Operation Nepenthe - Guild Scarves for The Homeless

Greetings Everyone!
An update I should have sent out weeks ago. Part 1 of OP Nepenthe is complete and we had a great time working on it.
Now for part two, which is something you can help with at home or on site.

The Nepenthe Tree. A location swathed in magic to warm those in need. It will have scarves hanging from it’s branches and a plaque with the spell I am crafting that will, in part, explain why it is there.

How you at home can help at home
Using google earth, maps, or any other geolocation tool, find the perfect tree. I am aware there are hundreds in central park (Which is where I am hoping this tree to be) so just poke around, see what you can find.

On Site
When this tree is completed (Sometime in Feb) I am going to need help filling it’s branches and keep it stocked, as I live a while out of the city. Anyone who lives on site I encourage to start creating scarves now, I will let you all know when the tree is set up and where.

Thanks for all the support this project has already received from you all.
-Oracle Out


Love this idea, @OracleSage!


Thanks Endri!
Any records of especially magical trees in central park?


A Message to All Interested
I’m sure we’ve met on the forum but if not
Hey! I’m OracleSage and I made this project back in (November, December? One of the two) I’m so extremely passionate about it but I got caught up in my studies and didn’t get as much of a chance to do this on the scale I wanted. Round one resulted in me going to NY, going up to random people living on the street and giving them scarves. I had fewer scarves than I was hoping to make but it warmed my heart being able to give a vet an Ebenguard scarf and this pregnant woman one inspired by Thornmouth, it was a beautiful experience, and also an eye opening one.

So in Spring, when my studies are coming to an end and I have more time I’m making, scarves, blankets, and giving out food and water. I implore my fellow Gossmere to get involved, and those of the other guilds to do so as well. Some of you live in NY and there for have more access to help, so if you would I’d be honored to help supply a city wide movement even though I live a bit away. I will also be going to philly but not as much, as it doesn’t have such an open homeless as New York.
Thanks for listening, and let it be known I’m invoking communion magic, these actions are magic in the most real sense of the word.

Love and Luck