Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Three

That’s true, and I mean, if the Devoted are still watching us, they’ve already seen that post Nova made, so I don’t know if its worth trying to keep everything secret.
(if we do keep it all in secret, maybe its best we have a new private message for just this new page, keep everything less diluted with the other stuff here)


A screen shot of all the questions from the game.


I dunno. I really am getting tired of being tied to a single thread on such an elegant message board as this. I’m tempted to move back to general population.

On the other hand… Brandon says the fragment is burried at the end of this. What if that’s literal and something is burried and they get to it first?

I could go either way. I would suggest, that if we move back to the general boards. The phone number, and any direct transcription of what is said on future messages there, remain purely in this thread and no where else. Just in case. No point giving them all the answers.


It is problematic, but I vote for going back to the main thread simply so that new recruits can follow along (at their peril of course). It must be very weird to know things are happening but find radio silence on the main threads. But @Robert, you make a good point. Let’s keep the numbers sequestered here and if a new recruit wants them one of us can PM them.


When this is all over I’ll make this thread public so intrepid recruits can catch up on this saga. :sweat:


Is it possible to split up this thread? Maybe we could break it up into chunks so it’s not like, a super daunting over 700 replies thread. o-o If it was split up between the cloister stuff, then the stuff that led us to the phone booths, and then the stuff we’re doing now, then it might not be quite as lengthy.


Good idea @Revenir.


Did anyone call at 10pm last night? I was caught up in stuff and forgot.


If you read my post on the main forum, the “other things” I mentioned would likely refer to Brandon’s messages to us. I think not accessing “the forest” side of The Book of Briars lets us regroup and focus on what we know.

Also, this has no bearing on the rest of the fragment as this has already been solved, but it had been bothering me since we found the number we needed to call. We didn’t know where the “3” came from and how it related back to Runaway Skyscraper. I think I may have figured it out. The clocks on each side of the Metlife Tower are three stories tall. They encompass the 25th, 26th, 27th stories. That’s what I came up with anyway.

We can all carry on with where we are at now.


That’s a good reasoning. I think you’re right.


Hey @Endri, @Crytter just messaged me about how he wanted to share what he found to all of us without putting in the public forum, but he can’t reply to this message. I think you might’ve taken him out of it!


@TheBellsAreRinging, @Crytter, remedied!


I wonder why theforest part of the book of briars was “taken down”. Maybe the book knows we aren’t ready and didn’t want us to just brute force it through (even though that would’ve take forever haha)? I dunno, but I’m thinking that either Brandon’s copy of The Forest of Darkening Glass (the one that was stolen from him) or some more of his notes (possibly the ones that got lost on the Great Lawn) gives us the correct storyline. It’s mentioned that he wrote some weird stuff in a library book, so maybe he indicated his chosen path inside that copy. Only problem is… Where is that copy? Who has it? Who were the people who attacked him?


I should’ve known she had people watching me. Watching all of us. So we’re screwed, basically. I haven’t slept in almost 48 hours as it is, but then I hear from a friend inside… Sacha figured out the clock riddles. She found the phones.

They didn’t work. The numbers just rang. No message. No recording. No Brandon.

So who do you think she blames for that? Me. And all of you.

The good news is she can’t jump ahead of you because Brandon either picked whoever solved it first or he just picked The Mountaineers. The bad news is she’s probably going to try and catch up to you in less ethical ways. You have to understand, she’s been on this hunt for thirty years. And you just cut in line. She is relentless in her search for him.

Whatever happens on the 29th, we can count on her not being far behind you. Good luck. Find Brandon. I’ll be under a rock, far away from here. And her.


Stay safe @Reader and thank you.


Alright, so I guess it isn’t time to return to the public forum. Let’s hope she doesn’t kidnap CRSumner. I suppose we should be wary of new members too.
Be careful @Reader, you’ve helped a lot.


stay safe @Reader

well, do we have access to some of those notes for brandon’s stuff?
cause thats what we should be trying to figure out methinks.


I still think we should still keep that payphone stuff especially the final peice of audio closely guarded since that’s what she seems to be after. maybe we could instead throw them off by putting a fake version of what was in that call in the public.


Thanks guys - catched up now ^^ - but the thin I found was in the phone picture with the riddle text (a tryptichon home altar - shown in the cloisters) - you are far ahead of the cloister stuff now :wink: