If we’re all agreed on the message, I’m gonna send it with the scetch and @Ashburn’s photos…
Ye it sounds great!
Damn, I can only add one file! I’m gonna have to just send the sketch I think…
I still say we need the sketch… I’ll put them togather now and get the message sent.
Okay, message sent with images of our progress and the sketch.
Ahhh I’m sad I just caught this, because I think you can send pdfs - thus allowing you to send multiple pictures. You could also use photo editing software to combine the pictures. But we can always do that next time if we need to.
For reference, I combined the individual photos of the new pages into a single .jpg file with Paint, and that also seemed to work just fine.
You all made amazing progress today!
@Deyavi Great call, asking Deeds about that!
Have we figured out how this affects what we’ve learned so far?
So we have a wierd scrambled version of Hickory Dickory Dock in the middle. Not all the words though. Maybe this has something to do with how we use the clock?
5, 6, vinegar, butterfly, comedy, oak, adult, 4, 9, 8.
There are 3 spots with dotted lines around the outside. There are simmilar boxes on our letter squares, eh?
I wonder what the arrows point to. I probably won’t be around to solve the puzzle so I’m trying to make as many observations as I can.
I wonder if the timestamps line up with any of the words or arrows here
The dotted lines go all the way around. Maybe it’s meant to be cut out?
Maybe you need to cut it out like you said and then place it over the Chronocompass? As the protruding dotted boxes seem to line up with point on the Chronocompass
I’ve asked Deirdre to check and see if the second page she found in her journal has changed