Physical & Wellness Support Pod – Nepenthe

I got sort of mentally clothes-lined by last week and dropped almost all progress I had made. My sleep schedule suffered a lot (I don’t think I got a normal night’s sleep one night last week) and I had a hard time picking up other things. I’ve been eating better since I’m working from home (no sandwiches from the library cafe when I forget to bring lunch), and I’ve had a couple virtual dance rehearsals so far, so it’s not all bad news. Plus, I’m trying to take walks at the end of my work day since I live right next to a big park and by the time I finish working it’s empty. I had really been wanting to do some sort of personal training/consultation at the campus gym but obviously that’s not happening now, so I might also try the hero’s journey plan!


I started the hero’s journey yesterday. The first two days are very leg-heavy. I usually have trouble sticking to an exercise routine but I think the game-like aspect will keep me more interested in pushing through.


Awesome! My wife and I are both doing Hero’s Journey - I chose Magic Ring as my weapon (I know you love those planks, @Remus - I’m surprised you didn’t pick that!) The more, the merrier, @BrokenVoid!


I think I’ll probably take the sword, I could use more upper body strength.


I wanted to work on something I wasn’t necessarily good at (I only realized in middle school that I didn’t know how to jump rope individually correctly, so I’m trying to see if I’d actually like it if I did it right :sweat_smile:). Plus, I get to go skipping, so that’s fun!

And welcome, Void! I agree, the first two days were pretty leg heavy (I had trouble walking down stairs afterwards which kind of highlighted that I needed to be working on this stuff sooner), but you move to other stuff pretty quickly after that!


I did jump rope my first go-around with Hero’s Journey a couple of years back, and loved it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one dying from all the legs! :laughing: I was so horribly sore yesterday. I’m doing Hero’s Journey every other day to (hopefully) avoid making my old injuries too mad at me.

I picked Magic Ring for my item, though I’d have done the Lasso if I had the space. I loved jumping rope as a kid!


I was hoping to start Monday but ended up floored by a migraine. Finally feeling back to normal though, so I’m starting it today! And hey, day one on the 1st of the month is nice, hopefully keeping the numbers matched will be a little extra motivation to stick with it consistently.


Okay, day one down!

Even if I lost track toward the end of not-so-hoppy not-quite-toe taps. And the climbers weren’t quite so low to the ground as intended.



Hey, everything helps. I definitely lost count doing those too.


I’ve definitely been made fun of for subconsciously counting out loud under my breath :joy:


I don’t think I’ll be able to manage the last two reps for day 2, so calling 3/5 close enough. :cagsko:

(Doesn’t help that I’ve been standing at my craft table for several hours)


I can’t wait until day 58 which has a subquest of 3,000 punches.


Got day 3 done. :aetherdetermined:

Going with the ring because the distance stuff looks a bit too intense later on for the Florida heat and a lack of gyms.

Also modified it a bit, had to go to modified push up stance after the first 20 seconds; the area above my knees is not happy (I abused them horribly a few years ago, when I over exert they let me know).


I went with ring too, since I’ve got limited space and resources. And I feel on having to make modifications, I’ve had to sub out bridges or wall sits for more intense squat sequences or lunges before, since I’ve got years of old knee injuries that like to complain. Also, using foam yoga pads (or even a throw pillow) for knee planks/push-ups or any other weight-bearing floor stuff makes a huge difference for me!


You guys are all doing great. Sub out what you feel comfortable doing, and make choices to make the most of what you have available at hand in quarantine. Keep up the Journey, Heroes!


Hey all! Late to the party, so Ive just signed up for the walk to mordor app as PokemonGo! has officially driven me insane. So hopefully even if progress is slow Ill keep up with walking while this all pans out. I have two yoga goals,

  1. To do the splits on at least one side (pretty close on my left leg!)
  2. To do crow pose (Holy hell not even remotely close I am struggling so hard)
    If I manage all three of my goals earlier in the year than I expect Ill add the dreaded cardio. i hate how much better I feel when I do it and I need to remember that

Fell off the wagon (for both yoga and heros journey orz) after a wild last few days, but I’m gonna hop back on it today! I might back track to day three too - might chose 2 weapons to practice with this time :o


I started Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch this past weekend and am so far really enjoying it. Spending 20-30 minutes in the morning right now getting my heart rate up and sweating a little while I’m “playing a game” has been helpful for me.

I’m trying to do more “habit stacking” which is adding positive elements to habits I already have. When I was in the city, and had access to a gym, I would binge a show only if I was on the stationary bike. Or using the Switch to do something that’s good for my heart, not just a fun escape. It’s been helpful and adds positive reinforcement to things that normally have negative emotions attached to them.


Just did Day 6 of becoming a Hero.

I am now a puddle of goo. But I have a baby dragon! :dragon: The prospect of rescuing an imaginary dragon egg is surprisingly motivational.

@Eden aha! A dual wielder! Go for it! And if anyone else is like me and needs to have music playing, Lindsey Stirling makes great work out accompaniment.