Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

Also if possible, can someone place a picture of the original clock thats not in the reply?

Edit: The one with 4,5,6,8,9.


Thanks! :heart:


So are we gonna try and crack this before we send our reply?


Going to put some info when I get back.


@Rimor, we should definitely send Augie the updated page tonight, I think. However, if anyone has an idea that they believe they could make some headway with tonight, it would make sense to wait a little while longer and see what we come up with.

Side note: I’m being a little cautious about undoing the figure-8 loop on the strip since that’s seemingly what caused the pages to fill in. I guess it wouldn’t change where the clock faces sit in relation to the letters and times on the strip, but I might keep at it this way for now, just to see if anything works differently.


Okay so here’s my thought. There’s obviously something to do with the rhymes on both pages, so I tried and this is as far as I got.

First thing I did was wrote down both rhymes, easy enough. Then I seperated them out to see if there was something to do with how many words repeated and the clock, which got me no where.

Secondly, I saw that the arrows where all numbered, so I tried seperating the words to see if it got me somewhere. The way I did this was by starting with the word point at and ending before the next arrow’s word.
So it reads: 1. And chime, 2. Clock cut, 3. The the the time yet, 4. Began, 5. Down down down hickory line mouse, 6. Struck the the to up was, 7. Did done, clocks, ran right run she the the the.

After this I went through and removed any word that was in the line. For instance, the is used 8 times in our set of rhymes just like the it’s used as the first word for the second sentence in the original rhyme or that down is used twice in our set and the original. (Some of these are a bit far-fetched,I know.)
So it looked like this, going in the order using the numbered arrows: And chime, cut, time yet, began, line not she shut, was, done longest, did done, clocks, right she.

I’m for sure your able to make a message out of this, I’m just not for sure if I’m missing something.

Edit: If you want my thinking process behind it explained, I’d be happy to.


Wait, y’all. Are the arrows…pointing at the words? Each arrow looks like it points across the clock face at one of the paired words: 1 → Acorn, 2 → Caterpillar, 3 → Wine, 4 → Vinegar, etc.


They are pointing to words in the rhymes, but not to the ones on the outside, even if you try to match them up.


They kind of do…

1 Acorn--------|
2 Caterpillar-------|
3 Wine------|
4 Vinegar–|
5 Oak------------|
6 Adult-----------|
7 Tragedy–|
8 Comedy–|
9 Butterfly----------|
10 Child---------|

So 1-5, 2-9, 3-4, 7-8, and 10-6. Kind of has a pattern to how they match up too (I tried to draw lines).


I don’t understand the 1-5, 2-3, 3-4, etc.

Edit: I used it on my attempt at decoding and it almost makes a sentence.
"And chime - line not she shut, cut - clocks, time yet - began, done longest - did done, right she - was.


So, if you draw straight lines across the clock through the Hickory rhyme words, we think each arrow points to a word. In that case, the number pairs are for each set of paired words: 1 (acorn) and 5 (oak), etc.


Well, those words are in the past and future. Acorn, oak, child, adult, caterpillar, butterfly, wine, vinegar, comedy, tragedy?


At any rate, have we sent our clock to Augie yet?


Not yet, and I’m not sure we’ll get any further tonight. Maybe we should work up a draft?


A drafts a good idea. It seems to late now for us to get any further.


Definitely yes to a draft/sending.

I tried a different way of putting it together (I put the infinity back together and cut out the centers of the clocks).

When reading where the arrows are (presuming that it’s coincidence that they seem to point to the past-present words around the outside) it looks like it says LATITSELEN (which looks a lot more like something than what I got earlier). I’ll see if it comes up with anything else switching clock faces (I have our clock on present timeline).

Edit: The other way makes no sense again. Definitely a vote for our clock on present.


Draft for Augie, with the new page attached:

Hi Augie,

Viviane again. Our journal page also changed! I’ve included an updated copy that you can pass along to Tink and your Mountaineers. We’ve cut out the clocks like the previous instructions indicated, and we think that the tabs should allow the clock faces to sit on each side of the figure-8 strip. We also noticed that the 5 words on your clock pair with the 5 words on ours (a child, in time, becomes an adult, et cetera). Unfortunately we haven’t gotten much farther than that.

We’re all fine here, still. Hope you’re staying safe. Nimueh mentioned that you’d had a “crazy day” late last week. Was it something related to the Mountaineers? Anything we can do to help?



Sounds good! The bit about our clocks fitting on either side may read a little vague (could be interpreted as one in top circle and one on bottom rather than sandwiching one section, though I’m sure they’ll figure it out).


Yeah, I was trying to think of a good way to explain without attaching pictures, since messaging the 90s with high-quality digital photos seems…well, a bit unwise. Any ideas for how to word that bit?

Edit: “We’ve cut out the clocks like the previous instructions indicated, and we noticed that there are 3 tabs on each clock face, and three dashed spaces on each edge of the figure-8 strip. We think the tabs fit into the dashed spaces on each side of the figure-8 strip.” Does that seem clearer?


Maybe something about the clocks fitting in one bigger circle with an empty smaller one that kind of gets in the way?

Now that I think about it, maybe that gets sandwiched into the whole thing as well, it may match up with where the rhyme was! I’ll have to check in the morning.

Edit: I wasn’t going to be able to sleep without checking, it doesn’t fit that way unless we’re supposed to cut something else.