Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

That’s brilliant! I wonder what would happen if it did?


Probably be able to keep everything we’ve gained and stay together, maybe even open the book with both times!!!?!


Now Id love to see that!
I agree its probably related with us and the book.


Would be great if we could find of a way of communicating more effectively.

But yeah, we need to start working on a reply so we can edit as needed before 4. How’s this for a start?

"Hey Augie,
Don’t worry about us, we don’t seem to be getting any attention here luckily. We’ll keep alert though.

You may be gald to hear that we made a lot of progress on the fragment actually. So a couple of us decided to focus on the letters under the grid and began rearranging them. Viviane, the mountie I mentioned last week, got them to make sense. “Cut into strips on solid lines. Weave the timelines togther. Past horizontal. Vertical Present.” We think the page you sent us is the “past” refered to, so it seems you’re rigth about missing half. We’re currently looking for a page which we’re assuming will be named “Now”. Did these pages come directly from the book?"

Any questions you guys want to add about Dawson? Or anything else for that matter?


Have we asked for a list of his works? Besides FODG?


Not a bad idea. Augie said all of Dawson’s books are out of print now, but… Who knows what he’ll have waiting for us out there?


The instructions were definitely a team effort, @Nimueh. You can mention me if you want, but I feel sorta…awkward about being the only one? :worried:

In retrospect, the phrases might make more sense if the directions “vertical/horizontal” came before the instruction to weave.

Also, didn’t the Lost Athanaeum entry mention another of Dawson’s writings: The Myth of Elainnor? If I remember right, that was how we found his website for the constellations in the first place. Not sure it’s useful now, but we know he published at least one other thing.


I tried to help y’all out and thought maybe we needed to read the page we were given differently. It seems to be a dead end though.


Maybe it’s a good idea to ask him if he knows where one would be? It’s been over 20 years since the 94 Mountiees, so he might be able to find a copy better than we would.


Sorry Viviane, I’ll change it if you’re not comfortable with it. I was trying to do as we suggested a while back and add other names in the mix. I thought it would be good in case we did end up helping Ascender, or if this carries on until we get the next key in case I’m not here (which I think could be possible, but sincerly hope not so we can communicate more freely).


I think it’s a good idea, but obviously whatever Vivi is comfortable with. And Crytter as well, I’d say.


No, if you think it will help that’s totally fine! You did mention me before. Although I do feel that Crytter deserves a mention for this one, as well. :slight_smile:


Nice work, everyone. I knew you’d have it all figured out by the time I got back :wink:


Questions of Dawson:

“I remember Dawson’s name coming up recently, along with ‘The Myth of Elainnor’. Do you know it? We didn’t realise he was connected to the Forest of Darkening Glass! Shame to hear it’s out of print; you don’t happen to know somewhere we might get our hands on some of his works? I think a few of us here would love to read them.”

Any other questions we want to put to Augie?


I think we’ve got the makings of a solid message right now. He won’t interpret the question about Dawson as anything more than talk about books, hopefully.

AND sending him our work on what he sent us will be a lot.


Maybe ask Augie if they have made an progress with the protection spell?


This is perfect, Nimueh!


Basically the inital thought of making a text out of the scrambled letters came from @Robert - furthermore I won´t be there as a spokesperson because I live in a totally different time zone and can´t be active so regulary like many others … don´t worry, it is ok to mention you, for you made the full sentence ^^


Has anyone figured out the second clue page?


Based on fragment 9, the prevailing guess seems to be once we do ‘something’ , like maybe weave together the grids, then something will show up in the blank circle.