Like “what is the first step?” “Which one of these is not an ingredient?” “What is it called?”. This one is so confusing for me, that I’m not really sure what to do other than what I’ve suggested already, which may not even be right.


Would you mind clarifying your suggestion? I’m not sure I understand - because each piece is touching multiple other pieces, but you can only submit one answer. I was also thinking maybe the pieces touching the piece shown might have relevance, but that’s still extremely hard to brute force even if you’ve narrowed it down to 5-ish of 55 different animals. :sweat:

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I mean like the faces on the pieces. Whatever animals face is right up against the face of, in this case, the dolphins face, would be the animal we select. I suppose if one face is big enough for two animals to be on it, we just… brute force it then?? I’m not sure if its the gold pieces or the black pieces though.
I hope that explains it a bit better. Again, it could still be wrong but its all I can think of.

Also, maybe its a problem with my browser but for whatever reason the little 3D model doesn’t want to work for me! Oh well!


I got nothing. So, let’s see if we can back our way into something clever.

The first test was a test of ‘spell retention’. Essentially it was a memory test.

This second test is described as a test of ‘intuition’ which I basically had to look the word up to make sure I was using it right because I doubt everything at this point. Intuition means “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

The more I try to figure out what this means, the more I wonder if I’m wasting my time. If this is truly a test of intuition then the answer should be apparent without having to do massive study on the nature of animals or giant logic puzzle solving. I still don’t even know what a couple of these animals even are on this shape, much less which one is humble and which one is brainy.

All my intuition tells me is that I’m pretty far up a creek without a paddle right now.


Me too…

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There might be something with the question itself. I won’t reproduce it here for fear of incurring the Book’s wrath, but just below the animal there is a list of words followed by a question mark. So the words are asking…something. Are we to figure out which animal those words represent somehow? I think the pictured animal is only part of the question. Thoughts?


There are certain symbols in the question that could have multiple meanings, so my current approaches have been based on various interpretations of their meaning. That said, nothing has come of it so far.

I’m guessing we’ll know when we’ve completed the assessment correctly, right?


Last time when we were correct we were told we were correct, yes.


You should get a snazzy key animation if you’ve done the assessment correctly. If you’ve been redirected back to the assessment continued page, then you didn’t get the answers correct.


We can figure this out.

The difficulty has definitely been ramped up from the first assessment but I also feel like there’s something we’re missing.

Maybe we’re supposed to be frustrated right now…

But the good thing is that we have some leeway to work together as long as we don’t give away the correct answer. Maybe that’s what we’re supposed to be doing. The last assessment had us assembling clues from the first four fragments… is there anything unresolved from the past four?

Maybe we’re not supposed to automatically know how to do this? Maybe we’re supposed to still be putting this particular puzzle together?

Let’s break it all down. What stands out? Words, clues, things still unresolved… Let’s go team. (Eaves is better at the pep talks but I’m giving it a Thornmouth go.) :disappointed_relieved:


And the Ritual thing
Mythelismus crack the bone
When trembling flesh sings tender tone
For Kemetide brings waves of thunder
Lightning to rip hearts asunder
By Orid’s eye begins our rending
Brave, and bold, our bodies bending
Now Ra-el bleeds horned souls start breaching
With tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching
And so unburied, unbound, blind
We bring forth the beasts combined.

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The names of the beasts struck me as important, but if they are connected, I haven’t found exactly how yet.

Did we ever figure out exactly what was up with the green dots in fragment 7? (I think it was 7)


Good point @Chordie, what do we think? Green dots relevant?


I can’t say for sure, but I don’t want to discount anything. Do we have all the Yule pages in one place, by the way?

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Is there some way we could superimpose the dots onto the tetrahedron? Maybe if we angle it right, the dots will hit the animals we’re supposed to use?

I feel like this image @Crytter posted a while ago might be useful;


That’s the kind of thing I was looking for. Thanks!

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There are 4 dots and 4 questions. Maybe each dot is somehow related to one question?


That would actually be pretty friggin genius! Maybe if we put it on one side of the tetrahedron it’ll land on the right one?

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Out of curiosity, how many fragments built up to where we are now? Thus far, I’ve only been looking at 7 and 8.

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Hey guys, I know I’m new here but I’ve been lurking in the background for a couple of weeks now. I made a flat rendering of the tetrahedron in an effort to try and superimpose the dots onto it but I haven’t personally had any luck with it. Here’s what I’ve been working with it in case anyone else wants to have a go with it:

Hopefully someone has better luck than I, and hopefully we’re on the right track regardless.