New DG Post: The Three Manners of Magiq

Everythings there? Have you checked the door to see if someone attempted to reach Neithernoor?


I’m very tempted to send a stern message to the Rabbit. I’m not a big fan of his games.


Nothing new on the hairball’s Instagram


She has a thousand bags. But I can’t find her phone or her wallet.


This is gonna sound stupid but have you tried calling the phone?


I’m gonna check around the neighborhood and keep trying her cell. Maybe somebody broke in but she wasn’t here?


If she’s not in the neighborhood, or back by the time you get back…

She may be in Neithernor.

If you can get a door to knock at you. Try to go to the warren.

Lower left, upper left, left, right, lower right, upper right, right.

If not there try whatever that glade is.

Left, upper left, upper left, lower left, right, upper right.

If you can’t get a door to knock for you or you can and don’t find her in those places… Read the journal and see if she’s been to the Ramble and gotten anything new to show up. She may have knocked her way somewhere else. (Credit to @Deyavi for the suggestion.)

If all that fails and there’s nothing new in the journal. You’re going to hate me for this, but take the journal and get to the Ramble, hopefully that cave underneath. Her disappearance may be connected to Fragment 15. This wouldn’t be the first time that saving someone from something as a part of a fragment.


No - @CRSumner, check around the Ramble in Central Park. She knows from her Dad’s messages that the Storm can’t enter there. I can’t shake the feeling that we’re dealing with more than a common burglar.


I agree. I’m very worried that this is more serious than a common burglary.


I’m also suspicious that it’s connected to the Ramble somehow…or that there will at least be a clue there.


I’ll go check the park.


Be careful! You never know what might be there!


This is really concerning… Her apartment was broken into, but nothing was stolen aside from the chronocompass?

I don’t think it’s the Storm. I suspect the Council’s protection covers Deeds as well, but even without that… I don’t think the Storm needs to break windows to get someone. I’m not sure about King Rabbit…I dunno if he’s even around now without the power of the Council, and he was creepy and chaotic but not outright evil. At the very least, we know whoever did this needed to physically break into the brownstone, so that’s…something?


Okay, lets make a list of suspects, and for a moment assume it was someone targeting Deeds:
King Rabbit (Like many of you he is the first that came to mind), Teddy or god forbid any Kemetic scum that survived the storm, or it could be a threat we don’t know of.

Heres the thing, if it IS King Rabbit, and Im kinda praying it was, chances are this was set up by Sullivan through the council.

EDIT: @CRSumner please let us know you are okay, its been over two hours since we have heard from you last.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of Teddy. He definitely came to mind, and since he was able to infiltrate the Basecamp, he would know all about Deeds and her blog… The only question is did he survive the Storm? He might be a zombie like the '94s… :cold_sweat:

Also, excellent point that, if King Rabbit is still kicking, it might not necessarily be a bad thing.


I doubt Teddy would go in personally, that rat would for sure send someone else to do his dirty work. My fear is that if youre correct, and the storm is indeed controlling him… I mean, I can’t imagine what the storm could do with the amount of knowledge Deeds had on Neithernor and magic.


Remember, the Storm came found Sullivan as he was exiting Neithernor per one of his recent messages. That’s what made me think of it; Deeds has been in and out of there quite a bit lately.


Oh my god guys. She wrote a note inside the back cover of the journal. I just saw it when I got back. I’m such an idiot…

“It came for me. I’ve been trapped in Grey’s apartment for two days. Locked in against the storm. It’s in the walls. Trying to get in, even through phone. I need help. It knows I’ve been to Neithernor. Followed me here.”

What the hell do I do?


Stay calm, thats the best thing you can do for her. We need to think this through…
How can we get her out?


we need to get her knocking to neithernor,

and also, be safe Cole. please.
take the journal. and did you check the ramble yet?