Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

I’ve tried some pages in the Book of Briars, but it doesn’t seem to want to let me skip ahead. (Example:


You can always look in the magiq wiki too. I use it all the time to remember dates ir names.


Yep! Pt = patient. My bad y’all I was typing that at work and it just slipped out :sweat_smile:

In anycase, there’s not much we can do until our new lead comes back. >>"


Here’s today’s card, just since it seems to be on a bit of a roll:

I guess, it’s unlikely, but what if it’s someone new? Or, what if it doesn’t matter the way we think it does? Not sure, but it seems like interesting advice.


If our mystery patient keeps saying she’s sorry, maybe we should try to find out what she needs to feel forgiven.


So, evidence points to her being Sacha (with thanks to our new friend Jonah), but the question remains; how do we want to handle this? Not sure we should try some tea, not sure we have the magiq for it even if we weren’t having to explain it to someone so new to all this, although it’s something to keep on the backburner. Anything else we might use to jog her memory? Brendon seemed like a strong trigger, so many something to do with him? IDK, not good with memory myself, let alone jogging some else’s.


Yeah. There’s history there, but more importantly maybe we can help her feel better. --To put it as mundanely as possible.


If we use Brandon as a memory trigger, we need to do so carefully; it clearly agitated her.


There’s a lot of people Sacha could be apologizing to, to be honest.

There’s the Devoted, the Brandon Lachmann quasi-cult that was trying to track down an recreate his steps out of the Age. Most of them just wanted some answers to the Lachman tradgedy and she kinda sold them out to the Silver.

There’s Brandon himself. She rejected his offer to come with him, and turned his life’s work into a witch hunt that put people’s live’s in jeopardy.

There’s Martin Rank and/or Aether. She,unwillingly, was mind-controlled by the Silver to be a double agent and pretend to be helpful when all along she was just trying to lure them into a trap.

There’s the Silver itself Maybe she’s still a believer int he Silver, and she’s apologizing for helping Martin as much as she did…not quite fully grasping that she was used as a pawn.

And lastly there’s us, because she’s been a pain in our collective backside a couple times now.

Frankly, it’d be easier to list who Sacha might NOT want to apologize to.

But that aside, clearly she wants to get a message out that she’s sorry. I’m not sure if we’re her target but let’s give her what she wants.

How about we have Jonah pass this message onto her? “The Moutnaineers know you are sorry, and we forgive you. We forgive you for everything and our offer to join us we made years ago still stands. It’s okay now.”

Also, I agree we keep talking to Jonah in that thread, and discuss the what’s and wherefore’s here so as not to overwhelm them.


This seems as good a place to start as any. If we’re not the target, we’re at least shortening our list of possibilities.


Yeah it may help ease her mind a bit just to know that we’re still welcoming her.


Ain’t that the truth.

You’re right, any and all of this could have triggered the agitation that sent her to solitary. I like the suggestion to have Jonah let her know there’s a place of safety will be a good opening to hopefully ease her agitation and allow her to get to a place where memories can begin to come back.


I took a “screen free” day yesterday, and came back to all of this. Just…whoa. I’m both floored by the news about Saberlane and yet feeling oddly… peaceful? In a “this path was chosen long ago” sort of way? I don’t know…

As for helping this Jonah fellow help most-likely-Sacha, didn’t Brandon share his stories with her? I don’t know if we have any items or his, or how much of his stories are still around but having those read to her might help.


I know we have a new thread to follow with Jonah/Sacha(?) and we are all eager to get answers there. I just feel a little bad about not continuing to at least try and find some info about Sabes.


Agreed, and we still haven’t heard from @Eaves about what’s happening at BC34. With losing Saberlane (and it feels wrong not to “@” him, but I guess it’s superfluous now) I can’t help but start catastrophizing about any other unseen prices the Wellspring may have carried.


I am fully behind letting maybe-Sacha know that she is welcome here with us. Even if her apology target isn’t us, maybe it will give her a small measure of peace - or of hope that her target will do the same.

Maybe we should form task groups? That sounds a little managerial, but if we divide and conquer our search for answers about Saberlane and about maybe-Sacha, we could potentially cover more grounds. Thoughts?


I’ve got the Teatime explanation if we need a translation from Magimystic into Psychiatric. I have experience in navigating mental health treatment, and I’m a dang good translator when it comes to saying things so “Normal” people understand.


I definitely agree about your friend, Saberlane. I also can’t shake that he’s not gone-gone. I don’t know anything about him personally, but it doesn’t seem reasonable. As much as these things are “reasonable”. These things have thier own way to ‘be’. There’s at least a trace in some way. Large amounts of energy do things. Magic, or magiq, I’m sure, is just funny about it.


Also yes, I think groups makes sense.


Should we make a separate thread for finding Saberlane? And then maybe we can either have the other task group in Jonah’s thread he started or in a separate one if we wanted to keep theories separate from our conversation with him (not excluding him just one for theories and one for conversing). Whatever you guys think is best.