Ilya stumbled through the woods with a bright and beaming smile on her face

I looked up more about Cleopatra’s Needle - there are three obelisks as part of this formation - NYC, London, and Paris.

But! Apparently London and NYC are a pair. The Paris obelisk is paired with one from Luxor which is still there and not considered part of Cleopatra’s Needle.

Has anyone tried to map the Cleopatra’s Needle structures and see if anything interesting is in the middle? Or maybe map the four? I’m at a conference this week, and my computing options are very limited.


Taking the likes as yeses so I’ll swing by there on my way home in about an hour. And thank you @Fox, I will!


I would say that definitely sounds like the kind of thing that is NOT a coincidence.


Random theory, any coordinates we find will link back to Central Park/Manhattan/New York (sorry British and I have 0 comprehension of scale)

So here’s a section of places that have something from another country or strong link to another country in new york
-Cleopatra’s needle (Aswan egypt)
-Delmonico (Pompeii Italy)
-the Berlin wall(Germany)
-unicorn tapestries (Brussels)
-MoMath Museum (Pythagoras/Greek/Macedonia)
-Houdini Museum (Hungary)


Did a drive-by and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but I’ll check it out again tomorrow when I have more time. Columns are definitely old-looking, though.


I was just trying to get back to sleep for a little longer, when that “brain keeping you up at night” meme happened and sent me scouring for this:

May not matter in the long run, but maybe we’re being pointed to all the places Marty was sent…


Good thing (I think?) that I went back to Delmonico’s again this morning.

Yesterday I was in a hurry and there were a bunch of people milling around so I’ll admit I didn’t do much more than glance at the columns. This morning, though, I got there before they opened and thought I’d poke around a little bit more thoroughly just to be sure.

I circled both of the columns and thought I saw something wedged into the bottom of one, on the side closest to the restaurant door. I sat down on the front steps to be a little bit more casual and started trying to pry the thing out, hoping that the façade wouldn’t come crashing down on me in the process.

And what did I find wedged into the base of the column?
An ancient freakin’ spearhead.

Or at least, that’s what I think it is. I barely even looked at it before I stuck it in my bag and booked it to the office. It’s a little longer than the width of my two hands and looks old as anything. I’ve been trying to do some googling, it might be Roman from other pictures I’ve found online, but it’s definitely giving off some kind of weird energy (all the usual stuff: won’t photograph, makes my laptop screen go weird and glitchy if it gets too close).

So Mounties, I have a technically stolen, potentially ancient, magimystically charged artifact on my hands, and absolutely no idea what to do with it.


I am so proud right now.

Does it have any symbols or markings on it?

Is it pretty thin? Might be a pilum their soldiers used.

There’s also always the Spear of Destiny. That’s Roman. That’d be fun. No pressure there.


Well, hmmm. I don’t recommend using it as a skewer. Could you describe it?


No markings that I can see, but yes, it’s pretty thin. About 8 inches from the tip of the triangle (apologies for the non-technical terms) to the part of the base that looks like it could have attached to something else. It’s no more than about an inch and a half wide at the widest point of the triangle. So maybe it is a pilum thing?


Also possibly made of iron (according to Google), but hard to tell. It’s pretty worn.


I’ve seen The Librarian too many times, let’s not put Catherine through all that. :deirdrexd:


Could you draw around/trace it on A4 maybe?
Also put a piece of paper over the surface and rub with the side of a pencil? Might highlight any etchings, or markings on it that are harder to see.

Kinda hoping that you’ll be able to upload photos of the trace and that will give us a better idea of scale in lieu of actual photos


It’s kind of out of my knowledge sphere since it’s made of metal; most of my knowledge around spearheads relates to stone projectile points.

I’m also assuming it’s not the Spear of Destiny, but I agree with @Sapphire that we should try tracing it to help identify the type of spearhead.


This is the closest likeness that I can find on Google, but without the handle. There aren’t any significant markings other than the layers of dirt and rust, so tracing just ends up looking like a weird skinny triangle but doesn’t show much else.


Since so much of our past work has been centered around directions, the chronocompass, etc. here’s a andom thought: Find it’s center of mass, tie a string around it and hang it (or hold it steady) and see if it tends to favor pointing in any given direction.


We gone through so many objects over the course of this adventure…is there anything left at the office that’s a bit magiq? Maybe try putting it next to one of those things and seeing if it does anything? But also I like @Robert’s compass idea…any way we could make it portable in case it takes you on a walking tour of the city like Cole went through?


The Compass Idea is good, and I have just the thing for it!

This should help with that! It’s a newly forged Finding Sigil!
I figured I’d give you something you could use to help in the pursuit of finding what is needed.
maybe it can help with the other things!

Also, The spear head does look like a Pilum head to a degree, if its anything like that picture!

Best of luck Catherine!

EDIT: Lordy is it good to be back on the forum. I’ve been a bit…out of touch due to life circumstances.


Here’s what we have been given or acquired at this point (I’ll update as we get more information)


  • 24°04’36.3"N 32°53’43.6"E (Unfinished Obelisk, Aswan, Egypt) - Given by BoB

  • Latitude:40.751278 | Longitude: 14.485528 (Pompeii, Italy) - Given by Magiq ring with the phrase “belonging to the cagliostro” that turned into a piece of paper coordinates: 404504.6N 142907.9E

  • 321624.3"N 355326.4"E (Hippodrome, Jerash, Jordan) - Given by spearhead that changed into sand


  • Spearhead Pile of sand

*** “technically stolen, potentially ancient, magimystically charged [spearhead]” ,
*** “About 8 inches from the tip of the triangle… to the part of the base… It’s no more than about an inch and a half wide at the widest point of the triangle.”
*** “There aren’t any significant markings other than the layers of dirt and rust”
** Now its just a pile of sand after using a method akin to dousing

    • Paintbrush Pile of sand Paintbrush

Okay! Good news and bad news.
Good news: Something happened!
Bad news: I need to vacuum.

I tried out the compass idea (also, thanks for the sigil, @Grimangel53!), and at first it just seemed to kind of dangle there. I guess my knot wasn’t strong enough, though, because it slipped off of the string, the tip hit the table underneath, and the whole spearhead turned to sand. You know. As one does. :upside_down_face:

All that was left was a slip of paper with this printed on it:
321624.3"N 355326.4"E

Gonna dump all of the sand in a ziploc or something for safekeeping once I get it cleaned up. Not sure it’ll be of any more use now, but it can’t hurt to hold onto.