How Have You Seen Your Guild Affinities and Abilities Manifest?

Anyone who has seen a barista make a siphon will be quick to agree that brewing coffee is a form of alchemy.


Still a much loved form of alchemy and among my favourite crafts. Making a siphon, pour over or delter bring me a lot of joy as does the power of a well blended old fashioned or negroni. :pray:


i went to a coffee bar in orlando, and i can confirm that coffee brewing is alchemy.


I actually saw the Gossmere affinities: Therapeutics and Trusted Confidant play an active role earlier in my day.

I was talking to my best friend, the kind that would help you feel better in anyway he could even if it meant taking the pain himself to help ease your burden. Earlier something was off and at first I brushed it off as nothing because it started the way we normally joke around but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

He told me he was contemplating suicide. He told me he thought he was a burden. He told me he didn’t think he belonged here anymore. He exhibited almost every sign of depression I know about.

I panicked long-story written in short. Suddenly I felt a calm wash over me and proceeded to help show him that this simply wasn’t the case. I fought tooth and nail for him to realize this. I almost asked some of you for help. Finally I said something that got through to him. At the end he thanked me and we fell back into a rather normal conversation.

I won’t go into detail about what was said as that’s not fair to him but it really threw everything into perspective for me. It showed me just how quickly important things can happen. I also now realize just how crucial it was to be at my desk at that particular time. It also showed me just how much respect I have for those of you who work in mental help and psychology.

P.s. I realize now I wrote this in a story like format but sadly this happen, but thankfully it seemed to turn out well and he seems to be doing much better.


For you @KingDAP @Saberlane @Sellalellen and @Rimor I have shared the aspect I mentioned.


Short answer here now:

I think I inadvertantly cast the Night of Endless Learning, as i appear to have passed through the last two (ish) years of magiq in the course of yesterday. Or i just Time Shifted…


The assessment put me into Flinterforge and Thornmouth the two times I tried it and I think I see magiq from both guilds working at once. I was recently editing a video (though this same thing actually happened a lot of other cases in retrospect) and was working through it really efficiently. By the time I was done, hours had passed but it felt like much less. Sounds like Many Hands and Time Shifting at work to me.


Okay, which of you time-shifter weather witches caused all the flight delays and storms between Colorado and Oklahoma, cause we need to have some words! I have been stuck in airports on delays and cancellations for the past 17 hours and this is not okay!


I dunno but I live in PA and the weather has gone from hot and humid to perfect!


I adore this topic and have been thinking about it for a while trying to find the best way to identify my experiences and put them into words. Reading the description of Ebenguard made me feel…understood, finally, on a deep level I didn’t know I was missing. Since then I’ve been seeing bits of magiq pop up everywhere in my life and recognizing not only where it’s popping up now, but where it’s always been is really comforting. Okay so the affinities for me:

  • Grim’s convergence - I am still not 100% on what this actually means, but I saw a story on another related thread by a fellow Ebbie talking about his interpretation that it means something along the lines of knowing destiny in some way. That part resonates with me, I can always tell (whether I ignore the feeling or embrace it) when something is truly right for me or wrong for me, what guides me towards my life’s purpose or takes me away from it.
  • Makepeace - I think I’ve always wanted harmony and balance, but I struggle with it a lot particularly regarding myself, so this is one that’s constantly being worked on for me
  • Truth and Calling - This one definitely resonates, I have always hated lying. I could do it if i really needed to, but in general it makes me feel so uncomfortable and just not right. I’ve gotten into a few rough situations with people because I have this compulsion to share my truth and push others to realize their truths, which doesn’t really work out well if people aren’t ready to confront that.
  • Combat Magiq - On the topic of confrontation, I’ve never been one to shy away from it. I always have had very strong guiding values and morals and will fight very fiercely for them no matter what. On a physical level, when I was a kid I wore the princess gown and held the sword. I always tried to replicate the action movie sequences and now that I’m older have gotten very into self-defense and kickboxing.
  • Sand and Stone Scrying - I’m really really drawn to crystals and rocks, I used to come home and hang up my coat and my parents would find the pockets just stuffed with stones and pebbles I found on the ground. I’ve always felt a connection and my current passion is collecting and applying the properties of crystals.
  • Evolutionary Magimystics - this one is fascinating to me, I’ve always been pretty intellectual and love science, i just unfortunately don’t think i have the ability to pursue it. Evolutionary magimystics though gives me that opportunity, and the past couple of years I’ve had huge amounts of self-growth, so i think that coupled by my lifelong urge to keep pushing myself to be the best version i can be (regardless how successful or not i was) speaks deeply to that

I know that was a lot, thank you for coming to my TED talk


I find myself being drawn and acknowledging my affinity of the Thornmouth’s Night of Endless Learning as I start to read something at an normal nightly hour and look at the clock and find myself to be at an odd nightly hour, of an example, starting my book at 7pm and finishing it at 4am, 360 pages went by in a snap. Of course that could also be the affinity of time shifting. Good book overall, and amazingly didn’t feel the effects of not having enough sleep under my belt the next day or that day, technically.


I actually time shift fairly often. I’m a delivery driver, and every now and again, little stretches of time will just seemingly vanish while I’m on the road. Sounds great doesn’t it? Being able to just skip through the work day like that? Well, there’s also a downside in that I’ve ended up running two red lights in the past couple days because of this. Just there in the car, listening to my tunes, thinkin 'bout all manner of things and then BAM! I’m in an intersection. Kinda terrifying when you can’t control your own abilities. ._.

I also have a habit of unintentionally sneaking up on people. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had people turn around and get startled by my presence before saying, “Oh! I didn’t hear you come in!”

Hopefully I can learn how to control this before I end up hurting myself. I seem to be doing alright so far though. Subconscious safeguards? Good luck? No idea.


What’s everyone’s take on number synchronicities. For two years now they come in waves, it’ll happen multiple times a day for a few months, then stop for several months, and return. No specific one though, it can be 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1010, 1111, 1212 etc. Never in ones or twos , it will be heavy for days and weeks on end, every day and then totally stop.


Number synchronicities are happening again, they always stop for a few months and then boom, back to multiple a day. 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1010, 1111, 1212 etc.


See I find I’ll see number synchronicities more regularly, but less at a time. Mainly 1111


I’m never sure if it’s a lead up to an event or a choice or trying to get me to act. They start up out of no where , then gone just as abruptly a month or so later.

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It does sound like theyre trying to tell you something! Which is awesome!


The “they” though !? :thinking:

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Who knows :thinking: i’d definitely say something wants to get a message across though