Operation Nepenthe - Guild Scarves for The Homeless

I had an idea… I don’t know if I can pull it off but I sure can try.
I will be in NY sometime this Winter (Date Unconfirmed) and I wanted to do some good,
And I’m a Gossmere right? Helping those in need is what I do. So I began to have a brainstorm session on what I could do to help a city I love so dearly.
Then It hit me!
We create magic by creating things right? Art, writing, music, ect.
Well I roughly know how to make really warm scarves.
So this idea kinda took on a life of its own. For now I am calling it operation Nepenthe, I know it’s a mouth full but it means “Something that makes one temporarily forget grief” and I just had to, This Op Nepenthe would involve me making a lot of scarves and handing them out to the homeless of NYC.
Like I said I don’t know if I can pull it off… I have studies, a play, and a busy work load. But I can try!


I think that’s a fantastic idea, @OracleSage. There might be one or two knitter recruits… I myself have dabbled. Maybe we could make it a project where we decide on guild colors and make coordinating scarves?


You wouldn’t even need to pass them out, you could do something like this.


I love this idea! While I originally thought this may be a Gossmere only thing I really would love to see all the Guilds getting involved! If in fact there is an event in NYC on JAN 31 like the magic show perhaps we can hand them out then! When Magi are there on mass!


Well, it took a Gossmere to bring us all together. If you want, I’ll have Eaves mention it in the weekly recap next week and see if we have some knitters/crocheters around?


Awesome! I’m just glad that you like the idea so much!


Getting Comfy and working on my first scarf.


I would love to help, but… 1. No matter how hard I’ve tried to learn how to knit something, it NEVER works out. I’ve looked up tutorials, gotten help from people I know who knit, but it just won’t stick. 2. With my birthday (in three days :stuck_out_tongue: ) and Christmas (not religious but I love decorating my house and getting gifts) coming up, I don’t have a lot of time. I’ve also been working on trying to type out a version of a story I remember reading as a child and have never seen or heard of since then. I’m trying to see if anyone recognizes parts of the story, plus if it actually doesn’t exist and was just a false memory, I have a lovely children’s story! All I could do is figure out color schemes for each of the guilds, which is quite simple, I’ll admit.


For colors right now I’m using creme.
I know, not the most stellar.
But it’s simple and kinda fits the Gossmere symbol and I had it,
And your support is enough help for me:blush:
If you ever want to get involved feel free! You may find crocheting is much easier!
Happy early birthday!!!


Like I said, it was pretty simple. Here’s the colors I came up for each of the guilds. You don’t need to use all three of them in one scarf, but its good to have options. Some of them look similar, I’ll admit.





Weatherwatch (do we even have one of those in our ranks??)

Flinterforge (honestly it just looks like the gossmere color scheme 2.0)

Happy knitting/crocheting/whatever the heck you peeps do!
Edit: also I’d totes buy a thornmouth scarf and it would be awesome. I wish we could have shirts with our guild symbol on them ;-; I would wear them all the tiiiimmee even though neither of them fit with my style but DUDE. Come on, you know it would be cool :smile_cat: No one but us would get it, but who cares?!?!?!?!?


I’d absolutely also love shirts with our guild symbols on it. Or, rather, a sweatshirt or hoodie or something. Having those with a Balimora symbol on my chest?? That would just feel plain-out amazing.


I hope the scarves turn out nice!! It’s a really great idea to make them for homeless people!


Love your color palettes @TheBellsAreRinging!
Maybe we could simplify them so that they’re easier to make and find the right yarn?

This is sort of what we’ve associated with the guilds in the past…

Navy and wine (and black as third option)

Deep green and black (and white or medium green as third option)

Deep blue and light blue (and white as third option)

Cream and light green (with pink as third option)

Deep red and gold

Gold and yellow

They aren’t exactly like the guild seals but they’re close and they also make them all look distinct.
What do you think?


I love it! While I love the pink in Gossmere it’s a color we can, for now, set aside.


Why don’t we make pink the optional third color for Gossmere?


Good thinking @Endri, I’m sure there aren’t that many colors of yarn that are that specifically colored. I approve :thumbsup:

I’m glad we are making scarves now. It will be getting cold quite soon and I can’t imagine how it must be for the unfortunate ones living on our streets :cry: Hopefully they can stay warm in the cold winter months


I agree, I believe this is what Brendon means by magic. What kind of magic would this be? Exactly?


Are we, by doing this project, doing our first communion magics?


I definitely think a hashtag is in order for this and projects like it so we can show what we’re doing on social media… Maybe #magiqact? Other ideas? #actofmagiq?


Maybe #showofmagiq or #magiqshow. #makesomemagiq works too.