Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

I’d done some of that too, they just didn’t seem to make enough clear sense to write them all out as I rushed out the door. :sweat_smile:


I thought you might have, just wanted to share the little bit of it I did myself lol :slight_smile: And yeah, not much sense there… Plus I’m still wondering how we use the dashes we cut out. Why is that important?


I don’t mean to be a wet blanket. But I think the numbers are just a hint at the first set of instructions.

Look at the number of letters in each word.

a. Cut into strips on solid lines. - 3 4 6 2 5 5
b. Past horizontal present vertical. - 4 10 7 8
c. Weave the timelines together. - 5 3 9 8

I think the dashes and what we do with them are the next bug ‘ah ha’ moment we need.


Whew, alright. Looks like we’re still missing something.
I still think something will appear on the pages when we make a certain amount of progress. Personally I’m still hoping for clocks, but I guess we’ll know when we get there.
Some thoughts while stuck on the Metro this morning: Do the times on the timeline mean anything else? None of the numbers, even in the minute positions, are greater than 24.
What does it mean, “This is the present timeline”? I know the weave said they were one instruction, but how do those things relate?


An idea from what @Viviane said. What if we need to think of this like a timeline? The 94 Mountiees had the first part in the past, Deidre had the second in the present, maybe we need to ask someone in the future? Or maybe someone in-between Now and The 94’s?


I don’t have my circle with me (didn’t want to fold it to bring it with me), but if we put the circle around a clock, do the cut outs match with numbers? I’d try the cut right behind the beginning of the messages at the 12.


I’ve got mine here, though it’s hand drawn and slightly less accurate then it should be, but I’ll take a look.


Okay, so with the message going anti clockwise (so it can still be read), the times I could see were 12:19, 01:19, 02:59, 08:11, 09:23. Of course, as an analog clock, this could be either am or pm.


Brief list of arbitrary facts I’ve observed while staring at the “present timeline” puzzle hoop:
There are 24 large squares in the circle, with 10 unique times shown on the outside.
If you cut the dashed bits out, they create 6 notched areas in the circle that, while not evenly spaced from one another, alternate in a pattern of one top and one bottom.
The values of the times are still nagging at me, too. I just don’t know what they could tell us.


Maybe the two rings fit together like cogs in one big clock?


two rings? Are we thinking the '94 mountiees have a different one?


Ye thats what im assuming. Sorry I should have made that a bit clearer!


Do we want to send a picture of our ring and see if they are the same? maybe a flattened one so they can use it?


Ye that might be a good idea! we can even ask them if theirs is the same


I was personally hoping they’d get or see a second ring. Since ours says ‘This is the present’, I thought maybe they’d have a past one.

I’m a bit at a loss what to do with the one we have.


well, we’ve never seen theirs and they haven’t seen ours, so there’s still a possibility that they are different. We’ll just have to see really. If anyone is going to make a ring, can someone take a picture of it spread out so we can send it?


I attached a piecemeal picture of mine when I first laid it out.

I also stapled mine together, so I could always remove one of them and take another.


Okay, so…

Still getting nothing much new here. We did have an idea though. We were wondering if your loop and ours are the same? Someone said that there was a chance things got changed when the pages were exchanged through the net, and right now it seems like our only lead unless we’re waiting for the text pages to change. I’ve attached a picture of ours.


Anything anyone wants to ask in addition?


Augie did say they got as far as we did, but I sent him the precise text of our results, and he didn’t seem to indicate any differences. I suppose its possible that the position of the dashed bits changed, but I kind of doubt it.
Veteran Mounties, there was a puzzle with blank spaces like this during Fragment 9, right? What triggered filling those in? Can we think of anything similar to that in our current set of information?


In Fragment 9, the pages were accompanied by a number of clues or phrases. Once we determined what the answer of those clues were, the blank places were filled in