How Have You Seen Your Guild Affinities and Abilities Manifest?

Haha this:

Is a beautiful description to me of how magiq feels :sparkles:


It was kinda scared at the time. Next time I’m actually going to use some protective sigils or something. It felt…evil.


There’s a dream spell some of the long time Mounties have used that seems like it describes something similar. Before they do it I they put a nail through something meaningful that anchors them to the body so that whatever nasties can’t pull the dream self away from?


That spell, I believe, is “wrought magiq” - it takes some of the (little remaining) magiq in the world, destroys it, and re-purposes it. I wouldn’t cast that one lightly, or again at all really after what I saw floating out there.


Yeah we really don’t want to be messing with wrought magiq until we know how to bring it back


I took part in that spell. Do not recommend. It was actually really scary. Those shadow figures kept me awake for a week.


@Sellalellen, @BrokenVoid, @Augustus_Octavian what @flybat3 mentioned about an experience they had reminded me of what I read from your posts about that dream spell. Definitely not recommending it but offering some connection to what they experienced?


When I first took the assessment, some kind of anomaly I guess put me in Flinterforge, which makes sense because for months now I’ve been obsessed with my new hobby of blacksmithing/bladesmithing and I’m pretty good at figuring out why something is not working and doing an improvised fix.
But, out of curiosity, I took the assessment again, and again, and again… Evertime now, I am Ebenguard. I just can’t answer the questions any other way, which is why I say an anomaly must’ve destined me to Flinterforge first. But I am at heart (or always have been) Ebenguard.
On that note, Combat Magic. I’ve had an understanding of energy all my life and have been studying it or meditating on it most of my life. But alot of what I’ve learned has been though dreaming. Usually in the dream a teacher of some form would come and show me how to manipulate energy a certain way. I even learned the word “ascetic” in a dream, describing a power that I can infuse into objects to make them stronger. In one dream I learned how to counter someone squeezing a pressure point by fortifying the point with an energy “counter pressure”, which I also used in the waking world while training martial arts when I would get hit or thrown.
Anyway, sorry for the super long post. And I have to get my butt to work!


To add to my previous post, I had another dream in which I was fighting these “spirit creatues”. I kept trying to physically hit them but with no affect. So of course the teacher was there and he showed me that in order to damage or defeat the creatures, I had to hit them with my spirit! I had to infuse my strikes with my spirit. This technique I haven’t yet used in the waking world.


Practice centering, grounding, and “feeling” your surroundings. When you are able to do those at will, instantly, and all at once, you will be able to “travel” easier.
That’s the technique I would use in my ‘dreaming’ days. At the verge of sleep I would create a spinning or rocking feeling to “lossen my mind”. Then I would visualize a place and “feel” myself there. I would feel the ground under my feet and feel my surroundings and center myself just like in the waking world and I would be ‘there’. Wherever ‘there’ was. Some call it lucid dreaming but back then I called it conscious dreaming.


Ok, one more that I remembered! And this one I believe is very important. I once dreamt or had a vision. I can’t remember how it came to me but its in my notes. In the vision I saw a bunch of devils or demons. The I saw a person radiate Love in a sort of energy explosion, and the devils disintegrated! And the phrase “be a love bomb” came to mind. In my notes I have a sketch of that scene I saw in my mind. Demons disintegrating in a "love explosion":innocent:


I got a little laugh reading this as I have found that getting tattooed is calming and rejuvenating for myself. I totally agree with how the affinities manifest differently based on the individual and life experiences. For me designing and getting my tattoos has always been a manifestation of Assembling Runes as a Flinterforge.

As a kid I always was always drawn to reading and drawing. I would endlessly draw Runes and patterns summoning them fro some deeper unknown source. I think much of my youth was shaped by my more Thornmouth traits with affinities like Tome Kindling, Time Shift and the Peering Arts allowing me to be absorbed in books and to be able to sense the unseen presences.
The something changed; my father died when I was 11 and I was told I was responsible for my little brother. If I made a mistake I’d break him. With that much of me changed. I think as I took on my new sense of responsibility my affinity to being a Thornmouth faded and my bonds to being Flinterforge solidified. I always knew I would be tattooed but I didn’t understand until I designed and committed the first the magiq I was binding to myself, the wards I was marking. There is a degree of Artificer’s Whim in each tattoo too as the ink is always the right colour and even after injury or fire has restored to exact form. Since being a child I have often fixed things be it small things like toys as a child to car engines and equipment the roastery at work. I can always find or make a part, always find a tool and can solve the issue. All through high school I was guided as if by some unseen had to take more practical classes; cooking, sowing, metal and wood work, auto and electronics. Skills I have found satisfaction in later in life.
I have been a school teacher, a coffee maker and a cocktail bartender and I can tell you that Artificer’s Whim, Alchemical Transfigurations and Many Hands are guiding affinities as you craft and transform drinks and ideas into new wonders. Anyone that has drunk a good filter or a well made Old Fashion knows that more then a pinch of magiq is needed in the binding


I will admit a strong curiosity about Combat Magiq.

Blockquote On that note, Combat Magic . I’ve had an understanding of energy all my life and have been studying it or meditating on it most of my life. But alot of what I’ve learned has been though dreaming. Usually in the dream a teacher of some form would come and show me how to manipulate energy a certain way. > Blockquote

I spend a lot of my personal time and energy as part of movement culture. To be more specific jiu jitsu, boxing, cage fights and yoga. It’s a far cry from my academic youth.
It has also been the closest place I have found to a spiritual home and house of learning. Each drop of blood, each broken bone or dislocation a test and lesson. I often spar with opponents 10kg or more beaver and against more skilled opponents. I do this for the struggle and the ego death. It forges your being.

I’m fascinated reading people’s experiences of magiq flowing into life’s facets


I do miss the martial arts. Magiq aside, sparring with a more skilled opponent, with real danger in the mix, is one of the best ways to learn, although in my case I dreaded it every time because we were always exhausted first doing drills and other training for hours. But that paid off one Saturday when we decided to start fresh and go right into it. Everything was so effortless on my part.


@KingDAP it definitely is an addictive environment. I think people still struggle to reconcile my mannerisms and nature out of sparring and in. As I devote more of my life to walking this path the more innate it feels to move and fight. I an acolyte to the belief that it is better to be a warrior in a garden then a gardener in a war. My state of calm is deep and resounding because I know it is a choice I make. Every day I have the capacity to choose a different nature but not the need.

At some point I should maybe write a little entry in perhaps in the area “Finding the Way” but I always prefer the passive role as support and a passive expression of magiq or martial intent. I find an affinity with characters like Uta from Tokyo Ghoul or Iroh from Avatars, always ready for a conversational tea or game.
I’ll leave writing anything too serious or personal until @Saberlane @Viviane @Tinker @Sellalellen @SabineBean @Revenir or @Rimor feel it appropriate or appealing. Until then I’m more than content reading :blush::pray:


And, also until then, I will eagerly await as I find myself enjoying your writing so far.:ok_hand:
I feel I may learn something from you.


@KingDAP I’m honoured :pray:t2:

I have sprinkled a few pieces here and there regarding my beliefs and values. I appreciate the craft of others here and sit student. If I can offer anything then I humbly accept.


@Calm that sounds like a good topic idea to me!


I have written a small piece that I think ties things together but I am not use to giving so much of myself.


Ooo I love this question, being a Thornmouth I also fall into that category in other kinds of tests: Ravenclaw, Myers-Briggs, etc. There’s a new one I really liked called the Sparketype test which distinguished me as a Maven (learner/studier) rather than a Teacher — which I thought was really interesting because I’d never made that distinction before so that was some food for thought.

I have a friend who explained magic as anything that she personally couldn’t explain, so it included technology of all kinds (i.e. cell phones) because to her understanding turning the torch on your phone on is no different from Harry Potter uttering lumos. I see the flaws in that approach (“cell phones can be explained while wands can’t”) but I also like it because it gives the people around you the power to “do magic”.

So in that sense (and apologies if this is abstract) the Thornmouth Magic that I like to wield is in storytelling — weaving together different pieces of knowledge and information to that place where the unknown meets understanding and the “magic” that occurs in figuring something out. I think I wrote somewhere else on here that I’m playing with tarot cards at the moment, not for divination, but to tell stories with the Archetypes of the cards and the magic of that story (related to you) guiding you to think about something in a new or more measured way. Or if I’m teaching a yoga class and I guide someone to engage a muscle they don’t usually engage and see the magic of them moving in these to-them impossible ways.

Maybe its magic, maybe its celebrating nerdery. Whatever it is I feel my affinity for my guild. :slight_smile: