Not sure if this is the right place. A little help?

And by no accent I mean it seems like English is her first language and she sounds American.


Sorry about that! We don’t mean to overwhelm you; we’re really grateful that you came looking for us at all. Anything more you could give us without violating ethical practice would be appreciated.

As to further guesses, Mounties…what about Sacha? She would be about the right age. We never found out what happened to her after the Storm hit Kemetic. And if she was aware of any of the things Teddy Fallon had made her do…maybe the apologies make sense, too? I don’t know, just spitballing, here.


That’s a really good idea. That’d be the next guess. Maybe we can see if she responds to her name, or to the name Brandon Lachmann.


I agree, she’s definitely a good candidate!


@jdobner95 I feel like we’ve been a bit hasty to get answers and not extend base civilities and what not. I won’t lie to you. I’m a bit cautious of you/your timing because of stuff that’s occured on our end of things. But that doesn’t mean we can’t work together to figure out what’s going on, and to help you and your pt!

Hi, I’m Eden. What’s your name/what would you like to be called?


My name’s Jonah. I’m just trying to help someone, I don’t know what else is going on with you guys. I finished the first book last night and I checked out some of the old posts here. I ran a couple names by her last night, ones you mentioned, it seemed like she acknowledged Sacha but she actually reached out and grabbed my arm when I said Lachmann.

She seemed alert, focused, at least for a minute. Like she has pieces of her memory in a way she didn’t before. So you think she’s the same person as the girl who was friends with the Brandon Lachmann character? I don’t know what to call all the characters, I know you’re saying they’re real people. I’m just lost.

She had an outburst after, trying to get the window open, screaming “sorry” and they have her in solitary now while she calms down. I had to leave to pick up my grandma and I feel like shit.


Hey, Jonah. Thank you for keeping us updated. We really appreciate it and are working hard to figure this out with you. And don’t worry about feeling lost, everyone feels a little overwhelmed at first when they encounter magiq (heck I’ve been here for a year and I’m still trying to figure it out) and we are here to help with any questions you have.

Maybe we should take a small break from trying any more names until she becomes a little bit more stable? Either way, don’t blame yourself. None of this is your fault and we are gonna help you through this.


Nice to meet you Jonah, I’m glad we have a name to a screen name now. I apologize for sounding like I doubt your desire to help this person. I probably should have expressed what I felt better than I did. I don’t doubt that you want to help your patient, not in the slightest. Thank you for caring enough about them to go the extra mile and contact us, and to help us try to figure out whats going on.

An additional Thank You for trying those names- it really helps us. We didn’t know that would be the reaction to you asking/commenting on names would be. Like Hummingbird said, none of this is your fault, and please don’t blame yourself. If there’s anything we can do to help, let us know.

(Also, tell your grandma some stranger(s) from the internet wish her well)


Hi there, Jonah. I’m newer around here myself, so I remember how overwhelming and wacky all of this can seem. And my introduction to this stuff was not nearly so intense as yours has been. If folks seem kind of eager it’s only because the community instinct here is to help however we can.

I have a number of friends and family who work in your field, and I know from them how hard it can be when patients have behaviors and episodes like that. It’s good that she has you there to look out for her. If she is who we think she is, then Brandon was important to her and it’s understandable that she would have strong reactions to remembering him.


It isn’t your fault, Jonah. If this is Sacha, she went through a lot, and “waking up” was going to be traumatic, regardless of who helped her find her way back. It’s… actually probably a good thing she is where she is, considering.

Basics of what you’re looking at psychologically (and avoiding spoilers if you care about reading the books as books rather than research) would be: traumatic loss as a youth, probable survivors guilt or C-PTSD from the same, moral injury as an adult (similar to what you’d see in a PoW who’d been forced to work for the enemy), and most definitely some form of memory damage, probably TBI related. If you can talk to anyone on her care team about instituting therapies for any of that, you’ll be getting her a lot of help. If you’re not sure how to tell the doctors about it, try telling them that what with the "sorry"s and catatonia, it sounds like trauma and guilt, which makes you think of survivors guilt or moral injury. Those are likely the biggest impact items, and that’s a basic enough deduction you wouldn’t need to tell them about us to justify it.

Sorry to overwhelm you, I happen to have some experience navigating mental health treatment, and I want to help. Once she’s not on safety protocol, let us know, we’ll discuss options to help more.


She’s back in her room/common areas. I didn’t want to agitate her again, so I didn’t mention names or anything, but her right hand was sort of hooked in a weird shape and it looked like she was holding a pencil, so I gave her one.

Instead of Magiq, she started writing “Lachmann” on the wall.

I read a bunch of phase 3 when I had free time today. I know, I should have been working. I already saw from the other topic, but knowing she was Whistler too, man, she’s been through hell. And she put people through hell, too. Not saying she didn’t. Just a sad story all around.

I’m still kind of freaking out that this all happened.


And thanks @BairnSidhe. I appreciate it.


Thank you for the update, @jdobner95. I’m sorry for any of our part in her agitation, but I’m so pleased to hear that she is at least making a little progress.


@jdobner95 is putting me to shame working in the medical field and blasting through this material. Though, I guess medical students would never make it in the first place with my glacial nature. : j

Thanks for taking it seriously. I see you seem to have the disposition for it. I guess that makes you an honorary member for now, while we help you work on the case. :slight_smile: You’re doing most of the heavy lifting after all!


Finished volume 2. That’s a wild ride, not gonna lie.

So I’m going in this morning, picking up a shift, and I figure I’ll have double the time to try and figure out what Sacha wants. Hell, I don’t know if she wants anything.

So I’m going to talk to her about you guys, the mountaineers. What else or who else should I mention if I get the chance?


Are you sure this is wise? The last names we offered put her into a state for 2 days that required solitary confinement. We’re not really trained to be just firing buckshot at someone’s psyche.

But I’ve talked to the back of people’s heads around here enough to recognize when someone’s going to try anyway, so here goes.

Brandon and Sacha had a private password. Beastmage. It was a code they hid things behind, and we found some clues there including details on Sacha and Brandon’s childhood behind it back when the Forest of Darkened Glass website was back up.

It’s a private enough word that she might be convinced you’re Brandon…if thats the sort of insane thing you want to try.

You could also try the names Martin Rank, or Teddy Fallon…but I cannot stress enough how damaging either of those might be to her. Portentia and Aether might trigger something as well.


I’ll be more careful than I was before, I swear.


Best of luck, @jdobner95 I think you have the best ideas suggested already, but I wanted to be sure you got the message loud and clear: the Mountain is with you. We’re going to back you up and be a place you can vent to and come to for help. You’re well on your way to being one of us, and we support our own.

Trust the flow of Magiq.


Hey there! Sorry I logged on late, and I don’t know if you can check your phone at work or whatever, but if you see this, it might be worth bringing up The Forest of Darkening Glass as well? Or Reader, although that might not mean anything to Sacha? I wish we knew her real name…


Okay so I only had a couple of minutes where I could really sit down with her.

Nothing seemed to be getting through, no matter what I said. She was getting a little agitated so I left her alone cause I didn’t want her to have to be alone again.

But I just checked in on her and she’s now writing “Lachmanns” plural.