Ilya stumbled through the woods with a bright and beaming smile on her face

It’s a bit of a stretch, but you also mentioned MoMath the other day. Nicomachus was from that city, and was big on Pythagorean maths, and the MoMath page mentions that sort of thing…

I did say it was a stretch. :joy: :tinfoilhat:


Yeah, I looked at MoMath a bit more this evening, and figured it was a massive stretch. They do Pythagoras based events, but no permanent exhibition or artifact.
Although Nicomachus does provide a direct maths link to the city.
MoMath might be worth considering, especially if the others throw up nothing.


Hey @Catherine, in regards to that picture you posted earlier about the spear tip, the part you called the handle is actually the spear’s fastening haft. Without that crucial piece a spear wouldn’t stay on the shaft, so you may in actuality be looking at a dagger blade. Does there appear to be any kind of roughness around the base that could indicate metal breakage?

Also, when you tap the metal on a wooden desk, does it vibrate and ring, or does it thud and feel solid?

Is it weird that a rabbit is trying to help?




A wedding band and a spearhead, both of which turned to sand before exposing coordinates on a piece of paper. Does this feel like abandoned or sacrificed artifacts to anyone else? The spearhead doesn’t quite fit, but when I read about the ring, I went right to the part of the BOB where she’s walking toward the dock and is moving through the discarded items.


The ring’s inscription read “belonging to the cagliostro,” who has ties to the ancient world, and access to a huge number of magiqal relics. The spearhead fits with this. I have a feeling that there are more relics (reliqs?) to come.


Lauren is outside of the veil, right? I know it’s a convoluted way of doing so, but is she possibly trying to find a way to contact us?


Yeesh, guys, I was only gone a week!

Okay so two things…

I agree that the outsiders-see-a-ring-turn-to-sand would ORDINARILY cause more fuss than that email would imply. However, that being said, we just did a massive spell to put magic and wonder and altruism back into the world. Maybe someone rolling with it in a very magimystic way is a result? It’s possible. It’s also possible this person is a… a Mountie In Waiting, someone who, all other things being equal, WOULD be one of us, but hasn’t had the chance yet. I know we’d all freak about getting to see that kind of magiqal effect, but also, we all (at least I can speak for myself on this) would seek out someone connected to the puzzle and try to make contact. The Veil may have kept them from finding us, or seeing this as ‘real’, but it couldn’t stop the basic human curiosity that would push them to finish sending the message.

Which brings me to the second thing. I agree with @BrokenVoid that this is probably Lauren trying to make contact, or at least point us in the correct direction. If we keep following her clues, I assume we’ll either end up back in contact or we’ll get to someplace that she thinks we ought to be. She’s earned our trust on that, so let’s get this scavenger hunt going!


It’s definitely not directly related to Jerash or its Hippodrome, but trying to find remnants of something along those lines all these years after they’ve been mowed down to make way for skyscrapers…

It was technically Art Deco, but the building had a city block’s worth of columns along the front, and this goddess head is the last bit that I’ve found evidence of:

Unless we want to try the new Hippodrome (they had found fossilized elephant droppings down in the subway around there at one point) and see if the place that it was is enough of a well (still feeling we’re well-hunting).


I like Robert’s idea. It’s currently an office building/ parking garage/ apartments I think, but still referred to as the hippodrome center. Wouldn’t hurt for someone to swing by?


I mean, despite the fact the thing turned to dust my points and questions are very much valid.

The fact that it turned to dust after a small drop actually helps answer one of my questions; it sounds like it was made of bloomery iron. Then again, if it did just turn to “sand” after it fell it would be impossibly old. Old enough that you wouldn’t have found it hanging around a column in public, unless someone put it there for you to find specifically.

Just bringing that up because there’s a chance you are being watched.


I’ve got a couple more hours in the office, but then I’m relatively free for exploring if there’s a consensus on where to go!


I’m wondering what magiq the Caligastro somehow infused in these items. But, staying on topic, I agree with Robert. I feel like we need to check out the Hippodrome center.


The fact that she infused the items with magiq in of itself is wonder. Proud of what we’ve done here, but still missing our @Saberlane.


Same. I’d much rather go chasing magiq than sit in an empty office. Hippodrome it is, I’ll report back later. :aetherdetermined:


No dice on the Hippodrome. Sorry, Mounties. I walked around as much of the perimeter as I could, but it just seems like an ordinary modern office building, nothing weird or notable about it otherwise. :confused:


Well heck about the Hipp not being it. :eavessweat:

That said…

I think I found the ancient thing. :spiritseergimme:

I’m not sure how much of a pain it is to get to Queens, but this feels pretty on point with the structures we’ve been pointed to so far.

Okay, so the site’s not bringing up a pic of anything directly on this post, but there’s a column from Jerash’s Temple of Artemis in a park in Queens.


Oo, I see an image on the site. Looks promising for sure!


Most definitely looks promising!


Folks have some serious Google sleuthing skills around here!