Second Magimystic Assessment is here!

Its an Assessment, Scroll up to the link for the first one


It turns out @Ricardo didn’t get the note from the Book for some reason. In case anyone else has a similar issue, let’s post it here.

Good Imbolc,

You have found four new fragments.

Four fragments that can be used to obtain another key to the Book of Briars.

But first your magimystic intuition, capability, and retention must be tested.

You must take the actual test alone. Sharing of its contents is not allowed, but you may seek guidance from others. There are ways to work together.

Your assessment begins where this image belongs:


Robert, Do you have any guess for what we could do for this?


We’re being tested on our understanding and retention of the fragments.

So, ideally, we’d figure out how the fragments fit together. I totally get not everyone can help solve the tetrahedron,but it seems someone is going to have to before we fully understand how the fragments work. Every pair of hands or eyes could help. Even if you can’t print them out some theoretical work looking for patterns in the pieces or ideas how to position them based on Kelsey’s attempt can be useful. Whatever you got, throw it in the pot.

After the tetrahedron is solved, then we have another kettle of fish to unwrap… that made more sense in my head.


Yeah, Thees last couple of fragments were the answer to the book and getting more pieces like people have said before i think the tittles of the Sides will reveal it, I think we have to decode them, Also @Endri Mentioned how they were Abc pieces and Ef pieces and so on


I’m going to say that there’s a good chance that certain animals need to be on the outside, most likely one on each face. Assuming that’s possible, it might help us reach an answer.


My hope is that when one of us figures it out they will post pics so we can see how it’s properly done. I don’t think that would go against the rules of the assessment (fingers crossed anyway).


What was fragment 7s animal like six was a Chicken what was 7?



Can you put thees in order from the order of the fragments?


I think we discovered them in this order:

  1. Brachursis
  2. Galluskulk
  3. Furomaris
  4. Tigrantula

But I’d like somebody to double-check my math.


What animals are they?


I know where you’re going with that @Furia but I don’t think that’s it!


I don’t know if this will help in anyway, but I think that, as it was said before, the name of each of the four fragments, plus the extra one, hints to the golden animals.

  1. Brachursis: Crab + Bear
    Brachyura is the infraorder to which crabs belong to
    Ursis means bears in latin

  2. Galluskulk: “Rooster” (the other name is censored) + Fox
    Gallus means rooster in latin
    Skulk is the name given to a group of foxes

  3. Furomaris: Ferret + Fish
    Mustela putorius furo is the scientific name for ferret
    Maris comes from the latin for “sea” (this one is a bit of a stretch…)

  4. Tigrantula: Tiger + spider
    I think this one is obvious :slight_smile:

  5. Caprathorn: Goat + Deer
    Capra is latin for goat
    Thorn might refer to the deer’s antler (this is also a bit of a stretch…)

Please correct any of these if you think they point to something else. Again, I have no idea if these will serve any purpose or not, but since it seems we are all kinda stuck, we could try brainstorming a bit :wink:


I like it. I like it. For some silly reason it never fully dawned on me each of the 10 gold pieces could be half of the name of a fragment.

So I see a few ways to use this information.

  1. Maybe the gold sides connect to each other. So for Brachursis. The gold crab touches the gold bear? This doesn’t explain why there are black versions of these sides though.

  2. Maybe the gold sides still connect to dark sides just not to matching ones. So the gold crab touches the black bear? This would only use half the gold sides though.

  3. Maybe it goes both ways? The gold crab touches the black bear and the gold bear touches the black crab? This covers all our bases, but sounds like a LOT of connections to enforce.

Edit: I can’t try any of these til later tonight sadly so I’m stuck in theoretical land now. But that’s okay, we have great hypothetical lattes.


@Nahemah and @Robert might be on to something. The golden pieces seem to connect when associating them with the fragment name. I am about halfway through construction and all seems to work so far. I will let you know if I can work something out

EDIT: Whenever I seem to be on the right path, another little thing seems to get in my way. I think this is the right method of thinking, but I just have yet to find the right combination. Will let you know if anything changes


EDIT: I am under the impression this is definitely not the right design. Please disregard it

I think I may have something. Just taping it up and will post pictures once I double check.

I am going to post this in Tetrahedron assembly but I will link up the two posts. I just think that the finished product shold be posted in here. For tidiness.

EDIT: Link to other post:


Link to potentially correct design. (Upright animals, gold pieces connected to their other half):


I’m not sure I can say this so if so I’ll get rid of this but uh…
On the assessment there are animals at the top. Perhaps the ones those animals are touching, is the right answer? I only ask this because if so, we’d need to know exactly which ones are touching each other, and not everyone has access to the assumed right version of the tetrahedron.
(If this is too much, just pm me and I’ll take it down. But I don’t know any other way to ask it.)

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3:15 already? Been working on this too much for one night…

Hopefully someone can make more progress than I can D:


I dont know what to do from here