Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

nice thinking.

as for the placees she could go, didnt the return letter say something about the AGP building? could it be something that needs to be investigated again


Based on the words you got I don’t know if that’s going to help, but it’s an extremely clever idea to try. We should definitely keep this idea in mind.


Question: did you account for the hour hand moving from the direct point as it goes through an hour? (As in at 1:15 the hand won’t point at 1 exactly)


The best I could, yes.


could we try putting the chronocompass in the circle?
i feel like some of them would work.


Not sure how we would get anything from it with what we have to work with, but here you go, one chronocompass in the hole:


This might be dumb, but maybe we don’t ask them to send us the book directly…but we could ask them to leave it somewhere? Put protection spells on it and hide it for us and hope it doesn’t get moved between '94 and now? And give that location to DG?


Like a second book existing in our time?
I’m not sure how that would work, but its a brilliant idea!


I wasn’t here at the beginning, so I’m a little fuzzy on how we got our book…so as long as it doesn’t mess up how we got the book…


Chances are we’re messing up how we get our book anyway, seen as if the 94 mountiees survive we won’t ever get together, so…


I don’t think it would be a second book. Just our book? Except I don’t know what would happen to our book if we did that.


Any chance we’ve come across a duplication spell? :joy:


Dawson is definitely a prime candidate, given their role in arranging all of this. I think another suspect might be Sullivan? He’d still be alive, and he’d naturally have all the access to the Ackerly Green files, so it’s a possibility. (Assuming he left the Ramble at least some of the time)


From what I can tell, the Book we have is the same book that they had. That’s why it is such a big deal that ours is burned: it’s the only one. If we don’t open the book now/in the past, then there won’t be any chances to try and open it again since there won’t be a book to open, just some crispy book bits. Plus, magic is running out in this world, which would make it even harder to try and open the book even if another book could be sent to a future group of Mounties. To my understanding, our Book is the only Book of Briars, and is the same one the '94 Mounties had, which is why it’s a big deal that ours is destroyed. We’re the Council’s last hope to open this thing, that’s why they’ve gone to such extreme lengths to keep us safe (plus Sullivan convinced them to).


hm… If is it Sullivan, we might get the next page from the journal Deirdre has, we just need to send her to the right place and hope it changes.


I’ve been quiet about my opinion on this, but I think if we do this bridging the gap time spell and form sorta with 94 and open the book together that we won’t lose each other or anything we’ve build and discovered. But that’s just the gut feeling I have.


I agree @Smurfette
I don’t honestly think anything could break the bonds we made. For now lets just focus on solving this fragment, a lot more may become clear as we forge ahead.


OKay guys, we’re coming on three hours before we can message Augie back. I don’t see too many questions or things that we need to tell him. Now’s the time to say what you’d like asked. If we want to send the other protection spell someone mentioned, we’ll need a pdf of it to attatch to the message. So, over to you guys…


I have a fairly frivolous request. Augie seems to need a bit of calming down. Can we tell Augie that a wise person once told us to ‘Trust the flow of magic.’

We’ve all been using that phrase a lot and it first came from him. If he’s never heard it before, it would scratch a personal itch causing a neat closed time loop that he got that from us, and we got it from him. If he has heard it before, then his own words might get through to him where ours might not so easily.

Other than that, just tell him we have a lead on the Now page, and we’re waiting for one of our own Benefactors to get back to us, hopefully very soon.


I think thats a really wonderful idea!
Augie is about to go through a lot and there isnt much we can do about that, lets make sure his life work wasnt in vain.