Fragment Nine: Galifanx

The summary for fragment nine will go here. @Robert, @Brendon, @Crytter, you ready?

Our journey into the cosmos began with a message from a surprising source, Lauren Ellsworth. The new Cagliostro found a message in the copy of Seven Cradle Songs that she ‘borrowed’ from the Morgan Library, and she reasoned it was meant for us. It was quite a shock to the mountaineers to learn she knew all about us, but given the scope of her new powers not too hard to believe. Leaving us the clues to the next fragment and a message wishing us well. We haven’t heard from her since.

Our path ahead lay in six riddles and two journal pages. Each page contained three blank discs on them. It quickly became apparent astronomy and science would play a large part in this Fragment, as all of the riddles tended towards constellations, scientists and their discoveries. With each riddle solved, another missing piece of the journals came into being. In the end we had six circles composed of letters and black holes, each with the symbol for a different planet on it.

Several different ways of stacking these discs became apparent. Testing each method and looking through the black holes on the page to the discs beneath led to the names of six constellations. Following the trail of constellations through the Book of Briars led to the sixth constellation, and our ninth fragment, Galifanx.


I can work on that in the morning.


How do we get involved again? Free time this week and I’d love to be any kind of help.


I´m quite out of the world the next two weeks but after the easter holidays i will start drawing :wink:


Hey @OracleSage, we’re crowdsourcing the recaps so you guys draft what happened in the fragment and what happened with Deirdre during fragment nine so new players can catch up fast. I think we ALSO need recaps of the assessments.


First draft posted in first post. Fell free to change, edit or embellish as usual.


I am more than happy to start on the assessments. I have some time tonight, so I could probably get one, if not both done. I also would love the chance to write some choice words about the second assessment ;)… kidding… kind of


Videos are on their way :wink: