Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

Smart. It never hurts to try as many things as possible


Okay I don’t know if I’m being stupid here but shouldn’t there be two pieces? A 1 and a 8? Like in the picture? Can someone explain this for me :joy:


I think the arrow is saying to turn the twisty 1 into the 8.


I think it might be transform the strip into the twist…like the bit in between is an arrow?


“Use the clocks”?


Okay so I am being daft! The picture is instructions telling us how to get the answer! But still that one still looks too short to be made into that eight. Also I noticed that the arrow has a butterfly on it. An infinite loops is very apt as we are connected to the past and them to us in one nice loop!


OKay, so now that we have those figure of eights, what now? How do we use the clocks? What are the dashes for? Sorry, just the questions currently running through my mind…


I liked my idea to not have the 03:04 overlap at the center, until I realized that 03:04 on the Then page and 15:04 (translated to 03:04) on the Now page, taking those words using the line:word thing makes the center say Silver Way.

So now I’m back to Team 03:04/15:04 at the center.


So Deirdre has to follow the way of silver to get to Neithernor like her mother? Remember Sullivan said you are your mother’s daughter!!


So the cutout dashes…do they reveal anything if you start rotating the center from one point?


I was thinking about that, its called a Mobius Strip, it is often seen a symbol of time travel. As seen in this comic


I could totally be under-thinking, but if it is just a doodle I wouldn’t be too worried about the scale matching. I don’t have printouts, though, so I can’t test anything out to prove/disprove that


You’re probably right and im just being a little OCD :joy:


I tried placing (the best I can with a springy infinity loop) it on the pages side by side, and the cut outs that have times on them seem to match pretty well to where the hour hand would be pointing for their times (14:12 and 20:05). That’s with the majority of the letters facing down.

Edit: I had 14:12 on the Then page and 20:05 on the Now page.


OKay, not sure how much further we’re getting tonight/today, and I’m eager to message Augie with our update and to ask him what’ happening there. Do you guys want to wait a bit longer?

Edit: Draft message?

So we found something we overlooked previously; a picture telling us how to shape the loop. I’ve attached it so you guys can take a look for yourselves. We think you make the 1 first, then turn it into the 8. Not sure what it does though as we can’t seem to find anything new with it, but we’re thinking the centre of the 8 is the 15:04/03:04 times. The clocks and dashes are still bugging me though, not sure what to do with them…

Oh my! Did something happen? I hope you’re all okay there! If there’s anything you think we can do to help, please just say and we’ll try our best.

Stay safe,


I’m not sure if the last paragraph is correctly placed in the message. It just kinda doesn’t flow properly


Okay, I’ll see about altering it. Brain a little frazelled and flow wasn’t particularly in mind lol. But this is why we make drafts :smiley:

"Oh my! Did something happen? I hope you’re all okay there! If there’s anything you think we can do to help, please just say and we’ll try our best.

As for our fragment progress, we found something we overlooked previously; a picture telling us how to shape the loop. I’ve attached it so you guys can take a look for yourselves. We think you make the 1 first, then turn it into the 8. Not sure what it does though as we can’t seem to find anything new with it, but we’re thinking the centre of the 8 is the 15:04/03:04 times. The clocks and dashes are still bugging me though, not sure what to do with them…

Stay safe,

Sound better? Not really sure myself… If someone else wants a go at it, feel free to edit yourself!


Are you planning to attach pics of the finished ones people did?


I dont think its a good idea, they didnt have iphones or androids back then


I was thinking about it. I mean, we could have taken the photo, developed it and scanned it in…And we showed them our untied loop last time. If I did attach pictures, I think @Ashburn’s first 2 would be a good idea, they’re very clear.