Inspired by The Guilds - General

So I’ve been making a series of still life style photos based on the guilds. I’ve completed 4, so I only have 2 left. Which should I do first?

  • Flinterforge
  • Balimora

0 voters


Hey Sel! How’s it go- * COUGH COUGH * Do Flinterforge * COUGH *. Excuse me, must be my allergies flaring up again…


So I plan to do a fancy photoshop thing with this but I figure I should post the original too. 1502929696085|445x500
If anyone wants to use this for something go ahead. It’d be really cool to see how different people use it.


Alright. My interpretation of the Gossmere emblem.


@Sellalellen - I love it! Thank you so much for making it!


Hey everyone!
So I plan to do this over in Rythems Hearth but I thought I’d post here to explain my reasoning.
Now that we know Neithernor has been abandoned and the rooms left to ruin, I’m assuming that means we would have to move into our rooms? So what would you pack to leave in Neithernor? What room do you claim and why?
Just throwing some ideas out there.


First things first, I’ll probably try to wrangle a bunch of Thornmouth (and whoever else would help) to clean out the old lighthouse. I’m optimistic about the condition of the books themselves in the library, but who knows how long that place has been gathering dust? We’d probably have to send in a small army to clean and repair everything. So many tiny spaces in there for cobwebs and things. Or maybe stoking the Mindflame should be priority, right after we ascertain that the stairs are safe. I imagine waking up the Mindflame will make a difference in bringing life back to Neithernor.


Me and the Gossmere looks at Augo would probably clean up the infirmary, then fix up the dorms for whoever may join us along the way. It may take time, but I’m sure we can rekindle the hearth!


This is a cool idea @OracleSage

I want to write about Sentinel’s Rest, but honestly, I feel as though it would be one of the last guild halls rebuilt. Personally, I think Ebenguardians would worry more about helping the other guilds rebuild before even thinking of their own, especially when it’s important facilities like the infirmary at the Gosspound or helping to save as many texts as possible in Thornhouse. They just seem like bigger priorities to me.

Feel free to disagree, because guild members are vastly different, that’s just how I see things going down … or up if we’re rebuilding?


please do write more about Sentinel’s Rest. and we can always come back to it. Ebenrest will be waiting for us. like always.


Some of the Flinterforge have mentioned to one another how urgently we feel the need to get around to restoring the Forge. We’ve discussed it a bit, and a few of us are under the impression that it has…well, a life of its own. Or it did, anyway. It’s hard to imagine it cold and in ruins, not filled with the spark of passion, and innovation, and a little bit of mischief to keep us on our toes. So Flinters’ first order of business, before anything else, will probably be rekindling the Forge. After that, I can think about rooms, and the rest of the shop.




We’ll probably clean out and restock the infirmary as a priority, then go about getting the gardens back into shape so that we can feed ourselves and others who come to our gates. We may have to ask a certain @VictorianFlorist for some help on that phase of the project :wink:


I totally agree, infirmary is #1 priority. Perhaps once we get the hearth going we can just lay out bedrolls around it, for anyone whose guild halls may not yet be safe or are in the midst of reconstruction.


@Sellalellen while you and a few other guys are cleaning I’ll get a small group together as well and start sorting out the books. Half of them will sort the books into groups, damaged and undamaged, and the other group will catalog the undamaged books. After that we’ll see if any of the damaged books are savable and try and repair them. If they’re too damaged we’ll try and transcribe them.


Good idea Rimor


And I’ll be happy to assist with any other guild halls reconstruction once the infirmary is finished. Be it organize books in Thornhouse or trim back overrun obenhendge in Baligrove, I’m there.


You’re more than welcome to help out! Many hands make light work!


Well keep our eyes out for information on the old halls while we work on the library. There has to be something in there that can be of use in the repairs.


Ebenrest is the last to be rebuilt, and takes the longest.
We rebuild the stables and the smaller outbuildings like the mess hall first.
Our range and practice fields are built up next.
the main dormitories are helped along, via requests for help to the gossmere and flinterforge.
The greenhouses are rebuilt with the balimorans’ help.
the dock and boats are repaired, adn the first sails are opened along with Weatherwatchers.
The thornmouths donate books to our central library, finding tomes we lost copies of in the fighting.
and the Ebenguardians finally finish the main house. It takes ages, but everyone puts something of their own in the creation of a new Main House for Sentinel’s Rest. Whether its a member intricately carving things into the new staircase woodwork, or simply remaking the kitchens, we come together to create a new place of rest, relaxation, training, and meditation.