Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Two

Good thinking! If it helps at all, here’s the lyrics to the song. Maybe the words mean something?


I am trying to see if I can find the sheet music for the piano part of the song, and count the notes, or keys pressed or something along those lines… some way to give us a number. Every website I have found only gives me the first page of the song though


You’ll have to buy the digital version of the sheet music for that, they don’t give that stuff out for free :smiley:
(not legally anyways :wink: )


So this is a side bar, and I am sure you have all read this, but within Grand Central Station is a place called “Campbell’s Apartment”. I won’t get into the history of it too much but it was once John Campbell’s office where he had a pipe organ and a piano installed, among other things. The fact that he installed a piano and pipe organ seems to be a pretty common thing mentioned in articles.

I haven’t found anyway to relate it back to the couplet, but I will continue digging.


I’ll post what I get from the devoted just a bit after 3:33 hopefully.


Alright my dudes, in case you haven’t looked at the public thread, the devoted just sent something.
“We are close to completing the third trial.
You have not finished the second.
We will only send more materials when you complete the second trial.
You are not adhering to The Timeline.
We will continue without you.
If we are unable to reach him it will not be our fault.
It will be yours.”
Any thoughts about what to do now?
They really are about to make me mad you know.
Edit: There’s also another timer going. Five days.


I just read what they said prior to this last e-mail

Should we fabricate a story about how we got to the Cloisters disc and send them the number on it?


But how? How do we come up with something like that? What do we say?


Well, crap. Weren’t they supposed to send the cloisters clue? I kind of feel like now they’re just trying to make us fail. :sweat:


Well we can talk about the 7 offerings of the Rochenfausltuywe (I don’t remember the last name) family, and that they relate to the Hunt of the Unicorn tapestries which are housed at the Cloisters. Then we say we will send someone there, @H3RM3S will need to get his deception face on and say that he went and found the disc, takes a picture, posts it on the forums and we email the number on it? or the picture of it?


Yeah, that’s reasonable. We can say that while doing research we noticed the cloisters had 7 tapestries that match the 7 gifts and on a hunch we have someone check it out.

Edit: Or we can just figure out the phone number and find the 3rd disc first and screw them.


I’m not sure which is the better option. I mean, I’m sure Reader wouldn’t stop giving us the information but its a huge risk for her, if we just suddenly knew all about the 3rd disc. Still, I don’t know if I want to play these games with them anymore.


Well let’s return to what we know. There’s a grieving mother out there that would like to see her son again. I for one want to help her. Since we can’t be sure what the devoted’s plan for all this anymore, or trust their motivations, we have to do it on our own.

I’m accepting all phone numbers at this point. You come up with it, I’ll call it.

Here’s what I’ve tried

646 888 7833 (88 keys, 87 stories told at the end of Runaway Skyscraper, 4 bees +4 exits)
646 885 0833 (88 keys, 50 stories to the Met Life building, 8 bees/exits)
646 888 1233 (88 keys, 8 stories, 12 bees/exits)

Let’s finish this.


Are we still sure about the 88 keys? I feel like it makes sense but its like everything else makes sense too. There must be something we’ve missed


Nope, not sure about 88 keys. I give it a 6 on the scale of 0 being absolute uncertantiy and 10 being metaphysical certitude.


I feel like this is the one riddle that doesn’t make it entirely clear what it is we are looking for. The number of keys? Gate numbers?
I was looking around, and apparently pianos didn’t always have 88 keys, older ones have 85, some digital pianos have only 76, and I think one kind has 96. Maybe that helps?


That’s a lot of numbers to try, but it helps.

Also, I’m pretty convinced now that the Leinster lines refer to the MetLife tower. My question is what are it’s ‘Shining glories’? That’s oddly plural.


My original thought is that the tower has four clocks, one on each side of the tower, and I believe they are illuminated. That’s why I was looking for how high up they are (25 to 27 stories high). The full line of the couplet says:

“Inside there’s more than single stories, but how tall are it’s shining glories”

EDIT: Maybe it means how tall the clocks are?

EDIT 2: Hmm… just looked, they are 26.5 ft tall or 8 m.


That seems to be the case. The link that @Leigha posted also mentioned a “gilded cupola” (whatever that means) that they call the “eternal light” because it never goes off or something like that. This picture shows it, and the glowing clocks.


Yeah I’m with you there Brendon.

I’ve now tried

646 882 5833 (88 keys, 25th floor, 8 bees) just rings
646 882 6833 (88 keys ,26 feet high, 8 bee) just rings
646 882 7833 (88 keys, 27th floor, 8 bees) ‘The party you are trying to call is not accepting calls at this time’ Interesting, I’ll try again at 7pm.

But keep the guesses coming.