Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Two

Glories can also mean a halo, nimbus, or aureole. The glowing clocks seem to fall into the category. So that fits in with the clock theme that these answers hinge on. So it could be 8 (for meters) or 26 or 27 (26.5 rounded up and down).

EDIT: hmmm, but are they asking for the height of the clock itself or how high it is off the ground?


They encompasses the 25th story, the 26th story, and the 27th story of the Metlife tower. I wouldn’t really know which number to use. I have said the 25th because that’s where the base would be, but it could be any of the three if that’s the way we are looking at it. I looked at that in feet which is like 250 or something like that, which I don’t believe is the answer to our problem

I am also more inclined to think of the physical tallness of the clocks because we already have a clue looking at the height/amount of stories of a particular building


Hey gang! Sorry not been much help on this one. I’ve taken a look at the clock at 14th and 8th av on Google maps: Google Maps

The clock has the same design on both sides.

EDIT: so 8 bees and 2 doors


@Tom 8 bees, yes, but I really think "ways into this place "refers to the station, I mean a clock isn’t really a place, more of a thing. Yes it could be referring to the hive too, hell, I don’t know.


So either 10 or 12 - either way it’s two numbers I guess,


So if we are back to 12 or 10 it would be -

We could technically brute force it if someone wanted to call 20 numbers :wink:

  1. My useless ass finally got the stream to start uploading after teaching myself how to convert files types

  2. I’m willing to get over my phone anxiety to call like 20 numbers if it ends up being necessary.

  3. y’all are really inspiring to fix my sleep schedule I need to catch up again


I will call the numbers or split them with someone. Enjoy route home now so like 30 minutes away


Can we narrow it down at all - if we know we’re only looking for a single digit number, what makes sense in the MetLife clue? As @Mike says - 8 for 8 meters or 4 which is the diameter of the clock in feet according to this site - Inside the Clocktower | Scouting NY


Should we wait till 7 to start trying numbers?

Edit: also video is uploaded


Probably, then later we can try again at 10, if anyone is up!


I’ll be up, it’ll only be 7 in my time zone


@Robert and can you also please call the number that gave you the “this party is not accepting calls at this time” response? I believe it was 646-882-7833


Well I’m going to start now. It’s impossible to call all 20 numbers in a 1 minute span. Maybe we can find it or weed out some bad numbers.

Edit, and yes I have an alarm set to go off at 7 to tell me to call back that other number :-)


One question: Have we come to a consensus about what to do about the Devoted situation? Just to completely say screw them? Because now that I’ve went back to Reader’s last post… I don’t think she’s coming back. At least, with the “Good luck Mountaineers. I hope I helped. Beat her to the end, okay?” it doesn’t sound like it at all.

Edit: If we are saying screw them, I would loooove to give them a little piece of my mind :angry:


It’s a difficult situation… They’re actively hiding the document that was used to solve the cloister puzzle…which is kind of suspicious. Like, how do they expect us to solve it without that information?

If we do say screw them and Reader’s not coming back…then I think that means we have to beat the Devoted to the remaining puzzles. Otherwise we’ll for sure get no disks or documents. If we fudge the answers out and pretend to play along, that does give us some leeway, but… I dunno, are we ready to beat them at their own game?


I say we continue to play along, at least until we know for certain we’ve gotten everything we need. It’s kinda fun knowing they’re being deceived.

Try to manipulate them back yanno?


Reader did say to pretend anything we learned from her we learned on our own. I say it can’t hurt to let them think we’re following behind them blindly. I say give them the cloisters and tell them we figured out based on the 7 gifts story.

Also, first 10 numbers.

646-880-1233 - verizon wireless telling me call cannot be completed
646-881-1233 - ring woman answers…no english
646-882-1233 - ring no answer no machine
646-883-1233 - google voice answers for some dude - doubt Brandon set up google voice
646-884-1233 - ring … someone answers … wrong number I woke a cranky woman.
646-885-1233 - ring … cisco unity connection directory automated system answers…maybe we can find someone in their directory Doubt this is it
646-886-1233 - ring … machine picks up. person called has not set up their voice mailbox yet
646-887-1233 - fax machine
646-888-1233 - verizon wireless telling me call cannot be completed
646-889-1233 - verizon wireless telling me call cannot be completed

I’m being called to dinner, I’ll do the next 10 in a bit unless someone feels brave.


I think we play along for the time being as well. We aren’t ahead of them yet, and like Robert said, Reader told us to play along

EDIT: I don’t mind posting some story about coming to the conclusion of the Hunt of the Unicorn in the public forum if we need


Oh jeez! You guys did a lot while I was gone. I checked halfway through school, but no one had said anything. Man, I wish I had this much time on my hands. I’m gonna get my self caught up tonight after some last minute homework. I’ll be sure to talk soon.