Mountaineer's Map of New York

This is a map I’ve begun to mark the locations we have discovered along the journey.

Hope it can help in some way. If anyone wants me to add anything let me know. This is a work in progress.

I did discover one interesting thing, When you go to The Grey Dog cafe in Google Earth and drag the street view icon to the little yellow dot that appears above the cafe, you can “walk” through the cafe. Some interesting artwork in there.
Thought that might be significant seeing as how that’s one of the few pictures she’s taken since she’s been there.
Okay, that’s all for now, gotta dash, I’ve just spent several hours on this and we’ve got a fragment to find! :smiley:


@Leigha this is great! Since much of this mystery centers in NY, this map will surely come in handy.


Hey leigha I don’t have google earth or id do it myself but could give us the artwork images if its at all possible maybe as screen caps? I have a feeling well need that.


Yeah, sure! There are quite a few, and I can’t get very close, but I’ll get the best shots I can.
There seem to be 3 themes. Group photos of employees, block-printed dogs, and these vintage photos of ladies with flowers over their faces. I thought perhaps the text on the artwork might be something poetic or profound, but it all seems to be inspirational kind of stuff. But the ladies with their faces covered did strike me when I first entered. Could be nothing, but you never know.


I’ve been focusing on Brandon’s map, and here’s what I’ve found so far.

  • Brin- Brin means hill.The name Brandon comes from the same root word (broom-covered hill. Broom is very interesting plant Ulex - Wikipedia
    Genisteae - Wikipedia) There’s a reason witches and brooms have long been associated.

  • Patience Port- I strongly believe this has to do with the New York Public Library.

  • There are three locations with crag (a sheer rock face, good for rock-climbing or building a fortification) in their names, and they all run along a “highway” From Saleport to Crag Port in the lower region. This indicates that there is an upper and lower region in this land, the crags indicating a fault line of some kind. Also, Brandon is really good at making maps.

  • Pengt- I believe it would be pronounced pent, indicating five of something.

  • Left/Rite Cleft- Note that it’s Rite and not right. Rite as in ritual.

  • Copset- Brandon likes to add a T to the end of words. A copse is a small grove of trees. A “copsette” would maybe be a very small grove. Groves have been used as magical spaces for performing rites for ages, especially circles of tees surrounding an open space like a clearing or a meadow. Especially if it’s one species of trees, and especially if those trees have some magical significance that correspnds with the type of ritual being performed (Oak, willow, yew, etc.) Also, it is possible that this is either near a forest, or is a significant part of one.

  • Havent- Strange, this one. Could be as with Copset he added a T to haven. It also looks like haven’t, have not, without, lacking. And one more thing that just sticks out to me. The whole map was sketched in pencil and then line-drawn in ink. When he lettered over the word Havent he seems to have changed one, maybe two letters from the penciled word. You can see clearly underneath the “N”", a curve like a “c” or “e”, something, is underneath… Maybe it wasn’t originally Havent. Did he change it, did someone or something else? We’ve seen his castle drawing change…

  • Salterstone- Salter could mean a person who collects or sells salt, but could also refer to a medieval instrument called a psalter, which is similar to a lap-harp.

  • Brandt- Yet another hill reference, a high, holy or steep hill.

  • Meer- The word mere means small or slight, but it also means lake (pronounced mare, like in Mary(which, incidentally, means "like the sea)

  • Saleport- another double-meaning. Could mean sail (very obvious reference) and/or sale, indicating a marketplace of some kind. Makes sense, ports and merchants go together like sky and clouds.

I’ve been looking for two things in this map.
1- land features. Brandon didn’t draw any, just shaded the whole thing in, so I’m trying to get a feel for the place because I think this is the place he was trying to create/get to in his ritual.
2- At first I was just doing my standard research into the names of places (place names, especially old ones, usually give you clues to the geography of a place), but as I did I realized that Brandon was clever enough to make the map part of his story. Many of the names have personal significance and form patterns, Now I’m trying to piece together those patterns as well. For example, all the Brin/hill names. (Also, Lachman means man of/from the lake.)


Holy cow this is awesome. It would make sense that Brandon would use his surroundings as a template for creating a new world. I’m not familiar enough with New York to know if his towns line up with any real world landmarks.

I’m curious, @Leigha, what you think the dotted lines might represent. At first glance I would think they represent shipping lanes. Is there significance in which towns are connected and which aren’t? I can see why there aren’t any to Pengt, Copset, and Brandt (the roads from Saltenstone and Saleport would take care of that), but why aren’t there any that lead to Left and Rite Clef? Especially since there isn’t any road connecting them to Sart Angle.

One thing regarding Left and Rite Clef. He spells it Clef (as in treble clef or bass clef on a music staff) rather than Cleft (as in split, or “cleft in twain”). If Salterstone is indeed a reference to a psalter, there could be a musical element to this.


Thank you @Mike .I forgot about the clef bit.:blush: By the way, clef is french for KEY. (words here always have more than one meaning.) Music may very well be an element.

I’m in the process of doing map comparisons of Brin and New York. There are a lot of similarities, but it’s still too early to say anything conclusive.

At first I thought shipping lanes too, but now I’m not so sure. The only clear thing is that he was plotting a course. Hang on a sec. I know where I’ve seen dashed lines on maps before
A treasure map!
Now we just have to figure out where X is.

One thing that really throws me is Havent Besides no roads going there, It’s not a natural place to build a port. It’s not an inlet or sheltered from the open ocean in any way. It’s a long way to go out of your way, and there’s nothing else up there. There must be something very important in Havent

There is a single dash between Left and Rite Clef, but you’re right There seems to be no indication of how he planned to get there. Maybe he couldn’t figure out how.

I didn’t mention Sart Angle in the post above because it vexes me. I can’t make any sense of it.

And one more thing. There’s a landmark of some kind between Cragton and Little Crag, where the road intersect with the road to Meer. It has no name.


@Leigha @Mike

The dotted lines indicate shipping routes I think because they spread in more than one direction unlike in a treasure map.

As for sart angle. I’m pretty sure that’s the beginning or end of the journey . It Sounds awfully like start but it Could also be an anagram for star which would be your x marking the spot.

It’s possible he moved letters from some words and added them to others. Hence corpset and sart.


Well spotted @Valdione! I Those extra t’s just didn’t make sense.
I checked on it and dashed lines indicate boundary disputes, shipping routes are indicated by solid multicolored lines, sometimes on older maps they’ll have bands on them like a barber’s pole.
You’re right about the treasure maps not having intersections. They just wander from landmark to landmark. Hmm… Well at least now we have an X!


@Mike What you said about music being part of this? Well, we’ve got some music now! :smile:


I’ve updated the Mountaineer’s Map to include all the significant locations from the fourth fragment trials. These are color coded for beacons, disc locations, and clock locations.