Magic Affinities

“What do you think the goggles are for” should be the official Flinterforge motto!!!


Flinterforge aesthetic


That’s fantastic!


Who gave you that picture of me???


It may have been me. Sorry, you’re just too fantastic in the “armor and flames” aesthetic. I couldn’t resist!


Sorry if this has already been asked or addressed, it was suggested this thread was more appropriate for this line of questioning…

I assume that all magiq can be done by anyone, but your guild affinities make a spell stronger/more likely to succeed?
Or are you limited to you guild affinity magiqs?
Are there magiq classifications that aren’t linked to a guild, too powerful or to weak to be noted?

I also wondered if their was a summary/dummies guide for affinities?
I know there are lots of short stories, and they give great detail, but I guess I’m hunting more of a quick reference guide. These are ones I put together for the Thornmouth affinities and they could be wrong.

  • Time Shifting - elongate or compress time for self/multiple people/tech(compile code in seconds instead of hours) or time travel…

  • Philosomancy - (pure speculation) ability to visualise and run through potential outcomes of a situation applying known and speculated variables, think Dr Strange and the time stone in Avengers: Infinity War

  • Second Mind - splitting of mind, allowing 2+ tasks simultaneously. Possibly similar to Alar and the game Seek the Stone referenced early in ‘The Name of the Wind’ by Patrick Rothfuss

  • Astral Thinking - not a clue

  • Tome Kindling - ability to copy personal knowledge/memory in to a book. External back up of the human mind? Possibly required skill to access knowledge/memories left by others?

  • Peering Arts - seeing what isn’t there, additional context and details, what others can’t see, default out of box problem solving, scrying, fortune telling, reading palimpsest without getting a headache…

Also in TMP Technomancy is mentioned, does this span other affinities and is someone who specialises in technology implementation or is it a unique affinity? Would they struggle to apply the same skill to a person/object? Eg they could blink to cast a protective spell on a server to protect the content, but would struggle to cast the same spell on a home or book.


Admitted newbie, here, but the sense I’ve gotten is that the affinities are spells (or classes of spells, maybe?) for which people in particular guilds have a more intuitive understanding. For a mundane example, I have a more intuitive understanding of language than I do of math. I can do math, certainly, but I don’t see the connections between mathematical concepts as easily as others do which makes it harder for me to learn and implement.

So an affinity could mean the spell is stronger or easier to cast than other spells might be, but not necessarily that they couldn’t make use of a spell aligned with a different guild. I’d imagine the effects might be a bit more unpredictable and the spell sickness might be worse when working outside your guild affinities, though.



  • Navimancy - true knowing of actuall physical placement in world/worlds, enhanced tracking/route planning, knowledge of object/people locations within spell boundaries, cant get lost, directions/path to what you want/need even if destination isnt actually known

  • The Swift Tongues of Kalivar - The Swift Tongues of Kalivar is a specific Fall Watch spell that allows the caster to channel Kalivars spirit and his clever, witty, magical, dexterous tongue.
    Calls a spirit into the casters body. Weatherwatch know it specifically as this, because Kalivar was one of the greatest Weatherwatchers ever, famous for talking his way into and out of every situation he could and ensuring that not a drop of his crews blood was ever spilt, he is outgoing and amazingly easy to channel. TSToK can be applied to channel any ancestor or person you have a link to.
    For most Weatherwatch learning this skill through the guild, Kalivar is the first person they will successfully channel. Kalivars spirit and his clever, witty, magical, dexterous tongue are great if you’re in a tight spot and need a hand from a devlish gent.

  • Unanchored - ability to unbind 2+ things, eg ignore gravity and fly/float, out of body exp disconnection body and mind/soul, split the atom

  • Fall Watch - Calls forth the spirits of the dead as independent corpreal forms.

  • Languidimensional Touch - can access other dimensions and pocket universes (think Discworld Unseen University Archchancellor Ridcullys inderdimensional pool table/filing system, Room 3b, the tropical paradise in Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geographys’ bathroom) Neithercourirs?

  • Torchminder - control, dim/turn off/turn on a source of illumination (credit to @Cj_Heighton)

Working on the other guilds too, posting each as they reach as close to completion as I can get atm.


Could use torchminder to put out any lights in visual range or start them? Electrical, bonfires, doesnt matter as long as it can be “torched”.


@Cj_Heighton that screams aronist. But I like the overall concept, like the lighter that Dumbledore uses in HP1 and wills to Ron in HP6(?)


I mean, yes, i am a bit of a firebrand, thank you for noticing ;3

Kidding, kidding. Yeah, it could have a ton of uses, if done right.


How many swift tongues do I need to play the harmonica like a champ?


I picture Kalivar as playing a truly obnoxious instrument/s

  • swanny whistle
  • bagpipes (sorry not sorry, my house mate decided to learn, it was torture)
  • wine glasses

He’s actually really good at all of them, but enjoys making trouble so plays badly on purpose.


The man’s officially a bonafide didgeridood in my book.


Alto sax? Guitarra morrisca? Gusle? Yes this the real title, Jews Harp?


This is making me think of the Armory lab scenes in the Secret Histories series written by Simon R Green.





  • Artificer’s Whim - ability to make changes and tweaks to a created object, change its colour, material. eg make a stair banister out of wood and then whim it into forged iron work. Apply as a long term charm on a notebook empowering the end user to change its colour at will.

  • Alchemical Tranfigurations - Alchemy does work, but we’ve forgetten the nack and although remebered history is acurate, its missing a step. Lead → Gold, Philosphers Stone, Heal All, Elixr Imortality, Acension etc all possible plus everything that is in journals still squirled away.

  • Undo, Multimystics - Angrygrind some metal too far… undo, cut some wood at the wrong angle… undo, add the wrong ingredient… undo. CTRL - Z for crafting. Potential paradox effects when deployed at a larger scale or when applied to spell work.

  • Assembling Runes - Rune powered objects, think sygaldry in The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

  • Many Hands - Spell in its own right, to share power/load of spell, possibly used to share/lessen the effects of spell sickness on to multiple people or give power to the spell caster for them to shape with their intent.
    Flinterforge do this inatly with load being shared among all Flinterforge members, unless explicitly spelled against. When all of flinter forge sneeze at the same time, someone probably did a pretty big spell.

  • Breath of Creation - breathe an intention/imitation of life into an object. Think myths about Golems or the paper Skeleton/Dog/birds in the Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg.


I have a story about being a Thornmouth before I knew what a Thornmouth was - I think it’s relevant to either the Peering Arts or Astral Thinking, or possibly a combination of both.

Ever since I was small, I’ve had prophetic dreams.

I would dream about a conversation, or something breaking, or a close swipe by a car - nothing particularly remarkable, and I would dream of it only for a brief instance. As is the nature of such things, I very rarely received warning about the event itself - my visions were so short that I only knew that it was coming to pass as it actually happened. I’d see a glass teeter too close to the edge of a table and realise then that my vision was manifesting, or know the end of people’s sentences before they’d finished the start. Nothing useful, but enough to know that there wasn’t much the mundane world could do to explain it.

The day that I realised what these dreams meant was the day I started to explore magiq proper. I hunted through bookshelves and libraries, delving deep into the internet, all to find a hint of the mystical world I knew had to be linked to my dreaming manifestations of the future.

Is it my knowledge of the present that led to these dreams? Was it deduction, mere coincidence? As I was losing hope of finding proof, I dreamt of a forum of magiq seekers, and finding for the first time what I was truly looking for.

A few weeks after that I stumbled across a strange thing called the Guide to Magiq on the internet…


And now its Ebengaurds turn. I struggled working out a few of these, so really credit goes to the amazing tales posted here. I’ve tried to credit individuals when I’ve attempted to summarise their stories, they’re worth scrolling up for.


  • Grim’s Convergance - manipulate a person and their events, nudge their timeline to maintain a world(s?) wide balence. credit @grimangel53 and @Deyavi
    – Specalists in Living Grim’s Convergance live a hard life, 1 day the nudge may lead to a wedding, another day a funeral, that kind of work takes a toll and is a commitment made to balance rather than a spell cast on a whim.
    – Specalists in Dead Grim’s Convergance, arent as tied up as Living Grims, the spirits they nudge can know they are being nuged and are oftern grateful for the assitance, closure, absolvance offered. (Think Yelena in the Poison Study series by Maria V Snyder)

  • Makepeace - White Flag / Parle / Truce magically enforced with repercussions to anyone who breaks it (Think the conclave of WitchLords in The Defiant Heir by Melissa Caruso)

  • Truth and Calling - to know somethings name is to know its very nature, the truth of itself that knowing grants control over it. Someone with a strong affinity may find themselves called to locations and professions as their own soul calls to be recognised and named.
    (Think naming in The Name of the Wind, by Partrick Rothfuss)

  • Combat Magic - increased perception bordering on foreknowing, avatar style elemental defence/attack, Asterix and Obelix style increased beserk/strength

  • Sand and Stone Scrying - seeing/knowing/divination of things you couldn’t possibly know by using sand and or stone/s

  • Evolutionary Magimystics - DNA level perma changes, credit @nomad.
    Evolution ‘overnight’ instead of thousands of years. EXTREME CAUTION REQUIRED, solid ethics and a stomach for the potentially unpleasant preperations needed.