Physical & Wellness Support Pod – Nepenthe

More like a sun lamp - full spectrum bulb, 10,000 lux luminance.


Light therapy lamps don’t usually heat up (they also shouldn’t have UV rays). They’re just really bright, full-spectrum lamps with light at or above 10,000 lux, which can stimulate the right kinds of hormone and neurotransmitter production to wake you up. They basically tell your brain “hey it’s daytime!!”


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


@Augustus_Octavian and @Wyvern Gonna catch me some new light therapy action to get some ZZZs later :sunglasses: :sunny:


Checking in - how’s everybody doing?


I fell off the wagon in February, but I’m back to my daily workout routine now. I didn’t realize how much progress I’d made until I slipped back out of shape. Like, I can remember doing some of my Pilates workouts no problem, and now I’m struggling far more than before - clearly, in order to get to that level of “oh this is easy” I’d become a lot stronger than I realized, but only noticed after I lost it.
No matter, I’ll just have to get back into the routine and I’ll gain the muscle back in no time.
I don’t look any different than I did when I was at the top of my game, though, so I think my body is the sort that won’t look muscular no matter what I do. My goal isn’t to achieve any sort of look, but I was discouraged that I’d been exercising for a year and looked no different from when I started. I guess I know now that (for me anyway) my appearance is not a good way to measure how fit I am,


Tricking and Acro has been pushed to the side for now, but itll come front and center soon (just two more weeks till i can start focusing hard on that). I started doing yoga to increase my flexibility. It seems to be working too

I have a show coming up where I’m in 3 aerial silks numbers, 3 blended style dances, and 1 heels dance (its… its a lot honestly) . So on that front, I’m kickin’ butt . I’m back in the air, and I’m stoked about it. This last week I did somthing to my thigh, so as much as i dont want to, im kickin’ back for a few days to rest it up, and taking it easy.

The eating and drinking front unfortunately fell off the wagon. I need to get back on it. Any tips from those who’s food intake is one of their goals?

@Augustus_Octavian HBU?


That happens to me, too, @Sellalellen ! In fact, my buddies and I joke that it’s not like you “level up” when you exercise and have a new baseline permanently. I’m always surprised at how quickly I backslide when I don’t go to the gym regularly for more than 1 week. I had a big recent backslide from a two week hiatus from the gym during a hectic workweek followed by an ear infection. You’re right though, once you put the time and the effort back in, it comes right back.

@Eden I’ve been able to keep at it using analog food logging/calorie tracking apps. It’s not easy. I was stressing out today at work because of this or that, and found myself just wanting to eat. I was able to recognize it for what it was and not give in, but boy is it a struggle. I think holding myself accountable by logging my intake has been probably the most helpful thing I’ve done over the past 10 weeks since I decided to make a change.


Silks? I’m so jealous. I’ve wanted to learn them forever but I’m in a rural area with no circus schools or anything, and while I’d normally try to teach myself, Silks seem too dangerous for that. Maybe I could manage Lyra, then I’d only need to be a few feet off the ground and teaching myself would be lower-risk.


Overall, behind on miles for the year (daily average to complete my goal has only gone higher). I’ve managed to technically log at least one mile each day, but it’s definitely felt a little cheaty more times than I’d like, especially in the last month.

Still haven’t set up any appointments to use my insurance yet.

Mostly been trying to focus on anything but the key sources of stress/anxiety that aren’t much in my control (while still sort of trying to do something).


So, my gym is closed because epidemic, so I’m going to start doing Hero’s Journey. Anybody want to do it with me and check in here?


Oh, that looks fun! I’ve been struggling with committing to routines, so maybe the game aspect will help. I’m in!


That looks really cool! I’ve definitely been slacking on exercise since being home, this could definitely help!


I think my fiancee and I are starting Saturday! Thanks for sharing, Augo!


Day 1 done! I haven’t worked out since early March between midterms and the quarantine, but I made it through level 1 this morning!

Also, don’t feel afraid to look up the exercises if you don’t know how to do them! Darebee (the site where you can find the Hero’s Journey thing Augo shared) has a YouTube channel with examples of how to do the exercises, which I know was really helpful for me!


I’m going to start tomorrow. I had to stack half a cord of wood today.


One down, 29 to go @Remus!


Day 3 of 60 down! On day 3, you choose a weapon that you can do extra training with (or you can only do it on Day 3 and then you don’t need to worry about it anymore).

I chose Lasso (jump rope) and my fiancee chose the Hammer (weights)! There are also no equipment options, but these were the exercises we felt best fit our fitness goals! I’m going to need to change out mine because it’s too short, but here is my lasso!

Best of luck today to anyone who is trying to work on their fitness goals!


I’m late to the party but I’m in for the hero’s journey! I’ll start it today :smiley:


Welcome aboard!