Inspired by The Guilds - General

working on this. working on a version for mine.


i got bored and made a stimboard based off of Balimora’s colors
Edit: made an ebenguard one too! i might end up working on one for each of the guilds


These are incredible! Great work @supernova! :medal_sports:


I created a new one -for Thornmouth I thougth about all the knowledge seeking, books and mythical paper scrolls … and of course the Mindflame.

  • I wish to be better at handwritten typography ^^

Beautiful @Crytter! As a Thornmouth I couldn’t be more proud. :trophy:


It flows so I finished another one - Weatherwatch sounded like pirate-conquistadores ;)


These are all great. Thanks so much for making and sharing them.


My mother was inspired by my work for the homeless, and in turn made me a gift.
A beautiful metallic pink scarf with some grey, handcrafted by her.
I’m literally beaming over it!


She says she wanted to make me a Gossmere inspired scarf! That this multicolor yarn seemed the most Gossmere!


Apologies if this is the wrong place for this.

I had a good long think about what it really means to be Thornmouth, and I wanted to explore the double edged sword that focused study and the unchecked thirst to know presented. The “solitude of learning” in the guild description was particularly inspiring, and I made a little poem. Note that poetry is not my forte, so please read with gentle eyes.

The Solitude of Learning

The void expands
That endless fright
Outward stretching, never ceasing

Tome clutched in hands
The spark ignites
Pages turning, fear decreasing

Wisdom, reason
And guiding lights
Mindflame burning, the secrets shown

Beyond season
Eves, days, an’ nights
Mind is yearning, 'til all is known.

But in the world beyond the curtain,
The scholar’s mind cannot be certain
Should he be proud or else atone?
For seeds of friendship went unsown

And now he walks the path alone.


I ADORE this poem. It represents the calm learning and desperate hunger for knowledge. Nice use of the term Mind Flame as well! Keep up the great work :smile:


I’m really glad you like it :smiley:


Beautifully composed, @Chordie. It’s wonderful.


So I wasn’t sure where to put this… @Bash feel free to move it if this isn’t right.

OracleSage, a name I took onto myself. A name that seems generic enough, but it has meaning and I thought I’d share.

My real name is old English for “Sad One” and being the Gossmere I am (This was obviously prior to me being sorted into Gossmere ) I wanted this world me to be free of sadness, to only know joy for myself and others. Sage is a cleansing herb, it’s smoke thought to purify the air. I grew up with the smell of Sage clinging to my house, my family hippies and very superstitious, over time I grew to love the thick smoke. Oracle, I’ve been obsessed with greek mythology since I was a child and classical greek literature. I once had a psychic on the streets of New Orleans tell me I was a reincarnation of a powerful greek Oracle. So there you go, a little more about me. Why did you pick your name? Lemme know.
Love you guys lots


Mine doesn’t really have that much thought behind it, it’s just the username I’ve used most of my life, in pretty much every website. If I recall correctly, it was a combination of “Draco” (the latin for “dragon”) and the “Mega” from Megaman. Which, I’m not actually a huge Megaman fan, I just thought the name sounded cool when I was little. It stuck.


I picked my name because its a play on words for my actual name, which is Bell. Well, its not my real name, its what I prefer to go by. My real name is Gabriella (hehe pls dont stalk me irl thx :smile:) but that is really hard for people to say for some reason? I also really like bells, and jingly things, its just… fun to listen to lol I guess I like jingly things how babies do, thats the easiest way for me describe it. Thats about it though!


I think it’s fair to say that something about my name struck a chord with me :stuck_out_tongue:


My name refers to a book my parents own, which fascinated me when I was younger. It was called “Critters” and was full of photographies of deep sea fish and creatures. They look quite otherworldly - so its a perfect name for this otherworldly experience :wink:


My name is both old and a reference. It originally referred to a game by Atlus called Riviera: The Promised Land, and two of the characters were called Grim Angels. They gained a great power and weapon for giving something up. they held a bit of tragedy. plus i loved the term.
Thus I picked it as my handle. I’ve continued using it, and have changed the name i go by in some cases, flowing with the different things I was into. From Grim Angel to Storm King (a particular reference to a manga I read) back to just Grim.

I figure heavily with the Myth of Icarus, Angels, Demons, and the other myths, legends, and cosmologies. So the idea of a grim angel really just connects to me.

And thats the story


Hey all, so I’m rubbish at graphic design but I really would love some guild wallpapers…

Anyone game?