Physical & Wellness Support Pod – Nepenthe

This is the support pod for those with physical or wellness-related revolution goals! Whether you’re running marathons, walking to Rivendell, trying a new routine, or focusing on nutrition, this is the space to focus on giving our bodies some love. Use this space to share your goals and milestones, offer tips and support, and (respectfully) hold each other accountable!

If you have any ideas for outside causes and charities to support/sponsor alongside your Nepenthe plans, please share them below as well!


My related goals this year are:

  • Get thee to the fires of Mt. Doom :bashmordor: :volcano:
  • Get thee to the doctor for crying out loud (I’ve been terrible about using my insurance the last several years and need to fix that)

My goals here are:
Walking to Mordor, too! (As of now, I am 1.97% of the way to the foot of Mt Doom)
Getting back my 6 minute mile - I miss running


I have terrible joints and am still recovering from a recent knee injury, so my biggest physical goal is to slowly work back up to my regular yoga practice and be able to get back into cycling this summer.

Less physical but still wellness, I also want to establish a more consistent meditation practice and remember to check in and take time for mindfulness. I recently got the Headspace app and am hoping it will be a helpful tool to keep myself accountable, but I’m consistently terrible about setting aside that time since I tend to have 10 other things to do at any given moment.


Planning to start swimming again, for general fitness and flexibility.
Current target (set for me by a friend, yay accountability) is 1000m in 40m within 3months.


Yay I made it swimming!
Boo I am horrifically out of shape.
Yay I have a baseline 30min for 20 or 22 laps(500/550m)
Boo I have discovered muscles I didn’t know I had.
Yay my shoulder, the main thing I wanted to improve flexibility of, feels marginally better.


Proud of you for getting it going! I’ve always found that aggressive hydration and some extra protein (I do shakes) helps with the delayed muscle soreness.


Ta for the tip. I already have a moderately high protein diet so I’ll aim to drink more, I had the shakes really bad afterwards.


I’ve finally had a sit down and gone through my priorities for the year and here are the health-related ones:

  • Fix my sleep schedule! Tough as a grad student, but I’ve finished my last class for my degree so I shouldn’t have to be pulling long nights on homework on the regular anymore
  • Drink more/enough water
  • See a trainer/add gym visits on the weekend. I’ve settled into a new dance routine, but there are still things I’d like to work on that fall outside my two styles and I’d like at least a little professional help getting those things incorporated into my life
  • Keep better care of my hair…maybe not really a wellness goal, but I recently got my first haircut in an embarrassingly long time, and it made me realize how unhealthy my hair had been looking. So keeping better track of that is a goal for the year

Goals for wellness:

  • Kip Ups, flips, and other trick (easy/medium)
  • Branch into other dance styles and movements
  • Practice flow and intention when dancing (hard. Very hard)
  • Practice routines and acro shapes when not at rehearsal
  • Return to Aerial Silks/Rope
  • Maintain better diet for my activity level
  • drink so much water.

Oo you dance? :V If I may, what’re your styles/dances?


Right now I do latin/ballroom and bellydance, and I used to do jazz and hip hop!


Oooo you do silks and acro?
Props to you that takes loads of body strength.

What styles of dance do you do? :eyes:


Did somebody say “sleep schedule”?

Here’s a great resource from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, outlining all of your sleep problem needs:

For schedule issues, I would recommend these as a start:


Okay. I didn’t want to put the cart before the horse, so I’ve held off on posting until now, but here goes.

Using the help of journaling (posted about in a different thread) and setting an intention daily, I’m working this year on curbing my overeating. I let myself go WAY off the rails in December, and the scale had something to say about it. So did my wardrobe. I’m back on track so far, and am down about 10 lbs since the first of the year(/decade!) and I’m going to keep it going.

I’ve been good about making the gym regularly, which helps, but no amount of bench press is going to undo eating 6 peanut butter buckeyes in a sitting :grimacing:. So, here I am. Glad to be on this journey with all of you!


Oh I use an absolutely fantastic app called sleep cycle that listens to your breathing and wakes you up when you’re not in a deep REM sleep. It works on both IOS and Android!

It has a handy little chart and stats as well! (You can buy premium for more info but it’s so not necessary) It also tracks steps as well for those doing fitness but there are better apps for that :smile:


@Tinker ballroom is so pretty ;0; And belly dance is amazing omg

@Ginger I’m currently taking ballet and jazz, to learn more control and form, but my current style is hip hop / acro / tricking blend? ^^


Checking in - how’s everyone doing? I read a statistic somewhere that yesterday was the most likely day for people to fall off the resolution wagon, but we’re in the business of Revolution here!


I hit the Bonfire Glade a couple nights ago on my walk to Mordor (one of the extra stops on the website I use rather than the app), and have managed to log (sometimes primarily by what my phone logs in my pocket on a few long days) at least one mile every day.

Also almost knocked the big guy playing Satan in Book of Mormon over when helping him pull his arms on a couple weeks ago. “Someone had their wheaties this morning!” :deirdrexd:


Still committed! I’ve got my water bottle right next to me as I type. I haven’t made really any progress on the sleep or the trainer things but it’s a pause rather than a cancel.