Fragment 13 (Official): INLAUDETUS FOUND

I agree with Robert that it’s still too soon to panic and jump ship. I’m afraid for them, but we aren’t helping them by freaking out or doing something reckless.

Where else can Deeds go?

Where else can we look?


Right now, we need to focus on trying to get this next page. So, he said it came from someone called the Benifactor. Any idea where we would start looking for this guy, which site we might want to be trying to open, or other locations to send Deirdre to get the journal to show another entry?


Maybe we should ask more about the Benefactor? But it may lead to a dead end. Whomever they are doesn’t seem to exist today, so they either looked along with the 94 lodge or ¯_(ツ)_/¯.


They don’t seem to know much about thier Benefactor. It sounded to me like the communication between them and the mounties was pretty one way


They won’t need to protect the Book. The Council will do that, and the 94 Mountaineers will fall in its place. That is how this ends in our timeline, although we don’t know how our minimal interference now has affected it.

And I don’t think so at all, but this may just be a difference of opinion. If we’re working toward the same goal, it makes sense we’d want to protect it. And as far as they know we have been actively working toward the same goals. That’s what we told them. That we have been making progress coinciding with theirs but were mysteriously unable to receive communications with the Book. So, I feel that helping to protect them is consistent


We don’t have much to work with here at the moment so maybe we should focus on finding locations for Deirdre.


There isn’t much information at the moment and I feel like we’re pounding our heads against a wall trying to get through. We need a new approach or something else to focus out efforts on.


All that said, 5 is right that we may want to figure out who the Benefactor is as some point.

My gut tells me it’s Dawson. But… I’ve been wrong before.


Okay, I think you’re right about pounding our heads here. Maybe we should all go take a break, maybe get some sleep for those of you that stayed up for the reply, and come back at this with fresh eyes later. We have plently of time before we need to reply, so let’s take so time to think and see what happens.


You have the right idea. 4am squad should try to get some rest, and the rest of us should step back and take time to clear our heads.


Yeah I guess I won’t be much help in this state. Night Mounties!


Goodnight, Sel. Sleep well!


We need to pull the book through time.


I’m not sure that strategy will work - it sounds like the Council is doing all they can to protect us (versus the Book). Bringing a second Book to our time would only stretch the Council too thin, leaving us vulnerable or leaving it vulnerable.

If we stay here and the Book stays there, the Council has enough power to keep both shielded from the Storm.


I think that we need to try to find out more about the benefactor and maybe contact them somehow? I think to do this we need the other page.


Maybe we need a solid list of locations to offer Deeds?
(Can you all tell I’m a big list maker?)

Also I agree with a lot of my fellow leaders, getting those stripes should be our number 1 priority.


Last night @Augustus_Octavian suggested to her to try Central Park and the NY Public library today. Hopefully she can hit those today.

It couldn’t hurt to have more locations as backup after that if those fail though.


What about that bridge that had to do with one of them? Have we tried there? (By tried I mean asked her to check/go there)


Maybe it’s not just places but also people who unlock parts of the journal? Also what about the most important place, her father’s grave?


With the waiting game that seems to be happening with the Now half of the first page, I thought I’d take a look at the second page.

I tried to see if there was anything that a filter would reveal (no dice), then tried putting a clock face in the center, maybe try to get a message from where the clock hands would point at the different times on the first page. Doesn’t make much sense now, but depending on what we get from the Now page, it may turn out to be something.

Here’s what I got:
20:05 - mundane wonder
15:04 - [blank] wonder (w in wonder)
15:04 - [blank] wonder (w in wonder)
14:12 - a [blank]
14:12 - a [blank]
20:09 - mundane as
08:14 - with [blank]
05:05 - in wonder
21:01 - [blank] far?
20:19 - with the

And here’s what I did, if anyone wants to see if they can fine-tune it to get something more sensible out of it: